3,092 research outputs found

    Universal statistics of wave functions in chaotic and disordered systems

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    We study a new statistics of wave functions in several chaotic and disordered systems: the random matrix model, band random matrix model, the Lipkin model, chaotic quantum billiard and the 1D tight-binding model. Both numerical and analytical results show that the distribution function of a generalized Riccati variable, defined as the ratio of components of eigenfunctions on basis states coupled by perturbation, is universal, and has the form of Lorentzian distribution.Comment: 6 Europhys pages, 2 Ps figures, new version to appear in Europhys. Let

    Range-based attacks on links in random scale-free networks

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    RangeRange and loadload play keys on the problem of attacking on links in random scale-free (RSF) networks. In this Brief Report we obtain the relation between rangerange and loadload in RSF networks analytically by the generating function theory, and then give an estimation about the impact of attacks on the efficiencyefficiency of the network. The analytical results show that short range attacks are more destructive for RSF networks, and are confirmed numerically. Further our results are consistent with the former literature (Physical Review E \textbf{66}, 065103(R) (2002))

    Nonlinear Monetary Policy Rules: Some New Evidence for the U.S.

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    This paper derives optimal monetary policy rules in setups where certainty equivalence does not hold because either central bank preferences are not quadratic, and/or the aggregate supply relation is nonlinear. Analytical results show that these features lead to sign and size asymmetries, and nonlinearities in the policy rule. Reduced-form estimates indicate that US monetary policy can be characterized by a nonlinear policy rule after 1983, but not before 1979. This finding is consistent with the view that the Fed's inflation preferences during the Volcker-Greenspan regime differ considerably from the ones during the Burns-Miller regime.Publicad

    Unraveling of free carrier absorption for terahertz radiation in heterostructures

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    The relation between free carrier absorption and intersubband transitions in semiconductor heterostructures is resolved by comparing a sequence of structures. Our numerical and analytical results show how free carrier absorption evolves from the intersubband transitions in the limit of an infinite number of wells with vanishing barrier width. It is explicitly shown that the integral of the absorption over frequency matches the value obtained by the f-sum rule. This shows that a proper treatment of intersubband transitions is fully sufficient to simulate the entire electronic absorption in heterostructure THz devices.Comment: 6 pages, accepted by Physical Review

    Nonlinear monetary policy rules: some new evidence for the US

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    This paper dreives optimal monetary policy rules in setups where certainty equivalence does not hold because either central bank preferences are not quadratic, and/or the aggregate supply relation is nonlinear. Analytical results show that these features lead to sign and size aymmetries, and nonlinearities in the policy rule. Reduced-form estimates indicate that US monetary policy can be characterized by a nonlinear policy rule after 1983, but not before 1979. This finding is consistent with the view that the Fed`s inflation preferences during the Volcker-Greenspan regime differ considerably from the ones during the Burns-Miller regime

    Topological quantum phase transition in an extended Kitaev spin model

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    We study the quantum phase transition between Abelian and non-Abelian phases in an extended Kitaev spin model on the honeycomb lattice, where the periodic boundary condition is applied by placing the lattice on a torus. Our analytical results show that this spin model exhibits a continuous quantum phase transition. Also, we reveal the relationship between bipartite entanglement and the ground-state energy. Our approach directly shows that both the entanglement and the ground-state energy can be used to characterize the topological quantum phase transition in the extended Kitaev spin model.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 figure