6,111,184 research outputs found
Capstone 2016 Art and Art History Senior Projects
This booklet profiles Art Senior Projects by Maura B. Conley, Caroline G. Cress, Carolyn E. McBrady, Alesha R. Miller, Emma S. Shaw, Eleanor E. Soule, Katherine G. Warwick, and Rebecca T. Wiest.
This booklet profiles Art History Senior Projects by Deirdre E. D\u27Amico, Rebecca S. Duffy, Megan R. Haugh, Molly R. Lindberg, Kelly A.B. Maguire, and Lucy K. Riley
Capstone 2014 Art and Art History Senior Projects
It gives us great pleasure to introduce the Gettysburg College Art and Art History senior Capstone projects for 2014. These projects serve as the culmination of the Studio Art and Art History majors. They are as rich and varied as the students themselves and exemplify the commitment the Department of Art and Art History places on creativity and scholarship in a liberal arts education. [excerpt]
This booklet profiles Art Senior Projects by Bailey K. Beardsley, Lisa R. Del Padre, Tobi C. Goss, Rebecca A. Grill, Anna B. Heck, Japh-O\u27Mar A. Hickson, Danielle T. Janela, Lauren E. Kauffman, Megan P. Quigg, Justin Rosa, Angela M. Schmidt, Erin E. Slattery, and Caroline E. Volz.
This booklet profiles Art History Senior Projects by Niki Erdner, Emily A. Francisco, Rose C. Kell, Katherine G. Kiernan, Tara K. Lacy, Shelby A. Leeds, and Molly E. Reynolds
Capstone 2019 Art and Art History Senior Projects
This booklet profiles Art Senior Projects by Angelique J. Acevedo, Arin Brault, Bailey Harper, Sue Holz, Yirui Jia, Jianrui Li, Annora B. Mack, Emma C. Mugford, Inayah D. Sherry, Jacob H. Smalley, Laura Grace Waters and Laurel J. Wilson.
This booklet profiles Art History Senior Projects by Gabriella Bucci, Melissa Casale, Bailey Harper, Erin O\u27Brien and Laura Grace Waters
Re-assessment of the state of Schroedinger's cat, final version
The quantum state of Schroedinger's cat is usually incorrectly described as a
superposition of "dead" and "alive," despite an argument by Rinner and Werner
that, locally, the cat should be considered to be in a mixture of
non-superposed states. Here, it is rigorously proven that the cat is not in a
superposition. This is central to the measurement problem. Nonlocal two-photon
interferometry experiments throw further light on the measurement state by
probing the effect of a variable phase factor inserted between its superposed
terms. These experiments demonstrate that both subsystems really are in locally
mixed states rather than superpositions, and they tell us what the measurement
state superposition actually superposes. They show that measurement transfers
the coherence in Schroedinger's nuclear superposition neither to the cat nor to
the nucleus, but only to the correlations between them. This explains the
collapse process--but not its subsequent irreversible dissipation--within the
context of unitary dynamics with no need for external entities such as the
environment, a human mind, other worlds, or collapse mechanisms.Comment: 11 page
Transition Planning -- Responsibilities and Strategies
This meta-synthesis of the literature, on transition planning for youth with disabilities, examines several important facets that impact the post school outcomes for students with disabilities. Eight specific areas have been highlighted that point out the common theme areas of this metasynthesis. Research recognizes the responsibilities of the regular and special education teachers to the secondary transition process and the roles of the student and parent are not minimized at all. Professional development and continuous training are needed and highlighted for teachers, counselors, administrators, parents and students. There are specific successful strategies and methods to apply to the transition planning process. Raising expectations will likely result in positive post school outcomes as well. However, it is only too often that teachers, counselors, parents, and students are ill prepared for secondary transitions from high school to employment or further training. Expectations are too low and students are not prepared to make decisions about their employment or training in spite of the fact that self determination and self advocacy are strong tools that can and will promote positive outcomes for students. Indeed, individualized transition planning and person centered planning are valuable tools
Quantum realism is consistent with quantum facts
Despite the unparalleled accuracy of quantum-theoretical predictions across
an enormous range of phenomena, the theory's foundations are still in doubt.
The theory deviates radically from classical physics, predicts counterintuitive
phenomena, and seems inconsistent. The biggest stumbling block is measurement,
where the Schrodinger equation's unitary evolution seems inconsistent with
collapse. These doubts have inspired a variety of proposed interpretations and
alterations of the theory. Most interpretations posit the theory represents
only observed appearances rather than reality. The realistic interpretations,
on the other hand, posit entities such as other universes, hidden variables,
artificial collapse mechanisms, or human minds, that are not found in the
standard mathematical formulation. Surprisingly, little attention has been paid
to the possibility that the standard theory is both realistic and correct as it
stands. This paper examines several controversial issues, namely quantization,
field particle duality, quantum randomness, superposition, entanglement,
non-locality, and measurement, to argue that standard quantum physics,
realistically interpreted, is consistent with all of them.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl
Resolving the problem of definite outcomes of measurements
The heart of the measurement puzzle, namely the problem of definite outcomes,
remains unresolved. This paper shows that Josef Jauch's 1968 reduced density
operator approach is the solution, even though many question it: The entangled
"Measurement State" implies local mixtures of definite but indeterminate
eigenvalues even though the MS continues evolving unitarily. A second,
independent, argument based on the quantum's nonlocal entanglement with its
measuring apparatus shows that the outcomes must be definite eigenvalues
because of relativity's ban on instant signaling. Experiments with entangled
photon pairs show the MS to be a non-paradoxical superposition of correlations
between states rather than a "Schrodinger's cat" superposition of states.
Nature's measurement strategy is to shift the superposition--the
coherence--from the detected quantum to the correlations between the quantum
and its detector, allowing both subsystems to collapse locally to mixtures of
definite eigenvalues. This solution implies an innocuous revision of the
standard eigenvalue-eigenstate link. Three frequent objections to this solution
are rebutted.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure
Two-photon interferometry illuminates quantum measurements
The quantum measurement problem still finds no consensus. Nonlocal
interferometry provides an unprecedented experimental probe by entangling two
photons in the "measurement state" (MS). The experiments show that each photon
"measures" the other; the resulting entanglement decoheres both photons;
decoherence collapses both photons to unpredictable but definite outcomes; and
the two-photon MS continues evolving coherently. Thus, contrary to common
opinion, when a two-part system is in the MS, the outcomes actually observed at
both subsystems are definite. Although standard quantum physics postulates
definite outcomes, two-photon interferometry verifies them to be not only
consistent with, but actually a prediction of, the other principles.
Nonlocality is the key to understanding this. As a consequence of nonlocality,
the states we actually observe are the local states. These actually-observed
local states collapse, while the global MS, which can be "observed" only after
the fact by collecting coincidence data from both subsystems, continues its
unitary evolution. This conclusion implies a refined understanding of the
eigenstate principle: Following a measurement, the actually-observed local
state instantly jumps into the observed eigenstate. Various experts' objections
are rebutted.Comment: 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
Solution of the problem of definite outcomes of quantum measurements
Theory and experiment both demonstrate that an entangled quantum state of two
subsystems is neither a superposition of states of its subsystems nor a
superposition of composite states but rather a coherent superposition of
nonlocal correlations between incoherently mixed local states of the two
subsystems. Thus, even if one subsystem happens to be macroscopic as in the
entangled "Schrodinger's cat" state resulting from an ideal measurement, this
state is not the paradoxical macroscopic superposition it is generally presumed
to be. It is, instead, a "macroscopic correlation," a coherent quantum
correlation in which one of the two correlated sub-systems happens to be
macroscopic. This clarifies the physical meaning of entanglement: When a
superposed quantum system A is unitarily entangled with a second quantum system
B, the coherence of the original superposition of different states of A is
transferred to different correlations between states of A and B, so the
entangled state becomes a superposition of correlations rather than a
superposition of states. This transfer preserves unitary evolution while
permitting B to be macroscopic without entailing a macroscopic superposition.
This resolves the "problem of outcomes" but is not a complete resolution of the
measurement problem because the entangled state is still reversible.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
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