1,777 research outputs found

    Phonon Squeezing in a Superconducting Molecular Transistor

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    Josephson transport through a single molecule or carbon nanotube is considered in the presence of a local vibrational mode coupled to the electronic charge. The ground-state solution is obtained exactly in the limit of a large superconducting gap, and is extended to the general case by variational analysis. Coherent charge fluctuations are entangled with non-classical phonon states. The Josephson current induces squeezing of the phonon mode, which is controlled by the superconducting phase difference and by the junction asymmetry. Optical probes of non-classical phonon states are briefly discussed

    Phase diagram of the one dimensional anisotropic Kondo-necklace model

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    The one dimensional anisotropic Kondo-necklace model has been studied by several methods. It is shown that a mean field approach fails to gain the correct phase diagram for the Ising type anisotropy. We then applied the spin wave theory which is justified for the anisotropic case. We have derived the phase diagram between the antiferromagnetic long range order and the Kondo singlet phases. We have found that the exchange interaction (J) between the itinerant spins and local ones enhances the quantum fluctuations around the classical long range antiferromagnetic order and finally destroy the ordered phase at the critical value, J_c. Moreover, our results show that the onset of anisotropy in the XY term of the itinerant interactions develops the antiferromagnetic order for J<J_c. This is in agreement with the qualitative feature which we expect from the symmetry of the anisotropic XY interaction. We have justified our results by the numerical Lanczos method where the structure factor at the antiferromagnetic wave vector diverges as the size of system goes to infinity.Comment: 9 pages and 9 eps figure

    Jacobson generators of the quantum superalgebra Uq[sl(n+1m)]U_q[sl(n+1|m)] and Fock representations

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    As an alternative to Chevalley generators, we introduce Jacobson generators for the quantum superalgebra Uq[sl(n+1m)]U_q[sl(n+1|m)]. The expressions of all Cartan-Weyl elements of Uq[sl(n+1m)]U_q[sl(n+1|m)] in terms of these Jacobson generators become very simple. We determine and prove certain triple relations between the Jacobson generators, necessary for a complete set of supercommutation relations between the Cartan-Weyl elements. Fock representations are defined, and a substantial part of this paper is devoted to the computation of the action of Jacobson generators on basis vectors of these Fock spaces. It is also determined when these Fock representations are unitary. Finally, Dyson and Holstein-Primakoff realizations are given, not only for the Jacobson generators, but for all Cartan-Weyl elements of Uq[sl(n+1m)]U_q[sl(n+1|m)].Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX; to be published in J. Math. Phy

    Entanglement between atomic condensates in an optical lattice: effects of interaction range

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    We study the area-dependent entropy and two-site entanglement for two state Bose-Einstein condensates in a 2D optical lattice. We consider the case where the array of two component condensates behave like an ensemble of spin-half particles with the interaction to its nearest neighbors and next nearest neighbors. We show how the Hamiltonian of their Bose-Einstein condensate lattice with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions can be mapped into a harmonic lattice. We use this to determine the entropy and entanglement content of the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, title change

    Effects of dimensionality and anisotropy on the Holstein polaron

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    We apply weak-coupling perturbation theory and strong-coupling perturbation theory to the Holstein molecular crystal model in order to elucidate the effects of anisotropy on polaron properties in D dimensions. The ground state energy is considered as a primary criterion through which to study the effects of anisotropy on the self-trapping transition, the self-trapping line associated with this transition, and the adiabatic critical point. The effects of dimensionality and anisotropy on electron-phonon correlations and polaronic mass enhancement are studied, with particular attention given to the polaron radius and the characteristics of quasi-1D and quasi-2D structures. Perturbative results are confirmed by selected comparisons with variational calculations and quantum Monte Carlo data

    Pion and Kaon Polarizabilities and Radiative Transitions

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    CERN COMPASS plans measurements of gamma-pi and gamma-K interactions using 50-280 GeV pion (kaon) beams and a virtual photon target. Pion (kaon) polarizabilities and radiative transitions will be measured via Primakoff effect reactions such as pi+gamma->pi'+gamma and pi+gamma->meson. The former can test a precise prediction of chiral symmetry; the latter for pi+gamma->a1(1260) is important for understanding the polarizability. The radiative transition of a pion to a low mass two-pion system, pi+gamma->pi+pi0, can also be studied to measure the chiral anomaly amplitude F(3pi) (characterizing gamma->3pi), arising from the effective Chiral Lagrangian. We review here the motivation for the above physics program. We describe the beam, target, detector, and trigger requirements for these experiments. We also describe FNAL SELEX attempts to study related physics via the interaction of 600 GeV pions with target electrons. Data analysis in progress aims to identify the reactions pi+e->pi'+e'+pi0 related to the chiral anomaly, and pi+e->pi'+e'+gamma related to pion polarizabilities.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Latex Springer-Verlag style Tel Aviv U. Preprint TAUP-2469-97, Contribution to the Workshop on Chiral Dynamics Theory and Experiment, U. of Mainz, Sept. 1-5, 1997, to be published in Springer-Verlag, Eds. A. Bernstein, Th. Walcher, 199

    Hall resistance in the hopping regime, a "Hall Insulator"?

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    The Hall conductivity and resistivity of strongly localized electrons at low temperatures and at small magnetic fields are obtained. It is found that the results depend on whether the conductivity or the resistivity tensors are averaged to obtain the macroscopic Hall resistivity. In the second case the Hall resistivity always {\it diverges} exponentially as the temperature tends to zero. But when the Hall resistivity is derived from the averaged conductivity, the resulting temperature dependence is sensitive to the disorder configuration. Then the Hall resistivity may approach a constant value as T0T\to 0. This is the Hall insulating behavior. It is argued that for strictly dc conditions, the transport quantity that should be averaged is the resistivity.Comment: Late

    Gap to Transition Temperature Ratio in Density Wave Ordering: a Dynamical Mean Field Study

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    We use the dynamical mean-field method to determine the origin of the large ratio of the zero temperature gap to the transition temperature observed in most charge density wave materials. The method is useful because it allows an exact treatment of thermal fluctuations. We establish the relation of the dynamical mean-field results to conventional diagrammatics and thereby determine that in the physically relevant regime the origin of the large ratio is a strong inelastic scattering.Comment: 4 figure

    Polaron Effective Mass, Band Distortion, and Self-Trapping in the Holstein Molecular Crystal Model

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    We present polaron effective masses and selected polaron band structures of the Holstein molecular crystal model in 1-D as computed by the Global-Local variational method over a wide range of parameters. These results are augmented and supported by leading orders of both weak- and strong-coupling perturbation theory. The description of the polaron effective mass and polaron band distortion that emerges from this work is comprehensive, spanning weak, intermediate, and strong electron-phonon coupling, and non-adiabatic, weakly adiabatic, and strongly adiabatic regimes. Using the effective mass as the primary criterion, the self-trapping transition is precisely defined and located. Using related band-shape criteria at the Brillouin zone edge, the onset of band narrowing is also precisely defined and located. These two lines divide the polaron parameter space into three regimes of distinct polaron structure, essentially constituting a polaron phase diagram. Though the self-trapping transition is thusly shown to be a broad and smooth phenomenon at finite parameter values, consistency with notion of self-trapping as a critical phenomenon in the adiabatic limit is demonstrated. Generalizations to higher dimensions are considered, and resolutions of apparent conflicts with well-known expectations of adiabatic theory are suggested.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Hadronic Atoms and Effective Interactions

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    We examine the problem of hadronic atom energy shifts using the technique of effective interactions and demonstrate equivalence with the conventional quantum mechanical approach.Comment: 22 page latex file with 2 figure