13 research outputs found
Reaksi samping yang ditimbulkan Free Fatty Acid (FFA) dan air pada proses Transesterifikasi menggunakan katalis basa pada pembuatan Biodisel
Investigation on performance of Saccharomyces cereviceae :: Determination of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase location and glycolysis modelling in wild type, HXT1, HXT7 and TM6*
The Influence of preparation method on the behavior of NOx Storage and Reduction Catalysts
Phthalic anhydride plant is designed with capacity 80.000 ton/year. It is operated for
330 day/year. The purity of phthalic anhydride in product is 99,93% with maleic anhydride
and naphthoquinone as impurities. The method for production of phthalic anhydride is
partial oxidation of naphthalene using air. The raw materials are 99.421,66 ton/year
naphthalene 99,9% and 1.118.915,90 ton/year air to produce 80.000 ton/year phthalic
Naphthalene solid is melted from the storage prior to further be evaporated. The
pressure and temperature of naphthalene vapor and air are increased to the operating
conditions of the fluidized bed reactor (3 atm and 360 oC). Products out from reactor are
cooled and then are separated from non-condensable gas. Furthermore, phthalic anhydride
is separated from maleic anhydride in the distillation column-01. Phthalic anhydride is
purified from naphthoquinone in the distillation column-02. Phthalic anhydride 99,93% go to
prilling tower. Product from prilling tower is phthalic anhydride prill (diameter = 3 mm).
Phthalic anhydride is packed and is stored in storage.
The plant of phthalic anhydride will be bulid in Cilegon, Banten. The area of plant is
100.000 m2 and it has 321 labour. The plant of phthalic anhydride with capacity 80.000
ton/year needs water 1.337.703,861 kg/hour, pressure air 400 m3/hour, 12.995,4965
electricity kW and fuel 1.140,6003 kg/hour.
Fixed capital of phthalic anhydride plant is US 17,297,530.58 + Rp 36.631.450.571,92. Profit
before taxes is Rp 192.712.735.480,10and profit after taxes is Rp 96.356.367.740,05. The
economic evaluation shows that the plant has Return on Investment (ROI) before taxes
27,70%, after taxes 13,85%. Pay Out Time (POT) before taxes is 2,65 years, after taxes is
4,19 years. Break Event Point (BEP) 41,69%, Shut Down Point (SDP) 16,51% and
Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) 19,34%. Based on the economic analysis,
the design of phthalic anhydride plant from naphthalene and air with capacity ton/year is
interesting to be studied further
Pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak jarak (Jatropha Curcas Linneaus) dalam reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk dan uji Performance biodiesel produk pada mesin diesel
Phthalic anhydride plant is designed with capacity 80.000 ton/year. It is operated for
330 day/year. The purity of phthalic anhydride in product is 99,93% with maleic anhydride
and naphthoquinone as impurities. The method for production of phthalic anhydride is
partial oxidation of naphthalene using air. The raw materials are 99.421,66 ton/year
naphthalene 99,9% and 1.118.915,90 ton/year air to produce 80.000 ton/year phthalic
Naphthalene solid is melted from the storage prior to further be evaporated. The
pressure and temperature of naphthalene vapor and air are increased to the operating
conditions of the fluidized bed reactor (3 atm and 360 oC). Products out from reactor are
cooled and then are separated from non-condensable gas. Furthermore, phthalic anhydride
is separated from maleic anhydride in the distillation column-01. Phthalic anhydride is
purified from naphthoquinone in the distillation column-02. Phthalic anhydride 99,93% go to
prilling tower. Product from prilling tower is phthalic anhydride prill (diameter = 3 mm).
Phthalic anhydride is packed and is stored in storage.
The plant of phthalic anhydride will be bulid in Cilegon, Banten. The area of plant is
100.000 m2 and it has 321 labour. The plant of phthalic anhydride with capacity 80.000
ton/year needs water 1.337.703,861 kg/hour, pressure air 400 m3/hour, 12.995,4965
electricity kW and fuel 1.140,6003 kg/hour.
Fixed capital of phthalic anhydride plant is US 17,297,530.58 + Rp 36.631.450.571,92. Profit
before taxes is Rp 192.712.735.480,10and profit after taxes is Rp 96.356.367.740,05. The
economic evaluation shows that the plant has Return on Investment (ROI) before taxes
27,70%, after taxes 13,85%. Pay Out Time (POT) before taxes is 2,65 years, after taxes is
4,19 years. Break Event Point (BEP) 41,69%, Shut Down Point (SDP) 16,51% and
Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) 19,34%. Based on the economic analysis,
the design of phthalic anhydride plant from naphthalene and air with capacity ton/year is
interesting to be studied further
Fuel scarecity can be overcome by developing the potential of renewable
energy sources such as biomass, as an alternative energy source. The potential of
tobacco leaf stem and the bone waste is abundant in Indonesia, with the amount
of 49966 tons per year or 151.41 tons per day. The purposes of this study are
divided into three purposes. First, to know the effect of temperature and kind of
tobacco leaf stems waste to the yield of pyrolysis product. Second, to know the
effect of temperature to the components and compositions of pyrolysis product.
Third, to find the model of reaction kinetics which can be used to product liquid
mass (bio oil) and gas mass in pyrolysis process.
The experiment was conducted by using a batch reactor equipped with an
electric heater with thermo controls to regulate the temperature. The Steps of the
experiment are: raw materials preparation process, extraction process, and
pyrolysis process. During the pyrolysis process the liquid weigh and the gas
volume were measured every 15 minutes for 90 minutes. After the pyrolysis was
done the liqid was taken to be analyzed by using GS-MS, the solid was analyzed
with the method of proximate and ultimate and gas was analyzed by using gas
The results of the experiment showed that the highest yield of liquid (biooil)
was obtained at the temperature of 500o C as 39.74% for tobacco leaves bone
and 36.76% for tobacco leaves butt. The main composisitions of the liquid are
ketones, acids, phenols and some aromatic compounds. The highest fixed carbon
content in the solids (char) was obtained at the temperature of 500o C for 37.40%
with a calorific value produced ranged from 18.44 up to 20.09 MJ/Kg which
equal to the medium quality of coal. While the highest hydrogen content was
obtained at the temperature of 500oC as 15.04% and the highest carbon dioxide
content was obtained at temperatures of 2500C as 78.27%. The reaction of rate
constants is exponentially affected by the temperature with the value of k1 =
0,051e �340,4/T , k2 = 0,076e � 420,8/T for tobacco leaves bone and the value of k1 =
0.063e -668,2/T, k2 = 0,060e -503,3/T for tobacco leaves butt
Carbon black plant of heavy oil is design with a capacity of 100,000
tons/year through the furnace combustion process in the two pieces of furnace
reaktor, which are arrange parallel Gravley. The reaction occurs at a pressure of
9.914 atm at a temperature of 1200 to 1700 °C.
Heavy oil as fuel 126,914.8115 tons/year go into the reactor at 160°C by
heating steam which is using the heat from hot process gases. 1,563,084.6820
tons/year air for combustion are burn along with oil burning heavy fuel that
produces heat to vaporize the heavy oil feed to the cracking temperature of
1650 °C. The vapor of cracking heavy oil will become carbon black and hydrogen
gas and experience quenching with 249,502.3776 tons/year of water. Conversion
occurs at 90%. Cracking process gases with carbon black separated via cyclones
2-4 series parallel. Carbon black powder with molasses, then mixed in the surge
tank, and then formed into pellets in a pelletizer and dried by rotary dryer.
The plant will be establish in Balongan, West Java in the area of 120000
m2 including area for expansion with 131 people labor needed. Factory work
continuously for 24 hours a day for 330 days a year. Time to do the turn around is
35 days per year, including the time to start up and shut down.
From the evaluation of economic, the results are Rp 471,975,782,980.45 + U.S.
$ 69,248,894.23 of fixed capital, Rp 355,123,331,890.51 of working capital, Rp
1,123,811,825,682.89 of manufacturing cost, Rp 868,726,516,820.03 of general
expenses. Profit before and after tax are Rp 510,136,657,497.08 / year and Rp
255,068,328,748.54 / year. Pre-tax and after taxes of ROI are 43.81% and
21.90%. POT before and after tax are 1.86 and 3.13 years, and then 47.57% of
BEP, 29.79% of SDP, and 36.57% of DCFRR.
From the economic evaluation, it can be conclude that the carbon black
plant with a capacity of 100,000 tons/year is quite interesting to study further
intension of two liquid phases. One example is sodium ligno sulfonate (SLS) which is
useful to enhance oil recovery in oil refinery industry. SLS is a result of the reaction
of sulfite and lignin, which lignin is obtained from solid waste of oil palm bunches
that we know it is very abundant, easy to obtain, and cheap. In design of a surfactant
reactor we need some data of reaction kinetics.
The purpose of this research is to understand the kinetics and the influence of
some factors to the reaction of SLS-making process. SLS-making process is
conducted by a sulfonation process in a stirred tank �batch� reactor. NaOH catalyst
was added to decrease the activation energy in lignin and it is a pH regulator of the
sulfonation reaction. SLS-making process is done by varying concentration of
NaHSO3 reaction (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%) and reaction time (30, 60, 90, 120,
and 180) minutes.
Referring to the research results can be shown that the reaction kinetics is
controlled by a chemical reaction using a model of liquid-liquid reaction of both
sulfite and lignin which are activated in the liquid phases. The highest conversion of
sulfonation process is 89% on the condition of the weight of lignin isolates 10 gram,
the concentration of NaHSO3 30%, the concentration of catalyst 20% at pH 7, the
temperature 950C, and the reaction time 180 minutes, respectively. The suitable
model of this research is a quasi-order irreversible reaction. The correlation of the
temperature influence to the constant of reaction rate can be expressed by the
exponential equation: k = 6.6467 x 10 pangkat 4 exp (- 28961,9 / RT), (liter/mol.min)
One of the problems can never be solved, is a detergent sewage directly
into water bodies. Waste detergents disrupt aquatic ecosystems. Beside that,
phosphate as filler of detergent can caused eutrophication in waterways. he study
aims to assess the concentration of detergents and phosphates, comparing the
amount of use of detergent in each research area, and the influence of detergent
phosphate pollution of chemical physical factor of river water, also aquatic
organisms (phytoplankton ) as bio-indicators of organic pollution.
This study used a survey method with purposive sampling method. Data
collection was took three times in three research areas, upstream (Dinoyo and
Ketawanggede), middle ( Penanggungan and Samaan) and downstream (Oro - oro
Dowo and Kiduldalem). Sampling was carried out with considering the speed of
the river flow and peak activity in the household wash. Detergents and phosphate
concentration compared with Keputusan Gubernur No.45 Tahun 2002 and
Peraturan Pemerintah No.82 Tahun 2001. Comparison of the use of detergent in
each areas were analyzed by analysis of variance statistic. Effect of detergent
concentration and phosphate to the physical chemical factors of river water and
phytoplankton abundance analyzed by using of multiple regression statistics .
The results showed : ( 1 ) concentration of detergents is not to exceed the
quality standard designation yet, ranging from 0,050 to 0,309 mg / L, whereas the
concentration of phosphate has goes exceed the designation of Class II quality
standards ranging from 0,031 to 0,690 mg / L. ( 2 ) The average use of detergents
slum society in Brantas river bank based on analysis of variance of the pathway ,
were significantly different in each area of study, the downstream use of
detergents has declined. ( 3 ) Detergent and phosphate concentration in Brantas
River influencing the change of turbidity about 61,6 % , dissolved oxygen ( DO )
47,6% and a pH 15%. Concentration of phosphate detergents and also gives effect
to the abundance of phytoplankton at 12,6 %