3,791,066 research outputs found

    Searching for Bayesian Network Structures in the Space of Restricted Acyclic Partially Directed Graphs

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    Although many algorithms have been designed to construct Bayesian network structures using different approaches and principles, they all employ only two methods: those based on independence criteria, and those based on a scoring function and a search procedure (although some methods combine the two). Within the score+search paradigm, the dominant approach uses local search methods in the space of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), where the usual choices for defining the elementary modifications (local changes) that can be applied are arc addition, arc deletion, and arc reversal. In this paper, we propose a new local search method that uses a different search space, and which takes account of the concept of equivalence between network structures: restricted acyclic partially directed graphs (RPDAGs). In this way, the number of different configurations of the search space is reduced, thus improving efficiency. Moreover, although the final result must necessarily be a local optimum given the nature of the search method, the topology of the new search space, which avoids making early decisions about the directions of the arcs, may help to find better local optima than those obtained by searching in the DAG space. Detailed results of the evaluation of the proposed search method on several test problems, including the well-known Alarm Monitoring System, are also presented

    ACID-3 Workshop, October 16-17, 2006

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    Analisis Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Dan Word Of Mouth Yang Positif Pada Pelanggan Telkom Speedy Di Kota Manado

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    Word-of-mouth phenomenon in the last decade can not be avoided by marketers, because its existence can carry a positive or negative image of one brand of product or service. The data analysis in this study uses the PATH analysis using the analysis tool SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The test results showed that the Product Quality and Service Quality in the process eliminated the t test because it has a low impact on customer satisfaction. Competitive prices have a dominant influence on Customer Satisfaction. Similarly, the effect of Customer Satisfaction on Word Of Mouth is the value of positive significance. This means that the higher the price is competitive assessment of customer owned, the higher the customer satisfaction of the Speedy and the higher the resulting effect of Word Of Mouth. Keywords: product quality, service quality, customer satisfaction, and word of mout

    Jasmonic acid methyl ester induces xylogenesis and modulates auxin-induced xylary cell identity with NO Involvement

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    In Arabidopsis basal hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings, xylary cells may form from the pericycle as an alternative to adventitious roots. Several hormones may induce xylogenesis, as Jasmonic acid (JA), as well as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) auxins, which also affect xylary identity. Studies with the ethylene (ET)-perception mutant ein3eil1 and the ET-precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), also demonstrate ET involvement in IBA-induced ectopic metaxylem. Moreover, nitric oxide (NO), produced after IBA/IAA-treatments, may affect JA signalling and interact positively/negatively with ET. To date, NO-involvement in ET/JA-mediated xylogenesis has never been investigated. To study this, and unravel JA-effects on xylary identity, xylogenesis was investigated in hypocotyls of seedlings treated with JA methyl-ester (JAMe) with/without ACC, IBA, IAA. Wild-type (wt) and ein3eil1 responses to hormonal treatments were compared, and the NO signal was quantified and its role evaluated by using NO-donors/scavengers. Ectopic-protoxylem increased in the wt only after treatment with JAMe(10 μM), whereas in ein3eil1 with any JAMe concentration. NO was detected in cells leading to either xylogenesis or adventitious rooting, and increased after treatment with JAMe(10 μM) combined or not with IBA(10 μM). Xylary identity changed when JAMe was applied with each auxin. Altogether, the results show that xylogenesis is induced by JA and NO positively regulates this process. In addition, NO also negatively interacts with ET-signalling and modulates auxin-induced xylary identity

    Fatty acid composition and technological quality of the lipids produced by the microalga Scenedesmus dimorphus 1237 as a function of culturing conditions

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    Scendesmus dimorphus is an oleaginous eukaryotic microalga, able to produce and accumulate lipids up to a weight fraction of 49%. Aim of the present work is investigating the production of lipids by S. dimorphus 1237 and characterize them at a fatty-acid level. The variables accounted for were: the nutrient supply level and the extraction system (Soxhlet and bead beating). Two lipid phases were extracted by sequential, twin-solvent system (hexane and a chloroform:methanol mixture), the quantified gravimetrically and analyzed for their individual fatty acid composition by gas chromatography. The maximal total lipid concentration was measured by Soxhlet extraction in deficient nitrogen conditions (0.88 mg/L) and was found to be 49% (dw). In particular, palmitic acid was increased from 15% to 58% under phosphorous starvation and oleic acid content was increased from 8% to 40% under nitrogen starvation. Finally palmitic, palmitoleic and linolenic acid represented together more than 70% of the extracted lipids

    Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Dangke and Indonesian Beef as Hypocholesterolaemic Agent

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    Lactobacillus fermentum strains were successfully isolated from dangke which was a fresh cheese-like product originating from Enrekang, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. In addition, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophillus were isolated from beef. This study aimed to investigate the ability of those 8 LAB strains from dangke and beef in lowering cholesterol level by using in vitro study. Strain of Lactic acid bacteria used were L. fermentum strains (A323L, B111K, B323K, C113L, C212L), L. plantarum strains (IIA-1A5 and IIA-2C12), and L. acidophillus IIA-2B4. Variables observed were identification of Bile Salt Hydrolase (BSH) gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), BSH activity and cholesterol assimilation. Phylogenetic tree indicated homology of L. plantarum IIA-IA5 was 98% to BSH gene of L. plantarum Lp529 with access code of FJ439771 and FJ439775 obtained from GenBank. The results demonstrated that eight strains of LAB isolated from dangke and beef that potentially showed cholesterol-lowering effects were L. fermentum B111K and L. plantarum IIA-1A5. L. fermentum B111K was able to assimilate cholesterol by 4.10% with assimilated cholesterol of 0.13 mg in 1010 cells. In addition, L. plantarum IIA-1A5 had BSH gene and BSH activity, as well as the ability to assimilate cholesterol by 8.10% with assimilated cholesterol of 0.06 mg in 1010 cells. It is concluded that L. fermentum B111K and L. plantarum IIA-1A5 were strains that showed cholesterol-lowering effects

    Puesta en marcha de la técnica instrucción entre iguales en un curso de fundamentos de programación

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    En este artículo se fundamenta la técnica de intrucción entre iguales y se describen los pasos llevados a cabo para su aplicación en una asignatura de programación de segundo cuatrimestre, en el curso actual 2021-2022. La descripción incluye una temporización de la actividad, se dan detalles de su implementación en el aula y se enumeran posibles beneficios.The paper outlines the peer instruction and describes the prepations followed for its application on a course of programming in the second semestre of the current academic year 2021-2022. The description includes the timing of the activities, some details of the implementation in the classroom and a series of possible benefits

    Citric Acid and Microbial Phytase Inclusion in the Diet to Improve Utilization Phytate Phosporus and Growth of Broiler

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan anak ayam umur 3 sampai dengan 38 hari (180 ekor) dan 7 sampai dengan 42 hari (180 ekor). Ayam diberi ransum A, B, dan C yang berbahan dasar jagung (CSM) dan ransum E, F, dan G yang berbahan dasar gandum (WSM) yang diberi perlakuan penambahan steam pada suhu 1000C selama 10 menit. Semua ransum ditambah enzim fitase (SP-1002 ct) sebanyak 500 U/kg dan dibuat dalam bentuk pelet. Khusus ransum C dan G ditambah asam sitrat. Kandungan fosfor total ransum adalah 4,5 g/kg dan fosfor tersedia adalah 1,5 g/kg (defisien P). Bobot badan harian adalah 36, 34, dan 45 g/hari untuk ayam yang diberi ransum A, B, dan C dan 54, 46, dan 55 g/hari untuk ransum E, F, dan G. Deposisi fosfor total adalah 5,75; 5,36; dan 6,99 g berturut-turut untuk ransum A, B dan C dan 8,15; 6,90; dan 7,77 g untuk E, F, dan G. Penambahan asam sitrat dalam ransum CSM yang mengandung enzim fitase rendah mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan deposisi fosfor. Pada ransum WSM, perlakuan panas menyebabkan penurunan aktifitas fitase dan penurunan ini tidak dapat digantikan dengan penambahan enzim fitase (microbial phytase) akan tetapi dapat digantikan dengan penambahan asam sitrat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa asam sitrat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi enzim fitase (microbial phytase) dalam mendegradasi senyawa fitat di dalam saluran pencernaan
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