896 research outputs found
Women\u27s Political Communications: Assessing Leadership in Queen Safiatuddin in Aceh Darussalam in the 17th Century
Women leadership in the Kingdom of Aceh is inseparable from the prolonged debate because it is considered contrary to religious thought. Their appointment as the Queen cannot be separated because of the support of the party\u27s pro stronger, so it can be powerful in the kingdom of Aceh. Support group consists of several important clerics, most of the royal princess and common folk. Scholars who support the removal of the of the queen are Nuruddin Al-Raniri and Abdurrauf Al-Sinkili. This paper aims to: 1) know how Queen Safiatuddin leadership in the kingdom of Aceh on the 17th century; 2) reveals objectively political communication strategy Safiatuddin Queen in her coronation as Queen of the Kingdom of Aceh; and 3) Factors Queen On being in Charge Increase Kingdom of Aceh
The Effect Of Work Discipline, Competency, And Integrity, On Employee Performance In Regional Secretariat Environment In Pariaman City
This study aims to determine the following: 1) The effect of work discipline on employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of Kota Pariaman. 2) The influence of competence on employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of Kota Pariaman. 3) The effect of integrity on employee performance in the Regional Secretariat of Kota Pariaman. 4) The effect of work discipline on employee integrity in the Regional Secretariat of Kota Pariaman. The data collection method is a part of the data collection instrument that determines the success or failure of a study. This type of research uses an associative quantitative approach. To get the data needed in this study, the authors used techniques in data collection. The data analysis technique used in this research is quantitative analysis. The types of data collected in this study were taken from two sources, namely primary data and secondary data. Hypothesis testing in this study was carried out by path analysis. Based on the results of analysis and discussion, it is known that 1) Work discipline has an effect on employee performance (Px1y) is 0.232 with a significance value of 0.007. 2) Job competence has a significant effect on employee performance (Px2y) is 0.462 with a significance value of 0.000. 3) Integrity has a significant effect on employee performance (Px3y) is 0.230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000. Hypothesis testing in this study was carried out by path analysis. Based on the results of analysis and discussion, it is known that 1) Work discipline has an effect on employee performance (Px1y) is 0.232 with a significance value of 0.007. 2) Job competence has a significant effect on employee performance (Px2y) is 0.462 with a significance value of 0.000. 3) Integrity has a significant effect on employee performance (Px3y) is 0.230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000. Hypothesis testing in this study was carried out by path analysis. Based on the results of analysis and discussion, it is known that 1) Work discipline has an effect on employee performance (Px1y) is 0.232 with a significance value of 0.007. 2) Job competence has a significant effect on employee performance (Px2y) is 0.462 with a significance value of 0.000. 3) Integrity has a significant effect on employee performance (Px3y) is 0.230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000. it is known that 1) Work discipline has an effect on employee performance (Px1y) is 0.232 with a significance value of 0.007. 2) Job competence has a significant effect on employee performance (Px2y) is 0.462 with a significance value of 0.000. 3) Integrity has a significant effect on employee performance (Px3y) is 0.230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000. it is known that 1) Work discipline has an effect on employee performance (Px1y) is 0.232 with a significance value of 0.007. 2) Job competence has a significant effect on employee performance (Px2y) is 0.462 with a significance value of 0.000. 3) Integrity has a significant effect on employee performance (Px3y) is 0.230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000. 230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000. 230 with a significance value of 0.009. 4) Work discipline has no significant effect on integrity (Px1x3) is 0.175 with a significance value of 0.096. 5) Competence has a significant effect on integrity (Px2x3) is 0.508 with a significance value of 0.000
The Students (Mahasantri) of Ma’had Aly As’adiyah Perception in Sengkang Regarding The Trustworthiness in The Quran
This research aims to determine the perception of MA'HA Santri (Students) at Al-Aly As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School in Sengkang regarding trustworthiness in the Quran. The research objective is to understand the perception of MA'HA Santri at Al-Aly As'adiyah Sengkang regarding trustworthiness in the Quran, categorizing this study as qualitative field research. Field research uses a contextual and comprehensive approach to explore the meanings, definitions, understanding, events, and lives of individuals directly or indirectly involved in the research subject. According to the students of Ma’had Aly As’adiyah Sengkang, the implementation of trustworthiness has been carried out effectively. The execution of these qualities aligns with the indicators in this study, namely responsibility, transparency, and keeping promises. The students (Mahasantri) at Ma'had Aly As'adiyah Sengkang have applied these indicators in their teaching processes at the campus to achieve quality learning. Implementing trustworthiness in learning by the students at Al-Aly As'adiyah Sengkang can produce high-quality outcomes. Quality learning can enhance knowledge for the future, benefiting oneself and others. However, some MA'HA Santri may still need to improve their trustworthiness in their daily lives
Optimization of Reduction TSS (Total Suspended Solid) Levels on Skin Cracker Industrial Waste Using Chitosan Coagulant
Abstract—This study aimed to determine the optimum concentration of natural coagulant from chitosan to reduce the concentration of TSS in the skin cracker industrial liquid waste. The test was carried out by mixing chitosan powder which had been dissolved in 1% acetic acid. The treatment was carried out with variations in coagulant concentrations of: 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg/L added to several samples, namely the initial TSS concentration of liquid waste obtained from the initial measurement of liquid waste taken at 3 positions of waste disposal sites, namely 500, 570 and 650 mg/L. The results showed that the TSS concentration of 500 mg/L and the addition of 100 mg/L coagulant produced a concentration of 110, 150 mg/L coagulant produced 65 mg/L, 200 mg/L coagulant produced 90 mg/L, 250 mg/L coagulant reached 110 mg /l. At a TSS concentration of 570 mg/L, add 100 mg/L to 122 mg/L, coagulant 150 to 68 mg/L, coagulant 200 mg/L to 89 mg/L, coagulant 250 mg/L to 95 mg/L. TSS concentration of 650 mg/L was added 100 mg/L to 130 mg/L, coagulant 150 mg/L to 76 mg/L, coagulant 200 mg/L to 90 mg/L and coagulant 250 mg/L to 111. Conclusions from the study This shows that the most optimum reduction of TSS concentration is the addition of 150 mg/L of chitosan coagulant which can reduce the concentration of TSS in the skin cracker industrial waste water by 88.3
Identification of the Causes of Dirty Fuel Filters in Auto Workshops for Optimizing Vehiche Maintenance
Fuel is one of the tools to drive the machining system that moves from the fuel tank to the engine. Although there are several areas that have switched to using electric vehicles, vehicles that use fuel oil still dominate the public in various countries. The purpose of this research is to identify the causes of a dirty fuel filter in an auto repair shop. The methods used in this analysis are Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and fishbone diagram analysis. Based on the results and discussion, the cause of the dirty fuel filter is the causal factor from the method side, namely due to negligence in maintenance, from the material side because the fuel tank is dirty and the fuel is not good, from the engine side because of continuous use without maintenance, from the human side because it is not routine maintenance, due to carelessness in maintenance, and due to frequent changes in the type of fuel
Efektivitas Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Salam (Eugenia Polianta) Dibandingkan Obat Statin dalam Penurunan Kadar Kolesterol Total pada Penderta Hiperkolesterol Diwilayah Kerja Uptd Puskesmas Kerinci Kanan
So that monitoring and decreasing cholesterol level is important In general, this study aims to compare the effectiveness of salam leaf extract and statins on the decrease in total cholesterol levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia in the work area UPTD Puskesmas kerinci right 2017. This research is research quantitative with the research design used is Quasy Experimental Pretest-Postest Design by measuring total serum cholesterol levels before (Pretest) and after (Postest) Treatment given the extract of bay leaf and statin drug. This research was conducted in May 2017-Feb 2018 in UPTD area of Puskesmas Kerinci Right of Kerinci Kanan Sub-district of Siak Regency of Riau. The population in this study is hyperkolestterol patients who are in the working area of UPTD Puskesmas Kerinci Kanan Kerinci Kanan District Siak regency of Riau amounted to 12 people. The specimens examined from the sample were capillary blood to determine after addition of salam leaf extract and a 10mg statin drug. while for effectivity of giving of salam leaf extract was done paired sample with p = 0,001 with value Δ 38 while effectiveness of statin drug also paired sample with p = 0,028 with value Δ 20
ABSTRAKZiba, Marlinda. 2017. Pengaruh Rangking Di SMP Terhadap Prestasi belajar Siswa Di SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa Aceh. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing: (1) Drs. Anwar Yoesoef, M. Si., (2) Nurasiah, S. Pd, M. Pd.Kata Kunci: rangking, prestasi belajar, SMP, SMA.Dalam konteks prestasi belajar, rangking memiliki kaitan dengan prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan pengaruh rangking di SMP terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa Aceh. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui (1) pengaruh rangking di SMP terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA dan (2) hambatan yang dialami siswa dalam mencapai prestasi belajar di SMA.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan pendekatan kualitatif dalam bentuk penelitian Deskriptif. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari data-data yang ada di SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa Aceh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi dan angket.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, temuan penemuan penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut. Pertama, berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diperoleh harga = 1.69236 sedangkan = 0.81. Jadi harga < , maka Ho diterima dan terjadi penolakan terhadap Ha artinya tidak ada pengaruh Rangking di SMP terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa Aceh. (2) Terdapat hambatan-hambatan dalam meraih prestasi belajar yang baik diantara yaitu: faktor intern seperti kelelahan, kebosanan dalam belajar, dan lain -lain. Dan Faktor ekstern seperti lingkungan, peran guru dan lain-lain.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak ada pengaruh Rangking di SMP terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa Aceh dan terdapat hambatan -hambatan dalam meraih prestasi belajar seperti lingkungan dan kebosanan
Imunisasi Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) adalah pencegahan primer dari kanker serviks. Namun, penyebaran informasi mengenai imunisasi HPV belum optimal, sehingga banyak pasangan usia subur memiliki persepsi negatif terhadap imunisasi ini. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan media yang tepat untuk penyampaian informasi melalui Komunikasi, Informasi, dan Edukasi (KIE). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh KIE menggunakan media flash card terhadap persepsi pelaksanaan imunisasi HPV di Kelurahan Kresnowidodo. Desain yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperimen dengan rancangan non-randomized control group pretest posttest, melibatkan 15 responden kelompok intervensi dan 15 responden kelompok kontrol dari kelompok Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga di Kelurahan Kresnowidodo. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah flash card dan kuesioner, dengan analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh signifikan KIE menggunakan media flash card terhadap persepsi pelaksanaan imunisasi HPV, dengan p-value = 0,022 (p < 0,05). Flash card yang kecil, mudah dibawa, dan dilengkapi gambar membantu meningkatkan pemahaman pasangan usia subur tentang pentingnya imunisasi HPV. Disarankan agar pasangan usia subur melakukan imunisasi HPV sebagai upaya pencegahan kanker serviks.The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination is a primary prevention measure against cervical cancer. However, the dissemination of information regarding HPV vaccination has not been optimal, leading to negative perceptions among couples of reproductive age about this vaccination. Therefore, the delivery of information through Communication, Information, and Education (CIE) requires the use of appropriate media. This study aims to determine the effect of CIE using flash card media on perceptions of HPV vaccination implementation in Kresnowidodo Urban Village. The design used is a quasi-experimental with a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design, involving 15 respondents in the intervention group and 15 respondents in the control group from the Family Welfare Empowerment group in Kresnowidodo Urban Village. The instruments used are flash cards and questionnaires, with data analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The study results show a significant effect of CIE using flash card media on the perception of HPV vaccination implementation, with a p-value of 0.022 (p < 0.05). The small, portable flash cards with pictures help improve the understanding of couples of reproductive age about the importance of HPV vaccination. It is recommended that couples of reproductive age get the HPV vaccination as a preventive measure against cervical cancer
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