388 research outputs found

    Video ads dissemination through WiFi-cellular hybrid networks

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    PerCom2009 : The Seventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications , Mar 16-20, 2009 , Dallas, TX, USAIn this paper, we propose a method for video ads dissemination through a hybrid network consisting of WiFi and cellular networks, in order to provide timely delivery of video ads with preferred content to users according to the users' contexts. In recent years, video download/streaming services for cellular phones have already become popular. Among various video delivery services, a service for disseminating video ads according to the users' contexts is expected to achieve high advertising effects. However, context-aware video ads dissemination will consume large bandwidth since the size of video ad is rather large and the same ad is required at different time from various users. We propose a new video ads dissemination method for mobile terminals which utilizes both WiFi and cellular networks. In the proposed method, a file of video ad is divided into pieces and each node exchanges the pieces with neighbor nodes using WiFi ad hoc communication so that the usage of cellular network is reduced. In order to make the method works effectively for a large number of nodes, we propose an algorithm where mobile nodes autonomously and probabilistically decide their actions without a central control. Through simulations, we confirmed that our method reduces cellular network usage by about 93% compared with a case that all nodes download video ads via cellular network, and works effectively in cases with a large number of nodes and high mobility

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    On-the-Fly Establishment of Multi-hop D2D Communication based on Android Smartphones and Embedded Platforms: Implementation and Real-Life Experiments

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    Masteroppgave informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi - Universitetet i Agder, 2015(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020

    Advancement in infotainment system in automotive sector with vehicular cloud network and current state of art

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    The automotive industry has been incorporating various technological advancement on top-end versions of the vehicle order to improvise the degree of comfortability as well as enhancing the safer driving system. Infotainment system is one such pivotal system which not only makes the vehicle smart but also offers abundance of information as well as entertainment to the driver and passenger. The capability to offer extensive relay of service through infotainment system is highly dependent on vehicular adhoc network as well as back end support of cloud environment. However, it is know that such legacy system of vehicular adhoc network is also characterized by various problems associated with channel capacity, latency, heterogeneous network processing, and many more. Therefore, this paper offers a comprehensive insight to the research work being carried out towards leveraging the infotainment system in order to obtain the true picture of strength, limitation, and open end problems associated with infotainment system

    Anticipatory Mobile Computing: A Survey of the State of the Art and Research Challenges

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    Today's mobile phones are far from mere communication devices they were ten years ago. Equipped with sophisticated sensors and advanced computing hardware, phones can be used to infer users' location, activity, social setting and more. As devices become increasingly intelligent, their capabilities evolve beyond inferring context to predicting it, and then reasoning and acting upon the predicted context. This article provides an overview of the current state of the art in mobile sensing and context prediction paving the way for full-fledged anticipatory mobile computing. We present a survey of phenomena that mobile phones can infer and predict, and offer a description of machine learning techniques used for such predictions. We then discuss proactive decision making and decision delivery via the user-device feedback loop. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of anticipatory mobile computing.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    D1.1 Refined scenarios and requirements, consolidated use cases, and qualitative techno-economic feasibility assessment

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    This document describes scenarios, consolidated use cases and associated requirements for wireless access networks in the 2020-2030 timeframe. These are based on METIS project and also taking into account work done in other 5G projects and forums such as ITU-R and NGMN. The document introduces spectrum authorization modes and describes spectrum usages scenarios, spectrum bands and spectrum demand for 5G services. Finally, this document provides qualitative techno-economic feasibility assessment by analyzing main players involved in service delivery, from the radio access network point of view, and describing their mutual positions and relationships.Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Martín-Sacristán Gandía, D. (2016). D1.1 Refined scenarios and requirements, consolidated use cases, and qualitative techno-economic feasibility assessment. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32091.7760

    Sporadic cloud-based mobile augmentation on the top of a virtualization layer: a case study of collaborative downloads in VANETs

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    Current approaches to Cloud-based Mobile Augmentation (CMA) leverage (cloud-based) resources to meet the requirements of rich mobile applications, so that a terminal (the so-called application node or AppN) can borrow resources lent by a set of collaborator nodes (CNs). In the most sophisticated approaches proposed for vehicular scenarios, the collaborators are nearby vehicles that must remain together near the application node because the augmentation service is interrupted when they move apart. This leads to disruption in the execution of the applications and consequently impoverishes the mobile users’ experience. This paper describes a CMA approach that is able to restore the augmentation service transparently when AppNs and CNs separate. The functioning is illustrated by a NaaS model where the AppNs access web contents that are collaboratively downloaded by a set of CNs, exploiting both roadside units and opportunistic networking. The performance of the resulting approach has been evaluated via simulations, achieving promising results in terms of number of downloads, average download times, and network overheadMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia | Ref. TIN2017-87604-
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