159,952 research outputs found
This research was conducte to find out the effect and optimal percentage of adding Zn and Cu
proteinat supplement product of fermentation by Saccharomyces cerev s ae in the ration on internal
quality of the broiler.The experiment use 125 broiler day ol chicken with a Completely Randomize
Design.The ration treatments were R0 (control),R1 (99%R0 +1%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R2
(98%R0 +2%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat),R3 (97%R0 +3%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)and
R4 (96%R0 +4%supplement Zn and Cu proteinat)where each treatment was repeate five times and
each replication consiste of five broiler chicks.Variable analysis were body cut weight,carcass
percentage,liver relative weight,and the content of cholesterol broiler meat.Conclusion of the research
showe that by using 3%of Zn and Cu proteinat supplement substrat in the ration gave the best internal
quality of broiler,increase body cut weight,carcass percentage,otherwise liver relative weight and the
content of cholesterol broiler meat were normal.
Keywords :Zn and Cu prote nat supplement,rat ons ,bro ler nternal qual t
Fonologi Bahasa Abun Di Kabupaten Tambrauw Provinsi Papua Barat
Abun language is a kind of native language in Tambrauw Regency, West Papua Province. This language belongs to group of Non Austronesia language. This study is qualitative one and using descriptive method in order to get complete description of phonology of Abun language. There are three stages in this study. They are data supplying stage, data analysis, and presentation of data analysis result stage. The aim of this study is to describe Abun phonology, especially phonemes in Abun language as well its distribution and phonotactic. The result shows that Abun language has 26 phonemes which is divided into 16 consonant phonemes and 8 vowels phonemes. Furthermore, Abun language has eight diphtongs and fourteen consonant clusters
Mathematical Language of Suku Abun in Tambraw Regency of Soutwest Papua
The Abun tribe is located in Tambraw Province of Southwest Papua. There are a number of Abun tribal cultures that are closely related to the context of learning mathematics. However, educators in eastern Indonesia have not seen much of this culture as a context that can be used as a starting point in mathematics learning. Thus, this study aims to explore the mentioning of number words in the Abun tribal language that can be used as a starting point in mathematics learning. The study uses source ethnographic studies of library studies, field observations, and interviews with sources who understand the Abun tribal language well to clarify and/or provide greater understanding of the results of the literary study collected. The results of the research showed that there are a number of mathematical words used by the community of Tambraw in the Abun tribal language that can be used as a starting point in learning mathematics. This mathematical language includes the mentioning of numbers from 0 to
Testing The Physical Properties of Various Onggok Balance with Tofu Making Liquid Waster as Alternative Feed Ingredients
Onggok is a by-product of tapioca flour processing which can be utilized by adding tofu making liquid waste. This study is to determine the difference and the best balance on physical properties, namely specific gravity, stack density, and stack compaction density. Carried out at the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Chemistry, Padjadjaran University. The study used an experimental method with a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) using five treatments and four repeats consisting of P0 (2 kg onggok: 0 liters of tofu liquid waste), P1 (2 kg ongdok: 2 liters of tofu liquid waste), P2 (2 kg onggok: 1 liter of tofu liquid waste), P3 (2 kg onggok: 700 ml of tofu liquid waste), and P4 (2 kg ongdok:Â 500 ml of tofu liquid waste). The results showed a noticeable effect (P<0.05) of physical properties testing. The P2 treatment produced the highest value in the specific gravity test of 1.111 g/mL, the P1 treatment produced the highest value in the pile density test of 0.237 g/mL, and the result of the stack compaction density in P1 of 0.282 g/mL. This study concluded that the addition of tofu making liquid waste can increase pile density and pile compaction densit
Model Berdayakan Muallaf Lazismu di Daerah 3T, Suku Abun di Kabupaten Sorong
Zakat Institution Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah Sorong regency is a zakat institution or zakat collecting institution that serves in community empowerment activities through productive utilization of zakat funds, infaq, wakaf and other generosity. One of its flagship programs is the construction of the Abun Tribe of Sorong Regency. The construction of the Abun tribe continues as a form of Lazismu's concern for vulnerable groups (muallaf). The purpose of this research is to describe the contribution that lazismu has made in the development of muallaf Abun tribe of Sorong district. This research includes descriptive-qualitative research data excavated using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. After the data collected, qualitative data analysis is carried out using Miles and Huberman analysis. The results showed that: Muhammadiyah da'i program, social service activities: Eid al-Qurban activities, spraying disinfectant during the Covid-19 pandemic. Lembaga Zakat Infaq dan Shadaqah Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Sorong merupakan lembaga zakat atau lembaga pengumpul zakat yang berkhidmat dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pendayagunaan secara produktif dana zakat, infaq, wakaf dan kedermawan lainnya. Salah satu program unggulanya adalah pembinaan muallaf Suku Abun Kabupaten Sorong. Pembinaan suku Abun tersebut terus dilakukan sebagai salah satu bentuk kepedulian Lazismu terhadap kelompok rentan (muallaf). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsilam kontribusi yang selama ini telah dilakukan Lazismu dalam pembinaan muallaf suku Abun kabupaten Sorong. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif data digali menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Setelah data terkumpul kemudian dilakukan analisis data kualitatif menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : program da’i Muhammadiyah, kegiatan bakti sosial: kegiatan idul qurban, penyemprotan deksinfektan selama pandemi Covid-1
Effect of Additional Feed Supplement Fermentation Shrimp Waste Extract on Digestibility in Sentul Chicken Growth Phase
This study aims to determine the effect of adding feed supplements of fermented shrimp waste extract in the ration on the digestibility of local chicken rations in the growth phase. The research was carried out in Jatinangor District as well as the Laboratory of Ruminant Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Chemistry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang. The method used in this study was experimental with a Complete Randomized Design (RAL). The data were analyzed by fingerprint test (ANOVA) with further tests using the Dunnet test. The object of this study consisted of 20 Sentul chickens raised from the age of 1 day to 12 weeks, divided into 5 treatments and 4 tests. The treatment consists of P0 = Basal ration without the addition of feed supplement fermented shrimp waste extract, P1 = Basal ration + 0.5% feed supplement fermented shrimp waste extract, P2 = Basal ration + 1.0% feed supplement fermented shrimp waste extract, P3 = Basal ration + 1.5% feed supplement fermented shrimp waste extract, and P4 = Basal ration + 2.0% feed supplement fermented shrimp waste extract. The changes observed are the digestibility of dry matter, the digestibility of organic matter, and the digestibility of proteins. The results showed that the addition of feed supplements for fermented shrimp waste extract had a significantly different influence on the digestibility of dry matter, the digestibility of organic matter, and the digestibility of protein. This study concludes that the addition of a feed supplement of 2% fermented shrimp waste extract in the ration can produce a high ration digestibility value for Sentul chicken in the growth phase
Penentuan Kecernaan Ransum Mengandung Ampas Umbi Garut (Maranta Arundinacea Linn.) pada Ayam Broiler dengan Metode Pemotongan
Suatu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kecernaan ransum(bahan kering, protein kasar dan bahan organik) yang mengandung ampas umbiGarut telah dilakukan selama dua minggu, mulai tanggal 15 sampai dengan 29Juli 2002. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan RancanganAcak Lengkap dengan empat perlakuan ransum (R0 = ransum basal = ransumtanpa tepung ampas umbi Garut; R1 = 95% ransum basal + 5% tepung ampasumbi Garut; R2 = 92,5% ransum basal + 7,5% tepung ampas umbi Garut dan R3= 90% ransum basal + 10% tepung ampas umbi Garut). Setiap perlakuandiulang lima kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tepung ampasumbi Garut.. pada tingkat 10% dalam ransum (R3) nyata (P<0,05) menurunkannilai kecernaan ransum (bahan kering, protein kasar dan bahan organik)dibandingkan dengan perlakuan R0 (ransum basal). Rataan perlakuan R0, R1 danR2 tidak menujukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata terhadap semua peubah yangdiamati. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa tepung ampas umbi Garut.. dapatdiberikan sampai 7,5% dalam ransum ayam broiler, yang ditunjang oleh datasebagai berikut: (1) Nilai kecernaan bahan kering ransum = 81,52%, tepungampas umbi Garut = 74,80%; (2) Nilai kecernaan protein kasar ransum =74,78%, tepung ampas umbi Garut = 66,35% dan (3) Nilai kecernaan bahanorganik ransum = 84,64%, tepung ampas umbi Garut = 74,99%
Prebiotics(BAS) (Bacillus sp., Aspergillus n., and Sacharomyces c.) as Feed Supplement on Nutrients and its Effects on Digestibility Value of Fish Feed
Feed quality shown from level of digestibility can affect fish growth.Some of omnivorous fish have complete digestive organs as a place to live abiotic and biotic ecosystems in the form of living microflora. Growth performance can be improved through the addition of exogenous microflora as feed supplements to help produce simpler components of food substances (amino acids, fatty acids, simple sugars, organic vitamins and minerals). The microflora tested consisted of bacteria Bacillus sp. and fungi (Aspergillus Niger and Saccharomycescereviseae) with optimization of its prebiotic bioprocess conditions (bioprocess temperature, inoculum dose, and bioprocess time). Furthermore, to see the quality and value of benefits of feed supplement products, measurements were taken of their digestibility.The experiment was carried out experimentally in a laboratory in two stages. The first stage, using a nested design (3×3) which was repeated three times. The second stage used a completely randomized design, consisting of six ration treatments and repeated four times. The variables observed in the first stage: nutrient content (crude protein, crude fibre, extract ether, calcium and phosphorus) of prebioticsBAS; second stage: digestibility of dry matter and crude protein.The data were subjected to analysis of variance, and the differences between treatments were tested by Duncan's multiple range test.Conclussion: The following results were obtained the best bioprocess conditions for making PrebioticsBAS from Bacillus sp. was a dose of 2% with temperature of 45oC, and fermentation time 2 days, while Aspergillus Niger 2% at a temperature of 35oCalong 2 days, and Saccharomyces cereviseae 2% with a temperature of 35oC, and fermentation time 2 days. The use of a mixture of three types of microbial each a much 1.5% in the ration, resulting in the best digestibility value in fish. The dry matter and crude protein digestibility valueof PrebioticsBAS were respectively 76.07%, and 75.28%
The Effect of Chitosan Addition to the Digestibility of Dried Matter, Organic Matter and Crude Protein of Tegal’s Duck Rations
The optimum performance of duck farm can be achieved by providing them with good quality rations. Rations with good digestibility will increase the productivity due to large amount intake of nutrients. Chitosan is type of animal fibre which assisted the growth of useful microbes in digestive system. Addition of chitosan in cattle rations will improve the ecologic of duck digestive system to be more conducive. The aimed of the research was to evaluate rations digestibility with the addition of chitosan. The research was used completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. Each repetition consists of 2 ducks. The treatments are R0 stands for rations without chitosan and R1-R3 with addition of chitosan 0.5%, 2% and 2.5% respectively. Parameter measured were dried matter digestibility, organic matter and crude protein. Data processing was conducted by using SAS Windows 16. Result showed chitosan addition at 0.5% and 2.5% gave dried matter digestibility and crude protein does not higher than control (P>0.05) while chitosan addition at 2% gave result lower than control. Organic matter digestibility displays balanced in value.Keywords: Chitosan, Dried matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, rations
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