424,817 research outputs found

    Alternating current electromagnetic servo induction meter

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    Electromagnetic device accurately indicates the responses of various sensors in high performance flight research aircraft to conditions encountered in flight. The device responds to sensor inputs to move a slideable armature along an indicator scale by the force of currents induced in the armature winding

    Alternating current losses in superconducting coils

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    Report examines relationship between coil loss and frequency and heat loss in coil as a function of the magnetic field H. Information is of value to manufacturers of superconducting magnets, motors and generators

    High frequency Alternating Current (AC) tangent delta

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    Power cables are constantly subjected to thermal, electrical and mechanical stresses during their service life which leads to ageing of the insulation material. Ageing of the insulation means that the insulator degrades or gets older. When the insulation is degraded it does not have the same physical properties as compared to the new cables, which basically means that the risk of failure has been increased. So, it is necessary to carry out a diagnostic test to resolve the possible problem that may occur in cable insulation so that precautionary action can be taken to avoid unnecessary in-service failure of the underground cable [1]. Dissipation factor or tangent delta measurement in either time or frequency domain are used to identify water tree degraded XLPE cables with high moisture content or moisture ingression through poor jointing, diagnostic tests based on [2], [3]. In practice, standard laboratory electrical test equipment utilizing power frequency (PF) i.e. 50Hz to 60Hz testing is used. Hence, large static transformer was installed in the laboratory to cater any large capacitance test sample for high voltage testing. These existing tangent delta diagnostic test methods are bulk assessment technique that cannot sectionalize or pin point the water tree or any other conductive defect. In addition, both this tangent delta measurement technique which utilizes standard 0.1Hz and 50Hz equipment is not capable to extract the tangent delta values of accessories from the bulk assessment. It can only diagnose the overall condition of the complete cable system that includes cable, joints and terminations. Since medium voltage underground (MVUG) cables in utilities are in service for many years, it is crucial to develop a method to sectionalize or identify the defective components

    Solar cell system having alternating current output

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    A monolithic multijunction solar cell was modified by fabricating an integrated circuit inverter on the back of the cell to produce a device capable of generating an alternating current output. In another embodiment, integrated curcuit power conditioning electronics was incorporated in a module containing a solar cell power supply

    Non-linear response of a Kondo system: Perturbation approach to the time dependent Anderson impurity model

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    Nonlinear tunneling current through a quantum dot (an Anderson impurity system) subject to both constant and alternating electric fields is studied in the Kondo regime. A systematic diagram technique is developed for perturbation study of the current in physical systems out of equilibrium governed by time - dependent Hamiltonians of the Anderson and the Kondo models. The ensuing calculations prove to be too complicated for the Anderson model, and hence, a mapping on an effective Kondo problem is called for. This is achieved by constructing a time - dependent version of the Schrieffer - Wolff transformation. Perturbation expansion of the current is then carried out up to third order in the Kondo coupling J yielding a set of remarkably simple analytical expressions for the current. The zero - bias anomaly of the direct current differential conductance is shown to be suppressed by the alternating field while side peaks develop at finite source - drain voltage. Both the direct component and the first harmonics of the time - dependent response are equally enhanced due to the Kondo effect, while amplitudes of higher harmonics are shown to be relatively small. A zero alternating bias anomaly is found in the alternating current differential conductance, that is, it peaks around zero alternating bias. This peak is suppressed by the constant bias. No side peaks show up in the differential alternating - conductance but their counterpart is found in the derivative of the alternating current with respect to the direct bias. The results pertaining to nonlinear response are shown to be valid also below the Kondo temperature.Comment: 55 latex pages 11 ps figure

    Nonlinear alternating current responses of graded materials

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    When a composite of nonlinear particles suspended in a host medium is subjected to a sinusoidal electric field, the electrical response in the composite will generally consist of alternating current (AC) fields at frequencies of higher-order harmonics. The situation becomes more interesting when the suspended particles are graded, with a spatial variation in the dielectric properties. The local electric field inside the graded particles can be calculated by the differential effective dipole approximation, which agrees very well with a first-principles approach. In this work, a nonlinear differential effective dipole approximation and a perturbation expansion method have been employed to investigate the effect of gradation on the nonlinear AC responses of these composites. The results showed that the fundamental and third-harmonic AC responses are sensitive to the dielectric-constant and/or nonlinear-susceptibility gradation profiles within the particles. Thus, by measuring the AC responses of the graded composites, it is possible to perform a real-time monitoring of the fabrication process of the gradation profiles within the graded particles.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure