31 research outputs found
Unmatter Plasma, Relativistic Oblique-Length Contraction Factor, Neutrosophic Diagram and Neutrosophic Degree of Paradoxicity: Articles and Notes
This book has four parts. In the first part, we collected five recent papers, published before in Progress in Physics, but reviewed. In the first paper, we approach a novel form of plasma, Unmatter Plasma. The electron-positron beam plasma was generated in the laboratory in the beginning of 2015. This experimental fact shows that unmatter, a new form of matter that is formed by matter and antimatter bind together (mathematically predicted a decade ago) really exists. That is the electron-positron plasma experiment of 2015 is the experimentum crucis verifying the mathematically predicted unmatter. In the second paper, we generalize the Lorentz Contraction Factor for the case when the lengths are moving at an oblique angle with respect to the motion direction, and show that the angles of the moving relativistic objects are distorted. In the third paper, using the Oblique-Length Contraction Factor, which is a generalization of Lorentz Contraction Factor, we show several trigonometric relations between distorted and original angles of moving object lengths in the Special Theory of Relativity
Unmatter Plasma, Relativistic Oblique-Length Contraction Factor, Neutrosophic Diagram and Neutrosophic Degree of Paradoxicity. Articles and Notes
There is beginning for anything; we used to hear that phrase. The same wisdom word applies to the authors too. What began in 2005 as a short email on some ideas related to interpretation of the Wave Mechanics results in a number of papers and books up to now. Some of these papers can be found in Progress in Physics or elsewhere.
It is often recognized that when a mathematician meets a physics-inclined mind then the result is either a series of endless debates or publication. In this story, authors preferred to publish rather than perish.
Therefore, the purpose with this book is to present a selection of published papers in a compilation which enable the readers to find some coherent ideas which appear in those articles. For this reason, the ordering of the papers here is based on categories of ideas
Multispace & Multistructure. Neutrosophic Transdisciplinarity (100 Collected Papers of Sciences), Vol. IV
The fourth volume, in my book series of “Collected Papers”, includes 100 published and unpublished articles, notes, (preliminary) drafts containing just ideas to be further investigated, scientific souvenirs, scientific blogs, project proposals, small experiments, solved and unsolved problems and conjectures, updated or alternative versions of previous papers, short or long humanistic essays, letters to the editors - all collected in the previous three decades (1980-2010) – but most of them are from the last decade (2000-2010), some of them being lost and found, yet others are extended, diversified, improved versions. This is an eclectic tome of 800 pages with papers in various fields of sciences, alphabetically listed, such as: astronomy, biology, calculus, chemistry, computer programming codification, economics and business and politics, education and administration, game theory, geometry, graph theory, information fusion, neutrosophic logic and set, non-Euclidean geometry, number theory, paradoxes, philosophy of science, psychology, quantum physics, scientific research methods, and statistics. It was my preoccupation and collaboration as author, co-author, translator, or cotranslator, and editor with many scientists from around the world for long time. Many topics from this book are incipient and need to be expanded in future explorations
Neutrosophic Science means development and applications of neutrosophic
logic/set/measure/integral/probability etc. and their applications in any field
Unfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Physics, Mathematics, Astrophysics, and Other Areas of Science
The reader will find herein a collection of unsolved problems in mathematics and the physical sciences. Theoretical and experimental domains have each been given consideration. The authors have taken a liberal approach in their selection of problems and questions, and have not shied away from what might otherwise be called speculative, in order to enhance the opportunities for scientific discovery. Progress and development in our knowledge of the structure, form and function of the Universe, in the true sense of the word, its beauty and power, and its timeless presence and mystery, before which even the greatest intellect is awed and humbled, can spring forth only from an unshackled mind combined with a willingness to imagine beyond the boundaries imposed by that ossified authority by which science inevitably becomes, as history teaches us, barren and decrepit. Revealing the secrets of Nature, so that we truly see ‘the sunlit plains extended, and at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars’*, requires far more than mere technical ability and mechanical dexterity learnt form books and consensus. The dustbin of scientific history is replete with discredited consensus and the grand reputations of erudite reactionaries. Only by boldly asking questions, fearlessly, despite opposition, and searching for answers where most have not looked for want of courage and independence of thought, can one hope to discover for one’s self. From nothing else can creativity blossom and grow, and without which the garden of science can only aspire to an overpopulation of weeds
Unfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Mathematics, Physics, Astrophysics, and Other Areas of Science
Throughout this book, we discuss some open problems in various branches of
science, including mathematics, theoretical physics, astro-physics, geophysics
etc. It is of our hope that some of the problems discussed in this book will
find their place either in theoretical exploration or further experiments,
while some parts of these problems may be found useful for scholarly
stimulation. The present book is also intended for young physics and
mathematics fellows who will perhaps find the unsolved problems described here
are at least worth pondering. If this book provides only a few highlights of
plau-sible solutions, it is merely to keep the fun of readers in discovering
the answers by themselves.Comment: 139 pages, many figure