1,358,900 research outputs found

    The COSM Aggregate

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    The COSM Aggregate

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    The COSM Aggregate

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    The COSM Aggregate

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    Aggregate Representations of Aggregate Games

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    An aggregate game is a normal-form game with the property that each player’s payoff is a function only of his own strategy and an aggregate function of the strategy profile of all players. Aggregate games possess a set of purely algebraic properties that can often provide simple characterizations of equilibrium aggregates without first requiring that one solves for the equilibrium strategy profile. The defining nature of payoffs in an aggregate game allows one to project the n-player strategic analysis of a normal form game onto a lower-dimension aggregate-strategy space, thereby converting an n-player game to a simpler object – a self-generating single-person maximization program. We apply these techniques to a number of economic settings including competition in supply functions and multi-principal common agency games with nonlinear transfer functions.Aggregate games, common agency, asymmetric informa- tion, menu auctions

    The COSM Aggregate

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    The COSM Aggregate

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    Efeito da pré-molhagem do agregado nas propriedades das argamassas com agregado reciclado deconcreto e agregado leve

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    This paper examines the suitability of partially replacing natural aggregate, sand, (NA) with recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) or lightweight aggregate (LWA) in mortars, under the hypothesis that pre-wetting aggregates would produce improvement in mortar properties. Fresh mortar properties such as density, entrained air content, consistency and heat of hydration, as well as hardened mortar properties such as dry density, compressive and flexural strength, and dimensional instability at 0% and 100% saturation were determined. The results show that mortars made with natural aggregate (75%) and recycled concrete aggregate (25%) have similar properties to mortars made with only natural aggregate (100%) and that pre-wetting the aggregates does not influence the properties of mortars significantly. Therefore, partial replacement with recycled concrete aggregate is a viable alternative for producing mortar.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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