322,547 research outputs found

    Walley School Community Arts Center Feasibility Study: Appendices

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    Having a large capacity (over 300 seats) in Walley School demands a major investment in space and cost. Taking this into consideration, the business planning team conducted research and spoke with several individuals in an attempt to inventory and assess the community’s auditorium capabilities. Our research on existing auditorium spaces uncovered many interesting things. We found that there are over 15 existing auditorium spaces available within a 17-mile radius from the Walley School building available for public use

    King's America or Obama's Post-Racial America?

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    This flyer promotes a panel discussion held in the Law Auditorium about the race in America and state of the nation

    New Facility ‘Is Awesome’; Ice Auditorium Debuts This Fall

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    Music sounds sweeter to performer and audience alike with the debut of the new Richard and Lucille Ice Auditorium in Melrose Hall

    The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation

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    The ECHDC is currently developing the Inner and Outer Buffalo Harbor, most notably where the historic terminus of the Erie Canal is. The ECHDC is also developing some of the surrounding area including the old Memorial Auditorium and the Donovan State Building

    Reinforcing Students’ Research Abilities via Digital Repositories

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    Computer science graduates are requested to possess complex professional abilities including research skills. In this paper we justify the development of a departmental repository to assist all non-auditorium activities and summarize its benefits. We are convinced that this is the way students and teachers to form interim learning societies

    Peranan Material Interior dalam Pengendalian Akustik Auditorium Bandung Creative Hub

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    Acoustics in an auditorium interior have a vital role in the continuity of activities in it. Activities in the auditorium are closely related to audio and visual, so designing an auditorium requires an acoustic control system, not only visual elements are considered, but also sound or acoustic control requires special attention. This study describes the role of interior materials in acoustic control in a multifunctional auditorium in the Bandung Creative Hub building, West Java. To determine the quality of the room acoustics under study, the research method used is descriptive analysis by processing data in the form of images, field notes, documentation, and supporting theories according to the principles of interior design science. This study concludes that the interior materials in the multifunctional auditorium in the Bandung Creative Hub Building have met the applicable standards in the acoustic control of the auditorium space. The benefit of this research is that it can be used as a benchmark for auditorium design and can be a reference for space design that requires special acoustic treatment in the future.  Akustika dalam sebuah interior auditorium memiliki peranan yang vital terhadap keberlangsungan kegiatan di dalamnya. Kegiatan di dalam auditorium erat kaitannya dengan audio dan visual, maka perancangan sebuah auditorium membutuhkan suatu sistem pengendalian akustik, bukan hanya unsur visual saja yang diperhatikan, tetapi juga dalam hal pengendalian suara atau akustik membutuhkan perhatian khusus. Penelitian ini memaparkan peran material interior dalam pengendalian akustika pada auditorium multifungsi di gedung Bandung Creative Hub, Jawa Barat. Untuk mengetahui kualitas akustik ruangan yang diteliti, maka metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan mengolah data berupa gambar, pencatatatan lapangan, dokumentasi, dan juga teori-teori pendukung disesuaikan dengan kaidah ilmu desain interior. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa material interior pada auditorium multifungsi di Gedung Bandung Creative Hub sudah memenuhi standar yang berlaku dalam pengendalian akustika ruang auditorium. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah dapat menjadi tolak ukur suatu perancangan auditorium dan dapat menjadi referensi untuk perancangan ruang yang memerlukan perlakuan akustik khusus di masa mendatang

    \u3cem\u3eDeath of a Salesman\u3c/em\u3e as Psychomachia

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    Roll 132. SLU Faculty Show - Law School Auditorium. Image 2 of 17. (14 May, 1954) [PHO 1.132.2]The Boleslaus Lukaszewski (Father Luke) Photographs contain more than 28,000 images of Saint Louis University people, activities, and events between 1951 and 1970. The photographs were taken by Boleslaus Lukaszewski (Father Luke), a Jesuit priest and member of the University's Philosophy Department faculty

    Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid)

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    p. 468-475A timber shell structure is designed to provide covering for an outdoor auditorium in Madrid (Spain). The covering comprises five independent overlapped marquees with similar shape but diverse dimensions. The surface geometry of each marquee is defined by a hyperbolic paraboloid, with its boundaries delimited by elliptical curves in horizontal projection. Structural section for the timber shell is a composite section with several staggered layers of straight sawn timber planks, arranged in two orthogonal directions following the straight skew lines of the hyperbolic paraboloid. Over them two continuous top layers are arranged which provides bracing for the structure and support for the waterproofing material. Each layer is laid over the previous one, bolted and glued with polyurethane adhesive. Special characteristics of the design analysis and detailed erection process are described. The designed solution provides lightweight roofing with a powerful and original image, short construction time and reasonable budget.Anton, A.; Meijide, AG.; Corbal, JJ. (2009). Timber roof structure for outdoor auditorium in Parque Paraiso, San Blas (Madrid). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/653