134,813 research outputs found
Harmonic hopping, and both punctuated and gradual evolution of acoustic characters in Selasphorus hummingbird tail-feathers.
Models of character evolution often assume a single mode of evolutionary change, such as continuous, or discrete. Here I provide an example in which a character exhibits both types of change. Hummingbirds in the genus Selasphorus produce sound with fluttering tail-feathers during courtship. The ancestral character state within Selasphorus is production of sound with an inner tail-feather, R2, in which the sound usually evolves gradually. Calliope and Allen's Hummingbirds have evolved autapomorphic acoustic mechanisms that involve feather-feather interactions. I develop a source-filter model of these interactions. The 'source' comprises feather(s) that are both necessary and sufficient for sound production, and are aerodynamically coupled to neighboring feathers, which act as filters. Filters are unnecessary or insufficient for sound production, but may evolve to become sources. Allen's Hummingbird has evolved to produce sound with two sources, one with feather R3, another frequency-modulated sound with R4, and their interaction frequencies. Allen's R2 retains the ancestral character state, a ∼1 kHz "ghost" fundamental frequency masked by R3, which is revealed when R3 is experimentally removed. In the ancestor to Allen's Hummingbird, the dominant frequency has 'hopped' to the second harmonic without passing through intermediate frequencies. This demonstrates that although the fundamental frequency of a communication sound may usually evolve gradually, occasional jumps from one character state to another can occur in a discrete fashion. Accordingly, mapping acoustic characters on a phylogeny may produce misleading results if the physical mechanism of production is not known
Acoustics of early universe. II. Lifshitz vs. gauge-invariant theories
Appealing to classical methods of order reduction, we reduce the Lifshitz
system to a second order differential equation. We demonstrate its equivalence
to well known gauge-invariant results. For a radiation dominated universe we
express the metric and density corrections in their exact forms and discuss
their acoustic character
The Microsoft 2017 Conversational Speech Recognition System
We describe the 2017 version of Microsoft's conversational speech recognition
system, in which we update our 2016 system with recent developments in
neural-network-based acoustic and language modeling to further advance the
state of the art on the Switchboard speech recognition task. The system adds a
CNN-BLSTM acoustic model to the set of model architectures we combined
previously, and includes character-based and dialog session aware LSTM language
models in rescoring. For system combination we adopt a two-stage approach,
whereby subsets of acoustic models are first combined at the senone/frame
level, followed by a word-level voting via confusion networks. We also added a
confusion network rescoring step after system combination. The resulting system
yields a 5.1\% word error rate on the 2000 Switchboard evaluation set
Character of magnetic excitations in a quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet near the quantum critical points: Impact on magneto-acoustic properties
We report results of magneto-acoustic studies in the quantum spin-chain
magnet NiCl-4SC(NH) (DTN) having a field-induced ordered
antiferromagnetic (AF) phase. In the vicinity of the quantum critical points
(QCPs) the acoustic mode manifests a pronounced softening accompanied
by energy dissipation of the sound wave. The acoustic anomalies are traced up
to , where the thermodynamic properties are determined by fermionic
magnetic excitations, the "hallmark" of one-dimensional (1D) spin chains. On
the other hand, as established in earlier studies, the AF phase in DTN is
governed by bosonic magnetic excitations. Our results suggest the presence of a
crossover from a 1D fermionic to a 3D bosonic character of the magnetic
excitations in DTN in the vicinity of the QCPs.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication by Phys. Rev
Influence of viscoelasticity and interfacial slip on acoustic wave sensors
Acoustic wave devices with shear horizontal displacements, such as quartz crystal microbalances (QCM) and shear horizontally polarised surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) devices provide sensitive probes of changes at solid-solid and solid- liquid interfaces. Increasingly the surfaces of acoustic wave devices are being chemically or physically modified to alter surface adhesion or coated with one or more layers to amplify their response to any change of mass or material properties. In this work, we describe a model that provides a unified view of the modification in the shear motion in acoustic wave systems by multiple finite thickness loadings of viscoelastic fluids. This model encompasses QCM and other classes of acoustic wave devices based on a shear motion of the substrate surface and is also valid whether the coating film has a liquid or solid character. As a specific example, the transition of a coating from liquid to solid is modelled using a single relaxation time Maxwell model. The correspondence between parameters from this physical model and parameters from alternative acoustic impedance models is given explicitly. The characteristic changes in QCM frequency and attenuation as a function of thickness are illustrated for a single layer device as the coating is varied from liquid-like to that of an amorphous solid. Results for a double layer structure are given explicitly and the extension of the physical model to multiple layers is described
A robust extension to the triple plane pressure mode matching method by filtering convective perturbations
Time-periodic CFD simulations are widely used to investigate turbomachinery
components. The triple-plane pressure mode matching method (TPP) developed by
Ovenden and Rienstra extracts the acoustic part in such simulations. Experience
shows that this method is subject to significant errors when the amplitude of
pseudo-sound is high compared to sound. Pseudo-sound are unsteady pressure
fluctuations with a convective character. The presented extension to the TPP
improves the splitting between acoustics and the rest of the unsteady flow
field. The method is simple: i) the acoustic eigenmodes are analytically
determined for a uniform mean flow as in the original TPP; ii) the suggested
model for convective pressure perturbations uses the convective wavenumber as
axial wavenumber and the same orthogonal radial shape functions as for the
acoustic modes. The reliability is demonstrated on the simulation data of a
low-pressure fan. As acoustic and convective perturbations are separated, the
accuracy of the results increases close to sources, allowing a reduction of the
computational costs by shortening the simulation domain. The extended method is
as robust as the original one--giving the same results for the acoustic modes
in absence of convective perturbations.Comment: Accepted 15-05-11 by International Journal of Aeroacoustics to be
published in the special issue focusing on turbomachinery aeroacoustic
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