269,143 research outputs found
Detecting Health Problems Related to Addiction of Video Game Playing Using an Expert System
Today’s everyone normal life can include a normal rate of playing computer games or video games; but what about an excessive or compulsive use of video games that impact on our life? Our kids, who usually spend a lot of time in playing video games will likely have a trouble in paying attention to their school lessons. In this paper, we introduce an expert system to help users in getting the correct diagnosis of the health problem of video game addictions that range from (Musculoskeletal issues, Vision problems and Obesity). Moreover, this expert system provides information about the problem and tell us how we can solve it. SL5 Object expert system language was used to design and implement the expert system
In-Game, In-Room, In-World: Reconnecting Video Game Play to the Rest of Kids' Lives
Part of the Volume on the Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning The focus of this chapter is on how young people learn to play video games. We have approached this question ethnographically, studying young people playing in their own homes among friends and family. The primary data analyzed for the chapter are videorecordings of play from two perspectives -- in-game and in-room -- which we synchronized into a single side-by-side video record. By looking at in-room actions along with in-game actions, the chapter expands on a separate worlds view that holds video games as a world apart from the rest of kids' lives. Our case material shows instead how game play is quite tangled up with young people's lives, including relations with siblings and parents, patterns of learning at home and school, as well their own imagined futures. Our analysis also documents a remarkable diversity of what we call learning arrangements that young people create among themselves while playing together
Penerapan Yoga Anak untuk Anak Pra Sekolah
The growth and development is a process which experienced by the individuals since its fetus untill adult. Yoga or meditation is a alternative way which can stimulate the rough motor skills that kids can obtain good growth and development. The purpose of this research is to introduce Yoga for kids to people furthermore they can give the stimulation that kids can get good of growth and development. The respondents in this research who participate are Ten mother-children which age four until six years old from East Java, Central Borneo, Jambi and Lampung. The implementation of this research used education provision and Yoga online training by WhatsApp methods. Media used in this research were PowerPoint Presentation which to healt elucidation and videos for Yoga training for kids. Implementation of this research was consist of pre-test, material delivered and post-test. The result of this research showed that in pre-test Eight out of Ten Mom’s respondents had no experience before about kids for yoga. As far as gave an elucidation and training about Yoga for kids, the result showed all the respondents have a good knowledge with Yoga for kids. The respondents were actively involved and very enthusiastic as long as the implementation. Based on the research could be concluded that knowledge were highly increased which quite significant in respondents after the health elucidation by using PowerPoint Presentations as the media also there were an increasing ability of the parents when they practiced the movements of Yoga for kids after the training given before by using video as the media.AbtsrakTumbuh kembang merupakan suatu proses yang dialami oleh individu dari janin hingga dewasa. Yoga atau meditasi merupakan suatu cara alternatif yang dapat menstimulasi motorik kasar sehingga anak dapat memperoleh tumbuh kembang yang baik. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk memperkenalkan yoga anak kepada masyarakat terutama ibu yang mempunyai balita agar ibu dapat memberikan stimulasi untuk anaknya sehingga dapat mengoptimlakan tumbuh kembang anak. Responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 ibu dan anak usia 4–6 tahun yang berasal dari Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, Jambi, dan Lampung. Pelaksanaan penelitian menggunakan metode pemberian pendidikan dan pelatihan yoga berbasis daring melalui aplikasi WhatsApp. Media yang digunakan video berupa video materi dan dan video untuk pelatihan yoga anak. Pelaksanaan penelitian terdiri dari pretest, penyampaian materi, diskusi, dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pretest diperoleh hasil 8 dari 10 orang tua memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang terhadap yoga anak. Setelah diberikan informasi dan pelatihan yoga untuk anak, didapatkan hasil bahwa seluruh responden memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang yoga pada anak. Responden terlibat aktif dan memiliki antusiasme tinggi selama pelaksanaan. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pose yoga pada anak setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media video
Penerapan Yoga Anak untuk Anak Pra Sekolah
The growth and development is a process which experienced by the individuals since its fetus untill adult. Yoga or meditation is a alternative way which can stimulate the rough motor skills that kids can obtain good growth and development. The purpose of this research is to introduce Yoga for kids to people furthermore they can give the stimulation that kids can get good of growth and development. The respondents in this research who participate are Ten mother-children which age four until six years old from East Java, Central Borneo, Jambi and Lampung. The implementation of this research used education provision and Yoga online training by WhatsApp methods. Media used in this research were PowerPoint Presentation which to healt elucidation and videos for Yoga training for kids. Implementation of this research was consist of pre-test, material delivered and post-test. The result of this research showed that in pre-test Eight out of Ten Mom’s respondents had no experience before about kids for yoga. As far as gave an elucidation and training about Yoga for kids, the result showed all the respondents have a good knowledge with Yoga for kids. The respondents were actively involved and very enthusiastic as long as the implementation. Based on the research could be concluded that knowledge were highly increased which quite significant in respondents after the health elucidation by using PowerPoint Presentations as the media also there were an increasing ability of the parents when they practiced the movements of Yoga for kids after the training given before by using video as the media.AbtsrakTumbuh kembang merupakan suatu proses yang dialami oleh individu dari janin hingga dewasa. Yoga atau meditasi merupakan suatu cara alternatif yang dapat menstimulasi motorik kasar sehingga anak dapat memperoleh tumbuh kembang yang baik. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk memperkenalkan yoga anak kepada masyarakat terutama ibu yang mempunyai balita agar ibu dapat memberikan stimulasi untuk anaknya sehingga dapat mengoptimlakan tumbuh kembang anak. Responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 ibu dan anak usia 4–6 tahun yang berasal dari Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Tengah, Jambi, dan Lampung. Pelaksanaan penelitian menggunakan metode pemberian pendidikan dan pelatihan yoga berbasis daring melalui aplikasi WhatsApp. Media yang digunakan video berupa video materi dan dan video untuk pelatihan yoga anak. Pelaksanaan penelitian terdiri dari pretest, penyampaian materi, diskusi, dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pretest diperoleh hasil 8 dari 10 orang tua memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang terhadap yoga anak. Setelah diberikan informasi dan pelatihan yoga untuk anak, didapatkan hasil bahwa seluruh responden memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang yoga pada anak. Responden terlibat aktif dan memiliki antusiasme tinggi selama pelaksanaan. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan pose yoga pada anak setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media video
Analisis User Experience Pada Youtube Kids Menggunakan UX Journey
Gadget users span all age groups, leading to the development of software technologies specifically designed for children, such as YouTube Kids. YouTube Kids is a video-based social media platform tailored for children under 13 years old. However, YouTube Kids has a design flaw, lacking an auto-rotate feature. This study aims to assess the user experience (UX) of YouTube Kids and subsequently identify design solutions. The UX Journey method is employed in this research. The scarcity of previous UX research on YouTube Kids makes the UX Journey, which utilizes user needs analysis and user experience, an appropriate method for this study. This approach enhances efficiency in addressing potential issues. A sample of parents/ children’s companions is used in this research. The results is overall, parents/ children’s companions find the features of YouTube Kids to be comprehensive. However, the interface is considered plain and uncomfortable due to the absence of an auto-rotate feature, necessitating horizontal scrolling with large video thumbnails. This hinders easy supervision. The proposed solution is to add an auto-rotate feature and make the design more colorful, as the application is intended for children under 13 years old with parental/ children’s companions supervision. After testing the design solution, it can be concluded that parents/ children’s companions found the new design more comfortable and acceptable. Notably, 20-60% of respondents remained neutral during A/B testing on certain pages
Toiminnallisen tasa-arvosuunnitelman toteutuminen Kids’ Valleyn päiväkodissa
Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli tutkia, millä tavoin Hyvinkääläisen Kids' Valleyn päiväkodin toiminnallinen tasa-arvosuunnitelma toteutui päiväkodin arjessa. Opinnäytetyömme oli työelämälähtöinen ja se toteutetiin yhteistyössä Kids' Valleyn päiväkodin kanssa heidän asettamien tavoitteiden pohjalta. Kids' Valleyn päiväkoti oli syksyllä 2016 luonut uuden toiminnallisen tasa-arvosuunnitelman ja tarvitsi nyt ulkopuolisen tahon tarkastelemaan tämän toteutumista.
Tutkimuksen aineiston keräämisen suoritimme havainnoimalla varhaiskasvattajien toimintaa päiväkodin arjen tilanteissa ja käytimme havainnoinnin apuna videokameraa. Havainnoimme päiväkodin arkea yhteensä 10 päivän ajan. Tänä aikana kuvasimme videomateriaalia yhteensä noin 20 tunnin edestä eli noin kaksi tuntia yhtenä kuvauspäivänä. Havainnointi toteutettiin kevään 2017 aikana.
Havainnoinnissa keskityimme päiväkodin arjen tilanteisiin, kuten ruokailuun, pukemiseen ja ulkoiluun sekä pienryhmätilanteisiin. Peilasimme tilanteita Kids' Valleyn toiminnalliseen tasa-arvosuunnitelmaan ja teoreettisina viitekehyksinä käytimme teorioita tasa-arvoisesta varhaiskasvatuksesta. Teimme havainnointiemme sekä keräämämme videomateriaalin pohjalta videokoosteen Kids' Valleyn päiväkotiin missä toimme esille niitä heidän toiminnalisen tasa-arvosuunnitelmansa mukaisia asioita, joissa huomasimme poikkeavuuksia. Huomasimme päiväkodin arjessa varhaiskasvattajien asettamien rajojen olevan sallivampia tyttöjen kuin poikien suhteen. Poikia komennettiin selkeästi tyttöjä helpommin. Opinnäytetyöllämme saamiemme tuloksien avulla Kids' Valleyn päiväkoti lähti kehittämään toimintaansa tasa-arvoisempaan suuntaan.The purpose of this thesis was to explore how the functional equality plan of the Hyvinkää Kids' Valley day care centre was implemented in the daycare. Our thesis was based on working life and was carried out in cooperation with the Kids' Valley day care centre on the basis of their objectives.In the fall of 2016, the Kids' Valley day care centre created a new functional equality plan and now needed a third party to look into its implementation.
The research was carried out by observing the activities of early childhood educators in the everyday life of the day care centre and we used a camcorder as a support for the observation. We observed the day care centre for a total of 10 days. During this time, we recorded video material for about 20 hours, about two hours on one shooting day.The observation took place during spring 2017.
In the observation, we focused on everyday life situations of the day care centre such as eating, dressing and outdoor activities as well as small group activities. We mirrored the situations to the functional equality plan of Kids' Valley, and as theoretical framework we used theories of equal early childhood education. Based on our observations and the video material we collected, we made a video compilation to the Kids' Valley day care centre where we highlighted those things in their functional equality plan where we discovered abnormalities. We noticed that the limits set by early childhood educators were more per-missible for girls than for boys. The boys were clearly commanded more easily than the girls. With the results we have gained through our thesis, the Kids' Valley kindergarten started to develop their activities in a more equitable direction
We\u27re Not Doing Enough to End Hate Among Our Children
If we don\u27t fix prejudice when our kids are young, the next generation has no hope of a better country.
Last week, a middle school student from Georgia recorded some of his classmates calling him a “terrorist” and posted it online. Presumably, the kids on his bus tormented him because of his Sikh turban.
The family changed the video’s settings to private, but not before users around the world had already copied the video and reposted it. The video has since gone viral, gaining more than a million combined views from people all over the globe
Kids Fun Park Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu arena bermain anak terbesar di Yogyakarta. Penggunaan information desk atau tour guide di Kids Fun Park tidak efisien apabila jumlah pengunjung sangat banyak. Pihak Kids Fun perlu menyediakan fasilitas informasi, agar pengunjung lebih mudah untuk memperoleh informasi wahana dan fasilitas yang tersedia. Tujuan dari proyek akhir ini adalah pembuatan sistem yang memudahkan dalam mengetahui serta mendapatkan informasi tentang Kids Fun Park Yogyakarta. Pada penelitian ini dibuat Sistem Informasi Spasial untuk menunjukkan lokasi dan kondisi wahana yang ada dalam Kids Fun Park.
Sistem Informasi Spasial adalah suatu sistem informasi yang dirancang untuk bekerja dengan data yang bereferensi spasial. Sistem ini mengcapture, mengecek, mengintegrasikan, memanipulasi, menganalisa, dan menampilkan data yang secara spasial mereferensikan kepada kondisi bumi. Tahap pengembangan aplikasi meliputi analisis, perancangan sistem, implementasi dan pengujian. Rancangan tersebut telah diimplementasikan menjadi Sistem Informasi Spasial dengan bahasa pemprograman PHP dan database MySQL. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan black box test dan alpha test.
Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan sebuah Sistem Informasi Spasial yang dapat membantu pihak Kids Fun Park untuk mempermudah dalam menyediakan berbagai informasi tentang wahana Kids Fun Park kepada pengunjung. Informasi Kids Fun ditampilkan dalam bentuk gambar, teks, dan video
Investigating Stuttering Attitude Change of Middle School Students in a Rural Appalachian School
Effects of the Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids video on stuttering attitudes was investigated with middle school students in a rural Appalachian middle school in West Virginia. Participants completed the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering (POSHA-S) before (PRE) and immediately after watching the video (POST1) to measure attitude change following the intervention. The participants again completed the POSHA-S one month later (POST2) to determine the stability of their attitudes. Tabular and graphic comparisons were generated for each of the three administrations of the POSHA-S. For PRE versus POST1 and POST1 versus POST2 analyses, individual item and combined item ratings of the POSHA-S for all the conditions were compared using paired t tests for dependent samples with the Bonferroni correction. Results indicated minimal change after watching the video but indicated stability of middle school students\u27 attitudes
Fuzzy Approach for Audio-Video Emotion Recognition in Computer Games for Children
Computer games are widespread nowadays and enjoyed by people of all ages. But
when it comes to kids, playing these games can be more than just fun, it is a
way for them to develop important skills and build emotional intelligence.
Facial expressions and sounds that kids produce during gameplay reflect their
feelings, thoughts, and moods. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that
integrates a fuzzy approach for the recognition of emotions through the
analysis of audio and video data. Our focus lies within the specific context of
computer games tailored for children, aiming to enhance their overall user
experience. We use the FER dataset to detect facial emotions in video frames
recorded from the screen during the game. For the audio emotion recognition of
sounds a kid produces during the game, we use CREMA-D, TESS, RAVDESS, and Savee
datasets. Next, a fuzzy inference system is used for the fusion of results.
Besides this, our system can detect emotion stability and emotion diversity
during gameplay, which, together with prevailing emotion report, can serve as
valuable information for parents worrying about the effect of certain games on
their kids. The proposed approach has shown promising results in the
preliminary experiments we conducted, involving 3 different video games, namely
fighting, racing, and logic games, and providing emotion-tracking results for
kids in each game. Our study can contribute to the advancement of
child-oriented game development, which is not only engaging but also accounts
for children's cognitive and emotional states.Comment: 8 pages. Prepared for the Elsevier conferenc
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