21,017 research outputs found
unreinforced masonry buildings
A recent earthquake of M=4.9 occurred on 29 October 2007 in C, ameli, Denizli, which is located in a seismically active region at southwest Anatolia, Turkey. It has caused extensive damages at unreinforced masonry buildings like many other cases observed in Turkey during other previous earthquakes. Most of the damaged structures were non-engineered, seismically deficient, unreinforced masonry buildings. This paper presents a site survey of these damaged buildings. In addition to typical masonry damages, some infrequent, event-specific damages were also observed. Reasons for the relatively wide spread damages considering the magnitude of the event are discussed in the paper
Fatigue crack growth in a particulate TiB2 reinforced powder metallurgy iron-based composite
Fatigue crack growth behavior has been examined in a particulate titanium diboride (TiB2)âreinforced iron-based composite that had been produced via a mechanical alloying process. Comparison with equivalent unreinforced material indicated that fatigue crack growth resistance in the composite was superior to monolithic matrix material in the near-threshold regime. The composite exhibited relatively low crack closure levels at threshold, indicative of a high intrinsic (effective) threshold growth resistance compared to the unreinforced iron. The lower closure levels of the composite were consistent with reduced fracture surface asperity sizes, attributable to the reinforcement particles limiting the effective slip distance for stage Iâtype facet formation. The observed shielding behavior was rationalized in terms of recent finite-element analysis of crack closure in relation to the size of crack wake asperities and the crack-tip plastic zone. The different intrinsic fatigue thresholds of the composite and unreinforced iron were closely consistent with the influences of stiffness and yield strength on cyclic crack-tip opening displacements. Cracks in the composite were generally seen to avoid direct crack-tipâparticle interaction
Stabilization of clayey soil using fibre reinforcement
The paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on crack evolution during desiccation, on unsaturated, compacted and reinforced clay using natural Alfa fibres. The effect of fibre content is investigated and a comparison between experimental and numerical simulations is made. A modified model for tensile strength is updated in the finite element program CODE_BRIGHT and used to predict tensile cracks induced by desiccation on reinforced soil. The results show that the soil desiccation cracking behaviour is significantly influenced by fibre inclusion and that experimental and numerical results are in good agreement.Postprint (published version
Outâofâplane reinforcement of masonry walls using joint-embedded steel cables
The out-of-plane mechanism (rocking) of walls often causes fatalities and collapses of historic buildings during earthquakes. This paper addresses the problem of assessing the seismic resistance of walls subjected to out-of-plane bending, before and after reinforcement. A new retrofitting method, consisting in the use of high-strength steel cables fully embedded in the mortar bed joints was studied. An experimental investigation using full-scale brickwork specimens was therefore conducted in an attempt to assess the wallsâ structural response when these are subject to out-of-plane loads. Test results demonstrated that it is possible to increase the out-of-plane capacity with the proposed method. A simplified macro-element procedure is also presented along with recommendations for the calculation of the wallsâ capacity before and after the application of the steel cable reinforcement. Predictions of the magnitude of horizontal force required to cause out-of-plane failure using the proposed procedure and quasi-static analysis procedures are compared with the results of laboratory experiments
Dynamic one-sided out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced-masonry wall restrained by elasto-plastic tie-rods
Past earthquakes have shown the high vulnerability of existing masonry buildings, particularly to out-of-plane local collapse mechanisms. Such mechanisms can be prevented if façades are restrained by tie rods improving the connections to perpendiculars walls. Whereas in the past only static models have been proposed, herein the nonlinear equation of motion of a monolithic wall restrained by a tie rod is presented. The façade, resting on a foundation and adjacent to transverse walls, rotates only around one base pivot and has one degree of freedom. Its thickness is explicitly accounted for and the tie rod is modeled as a linear elasticâperfectly plastic spring, with limited displacement capacity. The model is used to investigate the response to variations of wall geometry (height/thickness ratio, thickness), tie rod features (vertical position, length, prestress level), and material characteristics (elastic modulus, ultimate elongation, yield strength) typical of historical iron. The most relevant parameter is the steel strength, whereas other characteristics play minor roles allowing to recommend reduced values for pre-tensioning forces. The force-based procedure customary in Italy for tie design is reasonably safe and involves protection also against collapse, although probably not enough as desirable
Effectiveness of Glass Fiber Mesh Reinforcement Applied to Road Construction Located in a Mining Subsidence Area
Local district roads represent low technological
regime when it comes to rehabilitation treatments.
Analysed road is located in a mining subsidence area in
Upper Silesia in Poland. Glass fibre mesh interlayer
reinforcement had been tested numerous times at different
roads. The main objective of this paper is to investigate
the effectiveness of applied reinforcement for road
located in a mining subsidence area. Evaluation was
performed by determining a state of cracking indicator in
accordance with visual-method of pavement surface
evaluation. Results shows high effectiveness of applied
reinforcement. Further researches are recommended
Reinforcement of wood with natural fibers
This paper describes an experimental programme which examines the reinforcement in flexure of timber beams with composite materials based on natural fibers in the form of fabrics made from hemp, flax, basalt and bamboo fibers. The industrial use of natural fibers has been continuously increasing since 1990s due to their advantages in terms of production costs, pollution emissions and energy consumption for production and disposal. The technique allows the reinforcement of the intrados of beams, avoiding the dismantling of the overlying part of the structure with significant savings in terms of costs and work time. The test program consists of three phases incorporating 45 beams. The bending tests on the wooden elements made it possible to measure the increase in capacity and stiffness resulting from the composite reinforcement. This was applied to beams, creating different arrangements and using different quantities (number of layers). Despite the diversity of the various tests carried out, the results obtained in some cases showed significant increases in terms of load-carrying capacity and in deflection ductility
Mechanical properties of Zr_(57)Nb_5Al_(10)Cu_(15.4)Ni_(12.6) metallic glass matrix particulate composites
To increase the toughness of a metallic glass with the nominal composition Zr_(57)Nb_5Al_(10)Cu_(15.4)Ni_(12.6), it was used as the matrix in particulate composites reinforced with W, WC, Ta, and SiC. The composites were tested in compression and tension experiments. Compressive strain to failure increased by more than 300% compared with the unreinforced Zr_(57)Nb_5Al_(10)Cu_(15.4)Ni_(12.6), and energy to break of the tensile samples increased by more than 50%. The increase in toughness came from the particles restricting shear band propagation, promoting the generation of multiple shear bands and additional fracture surface area. There was direct evidence of viscous flow of the metallic glass matrix within the confines of the shear bands
Seismic hazard and risk in Shanghai and estimation of expected building damage
The People's Republic of China is in the process of rapid demographic, economic and urban change including nationwide engineering and building construction at an unprecedented scale. The mega-city of Shanghai is at the centre of China's modernisation. Rapid urbanisation and building growth have increased the exposure of people and property to natural disasters. The seismic hazard of Shanghai and its vicinity is presented from a seismogenic free-zone methodology. A PGA value of 49 cm s-2 and a maximum intensity value of VII for the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale (a scale similar to the Modified Mercalli) for a 99% probability of non-exceedance in 50 years are determined for Shanghai city. The potential building damage for three independent districts of the city centre named Putuo, Nanjing Road and Pudong are calculated using damage vulnerability matrices. It is found that old civil houses of brick and timber are the most vulnerable buildings with potentially a mean probability value of 7.4% of this building structure type exhibiting the highest damage grade at intensity VII
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