48 research outputs found
Eggplant is a plant that requires appropriate organic fertilization to produce quality fruit. Research on the effect of applying solid organic fertilizer on growth and the level of productivity of local eggplants is the main focus, especially related to growth and yield. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth and productivity of local eggplants against the provision of solid organic fertilizer carried out in paddy fields in Jember. The method used is a completely randomized design (CRD) of two factors, the first factor is the variety factor with 5 levels while the second factor is the factor of solid organic fertilizer consisting of 4 treatment levels so that there are 20 treatment combinations. Each treatment was repeated 3 times, so that there were 60 experimental unit units and each experiment unit consisted of 4 plants. The first factor is pruning with 5 levels including V1: eggplant Phiton, V2: Demak Ijo eggplant, V3: Bonar eggplant, V4: Rondha eggplant and V5: Inayah eggplant. The second factor is the treatment of solid organic fertilizer using 4 levels including P0: without solid organic fertilizer, P1: compost, P2: animal dung (kohe) goat, P3: cow kohe. The results showed that the interaction between eggplants with the trade name Inayah (V5) with the treatment of organic solid fertilizer for cow dung (P3) had optimal number of branches, productive interest and fruit weight. Local varieties of eggplants with the trade name Inayah (V5) have an optimal effect on plant height, number of leaves and productive fruit. The treatment of cow manure (P3) solid organic fertilizer has an optimal effect on plant height and productive fruit.
Keywords: Germplasm, Local Eggplant, Organic Fertilizer
Pengaruh Lama Penyinaran Cahaya Led Terhadap Induksi Pembungaan dan Hasil Buah Naga (Hylocereus Polyrhizus)
Tanaman buah naga termasuk tanaman hari panjang sehingga untuk menginduksi pembungannya setidaknya diperlukan penyinaran lebih dari 12 jam atau lebih dari waktu normal matahari muncul hingga terbenam. Buah naga umumnya berbunga pada bulan Oktober sampai Maret dan di luar bulan tersebut tanaman tidak berbunga atau memasuki masa off-season. Kondisi off-season akan menjadi peluang bagi petani buah naga untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dikarenakan harga jual buah naga di masa off-season relatif lebih mahal dibanding harga normal pada musimnya. Sebagi upaya untuk mengatasi kondisi off season pada tanaman buah naga perlu dilakukan induksi pembungaan dengan memperpanjang lama penyinaran menggunakan cahaya lampu LED. Diharapkan akan diperoleh lama penyinaran tertentu yang mampu menginduksi pembungaan serta meningkatkan hasil panen buah naga guna memenuhi pasokan buah naga di masa off season. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Juli 2022. Lokasi peneitian di lahan buah naga di Desa Lidah RT 03 RW 08 Dusun Lidah Kecamatan Gambiran Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas empat perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Perlakuan percobaan terdiri atas : 1. Kontrol (tanpa pencahayaan) (S0), 2. Pemberian cahaya LED tambahan 3 jam per hari (S1), 3. Pemberian cahaya LED tambahan 5 jam per hari (S2), 4. Pemberian cahaya LED tambahan 7 jam per hari (S3). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian tambahan cahaya menggunakan lampu LED selama 29 hari sudah mampu mendorong terbentuknya bunga pada tanaman buah naga dan pemberian cahaya tambahan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap variabel jumlah muncul bunga, jumlah bunga rontok, Fruit-set, jumlah buah, berat buah dan grade buah
Pengaruh Pemberian Vermikompos dan Pupuk KNO3 terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) pada Lahan Kering
The use of dry land for shallot cultivation in Indonesia is still not optimal because it is considered as land that has no good potential for crop cultivation. Dry land problems include limited availability of water, low organic matter and soil nutrients, especially potassium. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the response of vermicompost and KNO3 fertilizer to the growth and yield of shallots on dry land. The experimental design used a factorial randomized block design, doses of vermicompost (5 tons/ha, 10 to/ha, and 15 tons/ha) and KNO3 fertilizer doses (0 kg/ha, 114 kg/ha, and 228 kg/ha). Parameters observed included plant height, number of leaves per hill, number of tubers per hill, tuber diameter, weight of fresh tubers per hill, weight of stored dry tubers per hill, and tuber moisture content. The results showed that the interaction between the application of 10 tons/ha of vermicompost and 114 kg/ha of KNO3 fertilizer had a significant effect on the parameters of fresh tuber weight per clump and dry tuber weight stored per clump. The single treatment of vermicompost at a dose of 15 tons/ha had a significant effect on plant height, number of leaves per hill, fresh tuber weight per hill, and dry tuber weight stored per hill. Single treatment with KNO3 fertilizer dose of 228 kg/ha had a significant effect on the weight of fresh tubers per clump and the weight of stored dry tubers per clump
The Impact of the Implementation Three-Step Interview Cooperative Learning Model in Mathematics Learning Toward the Learners’ Activities And Outcomes
This study is motivated by the issues found in observations at school, where the daily teaching activities carried out by teachers show that; teaching and learning activities are classical, the teacher only stands or sits in front of the class, the direct relationship between the teacher and students is rare, and students tend to behave passively, such as coming, listening, reading and writing. To overcome this issues, the researchers conducted a research by applying a three-step type of cooperative learning model interview in learning mathematics in the class. The purpose of this study is to reveal the activities and learning outcomes of students after applying the three-step interview type cooperative learning model. From the results of the study it was found that the learning activities of students during the application of the three step interview cooperative learning model increased at each meeting. Thus it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students with learning by applying a three-step interview type cooperative learning model is better than those who do not apply the techniques
Kajian Produktivitas dan Kualitas Kedelai Varietas Baluran Berdasarkan Ketinggian Tempat Penanaman [Productivity And Quality Study Of Baluran Variety Soybean Based On Growing Location Altitude]
Kedelai Baluran adalah salah satu varietas unggul hasil peneliti Universitas Jember yang dilepas pemerintah Republik Indonesia dengan SK Menteri Pertanian Nomor 275 tahun 2002. Varietas tersebut berdaya hasil tinggi (2,5-3,5 Mg ha-1), berbiji besar (13-17 g/100 butir) dan berumur pendek (umur panen 80 hari setelah tanam). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkaji produktivitas dan kualitas kedelai varietas Baluran yang ditanam di tiga lokasi dengan variasi ketinggian tempat. Lahan penelitian adalah sawah dan lahan kering yang disawahkan. Sifat kimia tanah yang dianalisis meliputi pH (H2O), C-organik, P2O5, Kalium (K), Calsium (Ca), Natrium (Na), Magnesium (Mg), Kapasitas Tukar Kation (KTK), Kejenuhan Basa (KB) dan populasi rhizobia. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah polong setiap tanaman, produktivitas potensial/hektar, berat biji/tanaman dan berat biji/ 100 butir serta kualitas biji untuk pangan (kadar protein, lemak, abu, air dan karbohidrat). Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) sifa kimia tanah bervariasi (pH H2O rata-rata 6,5 , kadar C-organik sangat rendah hingga rendah dengan rata-rata 1,00 %, N total rendah hingga sedang dengan rata-rata 0,19%, P tersedia sangat rendah hingga rendah dengan rata-rata 13,46 ppm, KTK rendah hingga tinggi dengan rata-rata 21 me/100g dan KB rendah hingga tinggi dengan rata-rata 47,77% dan rata-rata populasi rhizobia 8,56), (2) keragaan tanaman bervariasi (tinggi tanaman 40,28 – 49,09 cm, jumlah polong/ pohon 27,50 – 63,67, produktivitas potensial 2,04 – 5,60 ton/ha, berat biji/tanaman 7,72 – 18,01 gram, berat biji/100 butir 14,15 – 16,71 gram) dan (3) kualitas biji varietas Baluran untuk bahan agroindustri pangan tidak kalah dengan kedelai impor
Pembelajaran dengan metafora merupakan pembelajaran yang mengubah konsep matematika yang bersifat abstrak menjadi konkrit melalui kegiatan menghubungkan konsep dengan materi yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peranan pembelajaran dengan metafora dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research), sedangkan metode  penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumentasi yaitu menghimpun informasi dari buku, jurnal, skripsi, tesis, dan website internet yang relevan dengan topik penelitian dengan cara membaca, memahami, dan menganalisis sumber-sumber tersebut. Sumber data yang digunakan berupa sumber data utama dan pendukung yang berasal dari penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil temuan penelitian yaitu pembelajaran dengan metafora: (1) dapat mengubah konsep matematika yang abstrak menjadi konkrit melalui kegiatan menghubungkan konsep dengan materi sebelumnya dan kehidupan nyata, (2) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa, (3) dapat memberikan semangat kepada siswa untuk belajar dan membuat siswa tertarik terhadap matematika, (4) secara tidak langsung siswa mengalami proses berpikir metafora melalui tahapan CREATE (Connect, Relate, Explore, Analyze, Transform, dan Experience). Berdasarkan peranan pembelajaran dengan metafora  akan membuat siswa lebih mudah memahami materi pelajaran dan menyelesaikan permasalahan yang diberikan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika siswa
AbstrakPerkembangan ilmu dan teknologi serta tuntutan kehidupan masyarakat di abad 21 di era digital, menuntut adanya upaya perubahan yang mendayagunakan berbagai sumber daya dalam proses pembelajaran di keluarga.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyiapkan generasi penerus yang sholih dan sholiah, generasi yang jauh dari penyakit masyarakat pada zaman ini. Peningkatan kemampuan orang tua (pendidik) dalam proses pendidikan di keluarga, membutuhkan suatu strategi agar seluruh komponen keluarga (Ayah, Ibu, dan anak-anak) terlibat di dalamnya. Berbagai langkah dan strategi pembaharuan yang dapat dilakukan di antaranya dapat ditempuh melalui pengkajian kembali aturan agama yang telah dihimpun dalam Alqur’an dan Hadits Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. Dalam makalah ini akan diuraikan aturan- aturan dalam agama yang perlu dikembangkan dan diamalkan dalam keluarga seorang muslim dengan harapan dapat mengantarkan orang tua menjadi sokoguru bagi putra-putrinya, sehingga pribadi orang tua tertangkap secara utuh oleh putra-putri mereka sebagai contoh tauladan dalam meniti kehidupan ini.AbstractThe development of science and technology and the demands of people's lives in the 21st century in the digital era, demands a change effort that utilizes various resources in the process of learning in the family. This research aims to preparing the next generation of sholih and sholiah, a generation away from the disease society today. Increasing the ability of parents (educators) in the process of education in the family, requires a strategy for all components of the family (Father, Mother, and children) involved in it. Various steps and renewal strategies that can be done among them can be pursued through the re-examination of religious rules that have been collected in the Qur'an and Hadith Rasulullah Muhammad Saw. In this paper we will describe the rules of religion that need to be developed and practiced in the family of a muslim in the hope of bringing parents into pillars for their sons and daughters, so that the parents' personalities are captured intact by their sons and daughters as exemplary models of life this
Increased public awareness of the importance of the availability of healthy agricultural products, including vegetables, must be supported by cultivation techniques and innovations. Cultivation of mustard greens so far still relies on the use of inorganic fertilizers as an effort to increase crop productivity. The continuous and excessive use of inorganic fertilizers not only has a negative impact on the environment but also health due to the presence of residues of hazardous materials that can be stored in plant tissues. The use of compost as a substitute for fertilizer sources in the cultivation of mustard greens is expected to reduce the negative impacts both on the environment and health. This study aimed to determine the possibility of using compost as a substitute for fertilizer in mustard green cultivation. The research is based on a Completely Randomized Design consisting of five treatments with four replications. The fertilization treatment consisted of: P1:1.4 g Urea+0.9 g SP-36+0.7 g KCl, P2:1.1 g Urea+0.7 g SP-36+0.6 g KCl+ 9 g compost, P3:0.8 g Urea+0.5 g SP-36+0.5 g KCl+18 g compost, P4:0.5 g Urea+0.3 g SP 36+0.4 g KCl +27 g compost, P5:0.2 g Urea+0.1 g SP 36+0.3 g KCl+36 g compost. The data obtained were analyzed using variance and if there were significant differences between the treatments, it was continued with the HSD test at the 5% level. The results showed that compost as a substitute for fertilizer could be applied in the cultivation of mustard greens. The addition of compost as much as 27 g/plant (3 tons/Ha) besides increasing growth is also able to increase the fresh weight of green mustard by 45,6%
Pengaruh Kombinasi Komposisi Media Organik dan Konsentrasi Nutrisi terhadap Daya Hasil Tanaman Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)
This research was addressed to study the effect of plant growth media composition and nutrients concentration on yield of Cucumis melo L. The research was designed in complete factorial test of 4x4 with three replicates. Mixed growth media of bokashi:cocopeat:husk charcoal were tested in four compositions, i.e. 90%:5%:5% (M1), 80%:10%:10%(M2), 70%:15%:15% (M3) and 60%:20%:20% (M4) respectively. The other tested factor was nutrients concentraion that consists of four levels, i.e. control/no nutrient given (K0), 2 g/L (K1), 4 g/L (K2) and 6 g/L (K3). The Action 434 variety of Cucumis melo L. seedlings were then transplanted into 10 kg's polybag and allowed to grow till harvested. The results showed that Chlorophyll content of M1 plants were higher than others, but the highest sugar content was resulted by M3 plants, and the highest thick of flesh fruit was resulted by interaction 60% bokashi:20% cocopeat:20% husk charcoal with 4 g/L nutrient concentration