3,839,087 research outputs found
Prediction of soil available phosphorus based on soil organic carbon
There are many cases in which it is desirable to determine relationships among some soil physical and chemical properties. In soil studies, soil available phosphorous (AP) are often determined using laboratory tests, but it may be more suitable and economical to develop a pedotransfer function which uses some easily available soil properties. In this study, a pedotransfer function for predicting soil AP from soil organic carbon(OC) was suggested and soil AP was estimated as a function of soil OC. The soil AP predicted from the soil AP pedotransfer function was compared to the soil AP determined by laboratory test using the paired samples test and the Bland-Altman approach. The soil AP predicted by the soil AP pedotransfer function was not significantly different from the soil AP determined by laboratory test (P>0.05). The mean difference between the soil AP pedotransfer function and laboratory test was 1.57 ppm (95% confidence interval: -2.88 and 6.03 ppm; P = 0.453). The standard deviation of the soil AP differences was 7.01 ppm. The statistical results of the study indicated that the soil AP pedotransfer function provides an easy, economic and brief methodology to estimate soil AP and in order to predict soil AP based on soil OC the pedotransfer function AP = 0.7927 e 4.9922 OC with R2 = 0.92 can be recommended
Oxidation-assisted alkaline precipitation : the effect of H2O2 on the size of CuO and FeOOH nanoparticles
H2O2 was demonstrated to narrow the size distribution and decrease the size of CuO and hydrous FeOOH (2-line ferrihydrite) nanoparticles under conditions of high supersaturation. We introduce oxidation-assisted alkaline precipitation (Ox-AP) and compare it to traditional alkaline precipitation (AP). While for AP, a metal salt solution (e.g., CuCl2) is mixed with an alkali (e.g., NaOH), for Ox-AP, the more reduced form of that metal salt solution (e.g., CuCl) is simultaneously mixed with that alkali and an oxidant (e.g., H2O2). The resulting precipitates were characterized with SEM, XRD, DLS and single particle ICP-MS and shown to be nanoparticles (NPs). Ox-AP CuO NPs were up to 3 times smaller than AP NPs. Ox-AP FeOOH NPs were up to 22.5% smaller than AP NPs. We discuss and propose a possible mechanism of Ox-AP through careful consideration of the known reaction chemistry of iron and copper. We propose that an increased monomer formation rate enhances the nucleation rate, which ultimately results in smaller particles with a more narrow distribution. The more distinct effect of Ox-AP on copper, was attributed to the fast formation of the stable CuO monomer, compared to AP, where the Cu(OH)(2) and/or Cu-2(OH)(3)Cl monomers are more likely formed. Although, the exact mechanism of Ox-AP needs experimental confirmation, our results nicely demonstrate the potential of using Ox-AP to produce smaller NPs with a more narrow distribution in comparison to using AP
Macrophage autophagy in atherosclerosis
Macrophages play crucial roles in atherosclerotic immune responses. Recent investigation into macrophage autophagy (AP) in atherosclerosis has demonstrated a novel pathway through which these cells contribute to vascular inflammation. AP is a cellular catabolic process involving the delivery of cytoplasmic contents to the lysosomal machinery for ultimate degradation and recycling. Basal levels of macrophage AP play an essential role in atheroprotection during early atherosclerosis. However, AP becomes dysfunctional in the more advanced stages of the pathology and its deficiency promotes vascular inflammation, oxidative stress, and plaque necrosis. In this paper, we will discuss the role of macrophages and AP in atherosclerosis and the emerging evidence demonstrating the contribution of macrophage AP to vascular pathology. Finally, we will discuss how AP could be targeted for therapeutic utility
Effects of aminoperimidine on electrolyte transport across amphibian skin
The effect of aminoperimidine (AP)on transepithelial Na+ transport and Cl- conductance (G(Cl)) of isolated amphibian skin (Bufo viridis and Rana esculenta) was analyzed using transepithelial and intracellular electrophysiological techniques. AP, applied at concentrations between 30 and 100 mu M from the mucosal side, stimulated Na+ transport rapidly and reversibly by more than 30% of the control value due to an increase in apical membrane Na+ permeability. Influence of AP on basolateral membrane conductance and effective driving force for Na+ were negligible. Voltage-activated G(Cl) of toad skin, but not the resting, deactivated conductance, as well as spontaneously high G(Cl) in frog skin was rapidly inhibited by AP in a concentration-dependent manner. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 20 mu M is the highest hithero reported inhibitory power for G(Cl) in amphibian skin. The effect of AP on G(Cl) was slowly and incompletely reversible even after brief exposure to the agent. Serosal application of AP had similar, albeit delayed effects on both Nai and Cl- transport. AP did not interfere with the Cl- pathway after it was opened by 100-300 mu M CPT-cAMP, a membrane-permeable, nonhydrolyzed analogue of cAMP. Inhibition of the voltage-activated G(Cl) by AP was attenuated or missing when AP was applied during voltage perturbation to serosa-positive potentials. Since AP is positively charged at physiological pH, it suggests that the affected site is located inside the Cl- pathway at a certain distance from the external surface. AP affects then the Na+ and Cl- transport pathways independent of each other. The nature of chemical interference with AP, which is responsible for the influence on the transport of Na+ and Cl-, remains to be elucidated
Local sequence features that influence AP-1 cis-regulatory activity
In the genome, most occurrences of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) have no cis-regulatory activity, which suggests that flanking sequences contain information that distinguishes functional from nonfunctional TFBS. We interrogated the role of flanking sequences near Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) binding sites that reside in DNase I Hypersensitive Sites (DHS) and regions annotated as Enhancers. In these regions, we found that sequence features directly adjacent to the core motif distinguish high from low activity AP-1 sites. Some nearby features are motifs for other TFs that genetically interact with the AP-1 site. Other features are extensions of the AP-1 core motif, which cause the extended sites to match motifs of multiple AP-1 binding proteins. Computational models trained on these data distinguish between sequences with high and low activity AP-1 sites and also predict changes in cis-regulatory activity due to mutations in AP-1 core sites and their flanking sequences. Our results suggest that extended AP-1 binding sites, together with adjacent binding sites for additional TFs, encode part of the information that governs TFBS activity in the genome.</jats:p
Action potential energy efficiency varies among neuron types in vertebrates and invertebrates.
The initiation and propagation of action potentials (APs) places high demands on the energetic resources of neural tissue. Each AP forces ATP-driven ion pumps to work harder to restore the ionic concentration gradients, thus consuming more energy. Here, we ask whether the ionic currents underlying the AP can be predicted theoretically from the principle of minimum energy consumption. A long-held supposition that APs are energetically wasteful, based on theoretical analysis of the squid giant axon AP, has recently been overturned by studies that measured the currents contributing to the AP in several mammalian neurons. In the single compartment models studied here, AP energy consumption varies greatly among vertebrate and invertebrate neurons, with several mammalian neuron models using close to the capacitive minimum of energy needed. Strikingly, energy consumption can increase by more than ten-fold simply by changing the overlap of the Na+ and K+ currents during the AP without changing the APs shape. As a consequence, the height and width of the AP are poor predictors of energy consumption. In the Hodgkin–Huxley model of the squid axon, optimizing the kinetics or number of Na+ and K+ channels can whittle down the number of ATP molecules needed for each AP by a factor of four. In contrast to the squid AP, the temporal profile of the currents underlying APs of some mammalian neurons are nearly perfectly matched to the optimized properties of ionic conductances so as to minimize the ATP cost
Multivariate Ap\'ery numbers and supercongruences of rational functions
One of the many remarkable properties of the Ap\'ery numbers ,
introduced in Ap\'ery's proof of the irrationality of , is that they
satisfy the two-term supercongruences \begin{equation*}
A (p^r m) \equiv A (p^{r - 1} m) \pmod{p^{3 r}} \end{equation*} for primes . Similar congruences are conjectured to hold for all Ap\'ery-like
sequences. We provide a fresh perspective on the supercongruences satisfied by
the Ap\'ery numbers by showing that they extend to all Taylor coefficients of the rational function \begin{equation*}
\frac{1}{(1 - x_1 - x_2) (1 - x_3 - x_4) - x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4} . \end{equation*}
The Ap\'ery numbers are the diagonal coefficients of this function, which is
simpler than previously known rational functions with this property.
Our main result offers analogous results for an infinite family of sequences,
indexed by partitions , which also includes the Franel and
Yang--Zudilin numbers as well as the Ap\'ery numbers corresponding to . Using the example of the Almkvist--Zudilin numbers, we further indicate
evidence of multivariate supercongruences for other Ap\'ery-like sequences.Comment: 19 page
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