8,915 research outputs found

    Effects of hydrogen and steam addition on laminar burning velocity of methane–air premixed flame: Experimental and numerical analysis

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    Effects of hydrogen enrichment and steam addition on laminar burning velocity of methaneeair premixed flame were studied both experimentally and numerically. Measurements were carried out using the slot burner method at 1 bar for fresh gases temperatures of 27 °C and 57 °C and for variable equivalence ratios going from 0.8 to 1.2. The hydrogen content in the fuel was varied from 0% to 30% in volume and the steam content in the air was varied from 0 to 112 g/kg (0e100% of relative humidity). Numerical calculations were performed using the COSILAB code with the GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism for one-dimensional premixed flames. The calculations were implemented first at room temperature and pressure and then extended to higher temperatures (up to 917 K) and pressures (up to 50 bar). Measurements of laminar burning velocities of methanee hydrogeneair and methaneeairesteam agree with the GRI-Mech calculations and previous measurements from literature obtained by different methods. Results show that enrich- ment by hydrogen increases of the laminar burning velocity and the adiabatic flame temperature. The addition of steam to a methaneeair mixture noticeably decreases the burning velocity and the adiabatic flame temperature. Modeling shows that isentropic compression of fresh gases leads to the increase of laminar burning velocity

    Study of the Wall Thermal Condition Effect in a Lean-Premixed Downscaled Can Combustor Using Large-Eddy Simulation

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    The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of LES, with a turbulent combustion model based on steady flamelets, to predict the flame stabilization mechanisms in an industrial can combustor at full load conditions. The test case corresponds to the downscaled Siemens can combustor tested in the high pressure rig at the DLR. The effects of the wall temperature on the prediction capabilities of the codes is investigated by imposing several heat transfer conditions at the pilot and chamber walls. The codes used for this work are Alya and OpenFOAM, which are well established CFD codes in the fluid mechanics community. Prior to the simulation, results for 1-D laminar flames at the operating conditions of the combustor are compared with the detailed solutions. Subsequently, results from both codes at the mid-plane are compared against the experimental data available. Acceptable results are obtained for the axial velocity, while discrepancies are more evident for the mixture fraction and the temperature, particularly with Alya. However, both codes showed that the heat losses influence the size and length of the pilot and main flame.The research leading to these results has received funding through the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013) under the grant agreement No. FP7-290042 for the project COPA-GT and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) and from Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) under the HPC4E Project, grant agreement No. 689772. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by the Red Española de Supercomputación (RES).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Durability testing at one atmosphere of advanced catalysts and catalyst supports for automotive gas turbine engine combustors, part 1

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    The durability of catalysts and catalyst supports in a combustion environment was experimentally demonstrated. A test of 1000 hours duration was completed with two catalysts, using diesel fuel and operating at catalytically supported thermal combustion conditions. The performance of the catalysts was determined by monitoring emissions throughout the test, and by examining the physical condition of the catalyst core at the conclusion of the test. The test catalysts proved to be capable of low emissions operation after 1000 hours diesel aging, with no apparent physical degradation of the catalyst support

    Temperature dependence of the Laminar burning velocity of methanol flames

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    To better understand and predict the combustion behavior of methanol in engines, sound knowledge of the effect of the pressure, unburned mixture temperature, and composition on the laminar burning velocity is required. Because many of the existing experimental data for this property are compromised by the effects of flame stretch and instabilities, this study was aimed at obtaining new, accurate data for the laminar burning velocity of methanol–air mixtures. Non-stretched flames were stabilized on a perforated plate burner at 1 atm. The heat flux method was used to determine burning velocities under conditions when the net heat loss from the flame to the burner is zero. Equivalence ratios and initial temperatures of the unburned mixture ranged from 0.7 to 1.5 and from 298 to 358 K, respectively. Uncertainties of the measurements were analyzed and assessed experimentally. The overall accuracy of the burning velocities was estimated to be better than ±1 cm/s. In lean conditions, the correspondence with recent literature data was very good, whereas for rich mixtures, the deviation was larger. The present study supports the higher burning velocities at rich conditions, as predicted by several chemical kinetic mechanisms. The effects of the unburned mixture temperature on the laminar burning velocity of methanol were analyzed using the correlation uL = uL0(Tu/Tu0)α. Several published expressions for the variation of the power exponent α with the equivalence ratio were compared against the present experimental results and calculations using a detailed oxidation kinetic model. Whereas most existing expressions assume a linear decrease of α with an increasing equivalence ratio, the modeling results produce a minimum in α for slightly rich mixtures. Experimental determination of α was only possible for lean to stoichiometric mixtures and a single data point at equivalence ratio= 1.5. For these conditions, the measurement data agree with the modeling results

    Fluid Dynamic Aspects Of Room Fires

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    Several fluid dynamic processes which play important roles in the development of accidental fires in structures are discussed. They include a review of information concerning the characteristic flow regimes of fire plumes and the properties of the flow in these regimes, and a brief review of flow through openings and in ceiling jets. Factors which lead to the development of thermal stratification in ceiling layers are also discussed

    Diffusion-controlled combustion

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    We devote this brief review to some relevant aspects of diffusion-controlled combustion. After a survey of the conservation equations involved, we shall describe the Burke-Schumann limit, which is applicable when the reaction time at the flame is very short compared with the mixing time. Using as a protopypical example the How downstream from a fuel injector in a combustor chamber, we next introduce some phenomena related to finite-rate kinetics. We shall see how the high temperature sensitivity typical of combustion reactions is responsible for the presence near the injector of chemically frozen regions of low temperature where the reactants mix without chemical reaction, these regions being separated by thin premixed flames, with rich and lean branches, from regions of near equilibrium flow, where the reactants coexist only in a thin trailing diffusion flame. The role of these triple llames in the ignition, anchoring, and lift-off processes of diffusion flames will be briefly discussed

    Prediction of heat release effects on a mixing layer

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    A fully second-order closure model for turbulent reacting flows is suggested based on Favre statistics. For diffusion flames the local thermodynamic state is related to single conserved scalar. The properties of pressure fluctuations are analyzed for turbulent flows with fluctuating density. Closure models for pressure correlations are discussed and modeled transport equations for Reynolds stresses, turbulent kinetic energy dissipation, density-velocity correlations, scalar moments and dissipation are presented and solved, together with the mean equations for momentum and mixture fraction. Solutions of these equations are compared with the experimental data for high heat release free mixing layers of fluorine and hydrogen in a nitrogen diluent

    Two-stage combustion for reducing pollutant emissions from gas turbine combustors

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    Combustion and emission results are presented for a premix combustor fueled with admixtures of JP5 with neat H2 and of JP5 with simulated partial-oxidation product gas. The combustor was operated with inlet-air state conditions typical of cruise power for high performance aviation engines. Ultralow NOx, CO and HC emissions and extended lean burning limits were achieved simultaneously. Laboratory scale studies of the non-catalyzed rich-burning characteristics of several paraffin-series hydrocarbon fuels and of JP5 showed sooting limits at equivalence ratios of about 2.0 and that in order to achieve very rich sootless burning it is necessary to premix the reactants thoroughly and to use high levels of air preheat. The application of two-stage combustion for the reduction of fuel NOx was reviewed. An experimental combustor designed and constructed for two-stage combustion experiments is described
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