8 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Obat Pada Pasien Rheumatoid Arthritis Di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rsud Dr. Moewardi Surakarta Tahun 2018

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a bone disease that needs special attention to prevent mild disability such as joint damage or severe disability such as paralysis. Rational treatment is a key to the success of therapy. Irrational rheumatoid arthritis treatment can increase treatment costs and increase morbidity and mortality further so that the selection of appropriate therapy to achieve therapeutic success. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damages bones. Rheumatoid arthritis can occur due to dysregulation of the body's immune system to its systemic manifestations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rationality of rheumatoid arthritis treatment in terms of the right indications, right drug, right patient and right dosage in rheumatoid arthritis patients at the outpatient installation RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta in 2018. This type of research is non-experimental with retrospective data collection and using purposive sampling method that recording medical record data and samples taken according to inclusion criteria including outpatients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, receiving treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (DMARD or biological agents, corticosteroids and NSAIDs), complete patient medical record data. Data on the use of rheumatoid arthritis drugs were analyzed descriptively to obtain an overview of the rationality of rheumatoid arthritis drugs in rheumatoid arthritis patients at RSUD. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta in 2018 based on the Indonesian Rheumatology Association 2014, Pharmacotherapy A Pathophysiologic Approach 10th edition, Drug Information Handbook 2009 and the Indonesian National Drug Information. Based on the results of research on 30 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were obtained the right indications (100%), right patients (90%), and in 67 treatments obtained the right drug (100%), and the right dose (83.6%)

    Identifikasi Drug Related Problems (DRPs) Kategori Ketidaktepatan Dosis,Kontraindikasi Dan Interaksi Obat Pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rsud Dr.Moewardi Tahun 2018

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world and ranks number two as the largest cancer contributor to death. In breast cancer therapy patients get more than one type of drug (polypharmacy) this creates an opportunity for unwanted events related to drug therapy (drug related problems). This study aims to determine the presence of DRPs in the category drug selection, category dose selection and drug interactions. The research conducted was a descriptive non-experimental research with retrospective data collection using patient medical record data and the results of the study were analyzed using descriptive methods. Data taken from medical record data of breast cancer patients at Dr. Moewardi Hospital in 2018 and conducted quota sampling with sampling criteria is patients diagnosed with breast cancer, cancer patients who received chemotherapy, patients treated at inpatient installations, patients who have complete medical record data and patients who have laboratory data (SGOT, SGPT, and SCr) if the drug needs dose adjustment. Data were analyzed based on KSM chemotheraphy regimen guidelines in the RSDM medical oncology subdivision, guideline NCCN Breast Cancer Version 3.2018, Drug Information Handbook (DIH) 17th edition, European Medicines Agency, Medscape and Stockley’s Drug Interaction 8th edition. Results from the analysis of 71 patients found that there were 349 cases of drug related problems related to underdose of 127 cases (36.38%), overdose of 14 cases (4.01%) and 208 cases of drug interactions (63.80%). Based on the severity of cases the drug interactions were divided into minor 67 cases (32.20%) and major 141 cases (67.80%). Based on the mechanism of pharmacology, pharmacodynamic interactions 7 cases (3.36%), pharmacokinetic interactions 160 cases (76.92%) and 41 cases (19.71%) unknown mechanism. No drug related problems found related to contraindicated drugs

    Evaluasi Drug Related Problems (DRPS) Kategori Pemilihan Dosis, Kontraindikasi Dan Interaksi Obat Pada Kemoterapi Kanker Kolorektal Di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD Dr. Moewardi Tahun 2018

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    Colorectal cancer is a malignancy that occurs in the colon or rectum and most often occurs third in the world. Drug Related Problems (DRPs) are drug-related problems that can interfere with the desired therapeutic effects and affect the safety and effectiveness of these therapies. Many chemotherapy regimens that patient receive can lead to occurance of DRPs, therefore evaluation of DRPs is one of important thing for this study. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of DRPs in the selection of doses, contraindications and drug interactions in colorectal cancer chemotherapy at the inpatient care Dr. Moewardi in 2018. This study was non-experimental with retrospective data collection using patient medical record data and analyzed descriptively, using inclusion criteria, namely patients diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer, having identity patient and complete drug data, having SGOT, SGPT and SCr laboratory data. The guideline of this study is Panduan Nasional Pelayanan Kanker (PNPK) Colorectal Cancer in 2018, Drug Information Handbook 17th Edition 2009, Medscape Drug Interaction Checker Online, Drugs.com and Stockley’s Drug Interaction 8th Edition. The results of the study showed that as many as 23 patients with 109 cases of colon cancer and rectal cancer 24 patients with 97 cases were included in the inclusion criteria. These cases consisting of colon cancer in 31 cases of drug dose too low (30.40%) and 1 case of dose too high (1%), 8 cases of contraindications (7.74%) and 63 cases of drug interactions (61.76%). Rectal cancer in 28 cases of drug dose too low (28.87%) and drug dose too high 1 case (1,03%), 7 cases of contraindications (7.22%) and 61 cases of drug interactions (62.88%)

    Efek Ekstrak Ikan Gabus (Channa striata) Terhadap Kadar Kreatinin Pada Tikus Jantan Galur Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) Model Gagal Ginjal yang Diinduksi dengan Gentamisin

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    Background: Fish cork (Channa striata) has several content including zinc, albumin, high biologically valuable protein, ketogenic amino acid, and Branched Chain Amino Acids(BCAA). The content of ketogenic amino acids and Branched Chain Amino Acids(BCAA)has a function as an inhibitor of impaired renal function so that it can decrease creatinine levels. Objective: To investigate the effect of cork fish extract (Channa striata) on the reduction of blood creatinine level of Wistar male rats strain induced by gentamicin. Method: This research using pre and post test with control group design. The animals used on this test were 25 Wistar male white rats, divided into 5 treatment groups. Group 1 = negative control, group 2 = positive control was treated by ketosteryl at dose of 1.008 / 200 grBW, group 3 = cork fish extract 2 g / kgBW, group 4 = cork fish extract 4 g / kgBW cork fish, and group 5 = cork fish extract 8 g / kgBW. Result: One Way Annova test result got p value = 0,019 (p 0.05. Conclusion: the cork fish extract (Channa striata) use at dose of 2 g / kgBW, 4 g / kgBW, and 8 g / kgBW product blood creatinine level of gentamicin induced by Wistar strain rats

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengruhi Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan Poligigi Di Rumah Sakit UNS

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    Kepuasan pasien merupakan persepsi pasien atas peformance produk/jasa dalam memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Faktor-faktor yang pendorong kepuasan pelanggan yaitu biaya dan kualitas pelayanan. Salah satu konsep kualitas pelayanan yang popular adalah ServQual. Berdasarkan konsep ini, service quality mempunyai lima dimensi yaitu kehandalan, daya tanggap, empati, fasilitas dan jaminan. Selain itu, Selain itu, faktor lain yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien adalah biaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh positif kehandalan, daya tanggap, empati, fasilitas, jaminan dan biaya terhadap kepuasan pasien. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien pasien yang menggunakan jasa rawat jalan poliklinik gigi RS UNS berjumlah 33 responden. Variabel dependen pada penelitian ini adalah kepuasan pasien dan variabel independen adalah kehandalan, daya tanggap, empati, fasilitas, jaminan dan biaya. Uji hubungan antar variabel dilakukan dengan teknik uji regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dimensi kehandalan, daya tanggap, empati, fasilitas dan biaya berpengaruh secara positif terhadap kepuasan pasien. Pada dimensi jaminan menunjukkan pengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan pasien. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Pasien, Kualitas Pelayanan, Kehandalan, Daya Tanggap, Empati, Fasilitas, Jaminan Dan Harg

    Peran Karakteristik dan Heterogenitas Demografi Tim Manajemen Puncak Dalam Kinerja Rumah Sakit

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    The characteristics and demographic heterogeneity of Top Management Team (TMT) can be as human capital to improve performance, formulating strategy, and gaining legitimacy in making decisions. The aim of this study was to prove the role of demographic characteristics and heterogeneity hospital’s top management team (TMT) in performance. This was a cross-sectional study that entailed hospital’s TMT in Central Java Indonesia. Secondary data was filled by human resource department staff. Hospital identity, demographic characteristics and heterogeneity of all members of TMT were; 1) age, 2) gender, 3) organizational experience inside/outside the hospital, 4) experience as a hospital’s TMT, 5) education level, and 6) educational specialization. The hospital performance score was measured by BSC, using LIKERT scale; 1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = agree; 4 = more agree; and 5 = strongly agree. Total score of performance was grouped; i) score 0-75 (good), and ii) score 76-100 (very good). A total of 105 (44.38%) from 242 questionnaire have been analyzed. The average age and heterogeneity, female and gender heterogeneity, period of experience serving as TMT and heterogeneity, level and specialization of education and heterogeneity, did not play a role in hospital performance. The short period of experience in the organization inside or outside the hospital of hospital’s TMT members did not play a role, but heterogeneity played a positive role (Pearson Chi-Square = 0.037, p<0.05 or significant). The demographic characteristics and heterogeneity of hospital’s TMT in Central Java did not play a role in hospital performance as measured by BSC. The performance was thought to be influenced by hospital management courses and training, which was needed to be further proven


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    The Covid-19 pandemic is testing the resilience of health care systems around the world, including Dr Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. The ability to respond and determine strategies quickly and accurately is the key so that we can get through this crisis well. This study aims to analyze internal and external environmental factors, formulate and analyze priority strategies in improving the quality of services at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta during the covid-19 pandemic. This research design uses quantitative descriptive with ex post facto design. Sources of data come from primary data and secondary data both internal and external. The number of samples in this study were 12 respondents based on inclusion and exclusion criteria originating from internal and external. Data analysis using SWOT and AHP methods. The results of the study obtained a score of SO strategy with a value of 4.245, CR Criteria for Internal and External Factors ≤ 0.1, its mean a strategy that utilizes internal strengths (strengths) and takes advantage of external opportunities (Opportunity). It is recommended for hospitals in the service of COVID-19 patients to provide facilities and infrastructure as well as human resources both in terms of quality and quantit

    Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Stres Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai RSUP Surakarta

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    RSUP Surakarta is a change in organizational form from BBKPM Surakarta. These changes increase workload and work stress, and are related to job satisfaction. Workload and work stress that is too little or too much makes employee performance not optimal. The purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of workload, work stress and job satisfaction on employee performance in Surakarta General Hospital. The independent variables of this study consist of workload, work stress and job satisfaction. While the dependent variable is performance. Respondents totaled 165 employees, consisting of 12 administrative employees, 19 medical employees, 48 nurses, 62 other health workers and 24 administrative employees. The questionnaire/questionnaire is used as a research instrument to test the validity and reliability of the survey before use. For data analysis used simple linear regression test, multiple linear regression test, simultaneous test (F), partial test (t). The results of this study indicate that the variable workload, work stress has a significant effect on employee performance with a negative relationship, while job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance at the Surakarta Central General Hospital with a positive relationship. The results of multivariate analysis/multiple regression show that there is a joint effect of workload and work stress on employee performance, but job satisfaction when together with the variables workload and work stress do not have a significant effect on the performance of Surakarta Hospital employees because the coefficient of each increase very small on employee performance