804,413 research outputs found
Analytic solution for tachyon condensation in open string field theory
We propose a new basis in Witten's open string field theory, in which the
star product simplifies considerably. For a convenient choice of gauge the
classical string field equation of motion yields straightforwardly an exact
analytic solution that represents the nonperturbative tachyon vacuum. The
solution is given in terms of Bernoulli numbers and the equation of motion can
be viewed as novel Euler--Ramanujan-type identity. It turns out that the
solution is the Euler--Maclaurin asymptotic expansion of a sum over wedge
states with certain insertions. This new form is fully regular from the point
of view of level truncation. By computing the energy difference between the
perturbative and nonperturbative vacua, we prove analytically Sen's first
conjecture.Comment: 60 pages, 4 figures, v2: typos corrected, references adde
Moduli space actions on the Hochschild Co-Chains of a Frobenius algebra I: Cell Operads
This is the first of two papers in which we prove that a cell model of the
moduli space of curves with marked points and tangent vectors at the marked
points acts on the Hochschild co--chains of a Frobenius algebra. We also prove
that a there is dg--PROP action of a version of Sullivan Chord diagrams which
acts on the normalized Hochschild co-chains of a Frobenius algebra. These
actions lift to operadic correlation functions on the co--cycles. In
particular, the PROP action gives an action on the homology of a loop space of
a compact simply--connected manifold.
In this first part, we set up the topological operads/PROPs and their cell
models. The main theorems of this part are that there is a cell model operad
for the moduli space of genus curves with punctures and a tangent
vector at each of these punctures and that there exists a CW complex whose
chains are isomorphic to a certain type of Sullivan Chord diagrams and that
they form a PROP. Furthermore there exist weak versions of these structures on
the topological level which all lie inside an all encompassing cyclic
(rational) operad.Comment: 50 pages, 7 figures. Newer version has minor changes. Some material
shifted. Typos and small things correcte
A -analogue of derivations on the tensor algebra and the -Schur-Weyl duality
This paper presents a -analogue of an extension of the tensor algebra
given by the same author. This new algebra naturally contains the ordinary
tensor algebra and the Iwahori-Hecke algebra type of infinite degree.
Namely this algebra can be regarded as a natural mix of these two algebras.
Moreover, we can consider natural "derivations" on this algebra. Using these
derivations, we can easily prove the -Schur-Weyl duality (the duality
between the quantum enveloping algebra of the general linear Lie algebra and
the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type ).Comment: 10 pages; revised version; to appear in Lett. Math. Phy
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