651 research outputs found
Neural network adalah salah satu cabang dari Artificial Intelligent. Salah satu metode dalam neural network adalah metode backpropagation. Banyak aplikasi dari neural network diantaranya : untuk prediksi, pengenalan pola, identifikasi dan simulasi
PKM Kelompok Gula Kelapa Berkah Desa Sungai Kupah Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya
Kelompok Gula Kelapa Berkah di Desa Sungai Kupah merupakan salah satu kelompok penghasil gula kelapa dan buah kelapa. Ada dua permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Kelompok Gula Kelapa Berkah Desa Sungai Kupah, (1) kelompok hanya mengolah nira menjadi gula kelapa dan membuat minyak kelapa dengan cara pemanasan, cara seperti ini kandungan asam lemak pada minyak kelapa akan rusak; (2) ada banyak limbah air kelapa yang tidak dimanfaatkan saat pembuatan kopra dan minyak kelapa. Tujuan kegiatan adalah (1) untuk memperbaiki kualitas minyak kelapa melalui pelatihan pengolahan Virgin Coconut Oil dengan teknik penggaraman; (2) untuk memberikan pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah air kelapa menjadi produk kecap manis. Metode kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan pengolahan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) dan kecap air kelapa. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta pelatihan tentang pengolahan Virgin Coconut Oil yang tidak merusak kandungan asam lemaknya dan pemanfaatan limbah air kelapa menjadi produk yang bernilai tinggi seperti kecap manis, peserta pelatihan dapat memahami materi dengan mudah karena teknologinya sangat sederhana
The Koran is not just a reading for Muslims, but should be a guide for all mankind. To use the Koran as a guide, a correct understanding is required through proper interpretation of the Koran. One of the interpretive approaches that tries to reveal the interpretation of the Koran is the interpretation carried out by the great Sufis, also known as the Isyari tafsir. Isyari interpretation has a unique approach but does not contradict the meaning of the birth of a verse in the Koran. This article aims to explore the interpretation presented by Shaykh Najmuddin al-Kubra with the isyari interpretation approach to the letter Ba’ in surah al-Fatihah. The interpretation of the letter Ba’ which he presented provides a profound message framed by ethical teachings to Allah and His creatures
Analisis Perbandingan Kuat Lentur Beton Dengan Penambahan Accelerator
The purpose of this study is to determine the Comparative Analysis of Concrete Bending with the addition of accelerator. This research method was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Bojonegoro. This research method is carried out experimentally. The main object of this study is high quality concrete with an accelerator mixture of 0.3% of the weight of cement and high quality normal concrete. In this study, the type of concrete studied was a type of high-quality concrete, besides that testing the bending strength of concrete was carried out at the age of 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. The results of this study show that it is known that the addition of Accelerator by 3% (of the weight of cement per stir), affects the bending strength at the age of 3 days by 23% which is 3.47 Mpa, 7 days old by 14% which is 3.51 Mpa, 6 days old by 6% which is 3.60 Mpa, and 28 days old by 18% which is 4.18 Mp
Analisis Putusan No.39/Pid.B/2015/PN/Sit Dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Pembalakan Liar Ditinjau Dari Aspek Keadilan
The Illegal logging is an organized illegal timber use activity. This crime is usually carried out by more than two people in a certain time for the purpose of destroying forests and selling wood products illegally. In Decision No.39/Pid.B/2015/PN.Sit the defendant Asyiani was dropped by a criminal witness of illegal logging thanks to a special criminal offense. Where the defendant has carried out illegal logging on Perhutani's land. The problem with this research is What is the basis for the judge's consideration in Decision No.39/Pid.B/2015/PN.Sit regarding the crime of illegal logging and How due to the law of Decision No.39/Pid.B/2015/PN.Sit about the crime of illegal logging is reviewed from the justice aspect. The research methods used are normative legal methods that use primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials and data analysis. The results of the study show less precisely the judge's consideration in the case against the defendant and the legal consequences reviewed from the aspect of pancasila justice were less appropriate because the defendant was given a probation sentence in which the criminal act of illegal logging was one special crime. The author's advice needs to be done with fair funding according to the crime committed by the defendant and this problem can be resolved by deliberatio
Efektivitas Caisin Sebagai Tanaman Perangkap Patogen Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Akar Gada Pada Kubis
He research was conducted by observation on 5 plot kinds of cabbage planting. The plots consist of control plot with no planting Chinese cabbage, plot with planting Chinese cabbage as rotation plant on 38 day before planting of cabbage followed by manual eradication, plot with planting Chinese cabbage as rotation plant on 38 day followed by flooding for 14 days and soil tillage, plot with mixcropping Chinese cabbage on the early growth stage of the cabbage, and plot with intercropping of Chinese cabbage on 14 days before planting the cabbage. The results showed that planting Chinese cabbage as trap crop of the pathogen followed by eradication of the infected Chinese cabbage effectively controlled clubroot intensity and significantly restored the partial yields of the cabbage
Potensials Interior Design to Meet Cultural Needs Transformed by Covid-19 Pandemic by Interior Designer in Yogyakarta
This research aims to explore the perceptions of interior designers in Yogyakarta about the potential interior designs that would meet the cultural needs of “new normality” following the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative. The study found that interior designers in Yogyakarta believed that 1) the changes in design would involve the spatial, human, and technical aspects. Since pace is a fixed variable and humans are independent variables, interior designers would cre- ate new spaces and utilize present-day technology to maximize the technical aspects of their design. They would also give more consideration to the element of health. The interior designers also believed that 2) all projects in the future would apply the principles of the next normal and take health into serious consideration. The prin- ciples of the next normal interior design, namely human-centered design, historicity culture tradition, and interdisciplinary sustainability technology would be relevant to the cultural context following the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the pattern of hu- man behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic may be temporary, so further research is needed to examine whether this habit becomes everyone’s culture and whether it needs more detailed study to prepare for the establishment of new design standards. Potensi Desain Interior dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Budaya yang Ditransformasikan oleh Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali persepsi para desainer interior di Yogyakarta tentang potensi desain interior yang akan memenuhi kebutuhan budaya “kenormalan baru” pasca pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Studi ini menemukan bahwa desainer interior di Yogyakarta percaya bahwa 1) perubahan desain akan melibatkan aspek spasial, manusia, dan teknis. Karena kecepatan adalah variabel tetap dan manusia adalah variabel independen, desainer interior akan menciptakan ruang baru dan memanfaatkan teknologi masa kini untuk memaksimalkan aspek teknis desain mereka. Mereka juga akan lebih mempertimbangkan unsur kesehatan. Desainer interior juga percaya bahwa 2) semua proyek di masa depan akan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip next normal dan mempertimbangkan aspek kesehatan dengan serius. Prinsip-prinsip desain interior next normal, yaitu human-centered design, historicity culture tradition, dan interdisciplinary sustainability technology akan relevan dengan konteks budaya pasca pandemi Covid-19. Namun, karena pola perilaku manusia selama pandemi Covid-19 mungkin bersifat sementara, diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengkaji apakah kebiasaan ini menjadi budaya setiap orang dan apakah perlu kajian lebih detail untuk mempersiapkan penyusunan standar desain baru
Scholars are campus members who have duties and roles as the nation's generation, such as doing assignments, discussing, havingaspirations, presenting, attending workshops or seminars, writing papers, and other positive activities that have a campus identity.Scholar empowerment is a form of empowerment that is carried out by someone on scholars, so that scholars have the abilities, skills,and help the economy that can be useful for the scholars themselves. Djava catering provides space for students as the main movers ofthe business wheel, giving responsibility and honing scholar soft skills. This study aims to identify the efforts, positive impacts, andanalize role of djava catering in empowering scholars. The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach,namely focusing intensively on one object with Robert K. Merton's structural functionalism theory as the analytical knife. The resultsshowed that scholar empowerment was not only carried out for culinary arts students but also scholars outside the culinary artsdepartment. Empowerment includes developing scholarly skills such as cooking skills, business pioneering and marketing, publicspeaking skills, decoration, and scholarly soft skills.Keywords : Catering, Djava Catering, Economy, Scholar, Empowermen
SIG untuk memetakan daerah banjir dengan metode skoring dan pembobotan (studi kasus kabupaten Jepara)
Banjir di kabupaten Jepara merupakan peristiwa yang terjadi setiap tahun. Penyebab banjir di kabupaten ini merupakan akumulasi dari beberapa hal yaitu tingginya curah hujan yang turun setiap tahun khususnya musim hujan, rendahnya ketinggian daerah di beberapa kecamatan, dan juga banyaknya jumlah sungai yang melewati kabupaten ini. Aplikasi SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis) yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk menyajikan informasi tentang pemetaan zonasi rawan banjir kabupaten Jepara, sehingga informasi daerah banjir beserta informasi tingkat kerawanan dan indikator banjirnya dapat digunakan selanjutnya oleh dinas pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk mengantisipasi dampak bencana banjir. Informasi spasial direpresentasikan dalam bentuk gambar peta, sedangkan atribut informasi spasial direpresentasikan dalam bentuk tabel dengan penggunaan parameter curah hujan dan nilai bobot yang berbeda dalam pemetaan kerawanan banjir di Kabupaten Jepara. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara digital menggunakan software ArcView3.3. Aplikasi SIG ini masih berbentuk data mentah dalam program arcview yang untuk selanjutnya dapat diolah kembali dan diperbaharui oleh dinas pemerintah sehingga dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan yang lebih baik
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