16,570 research outputs found

    Three-transmit-antenna space-time codes based on SU(3)

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    Fully diverse constellations, i.e., a set of unitary matrices whose pairwise differences are nonsingular, are useful in multiantenna communications especially in multiantenna differential modulation, since they have good pairwise error properties. Recently, group theoretic ideas, especially fixed-point-free (fpf) groups, have been used to design fully diverse constellations of unitary matrices. Here, we give systematic design methods of space-time codes which are appropriate for three-transmit-antenna differential modulation. The structures of the codes are motivated by the special unitary Lie group SU(3). One of the codes, which is called the AB code, has a fast maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm using complex sphere decoding. Diversity products of the codes can be easily calculated, and simulated performance shows that they are better than group-based codes, especially at high rates and as good as the elaborately designed nongroup code

    Design of fully diverse multiple-antenna codes based on Sp(2)

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    Fully diverse constellations, i.e., sets of unitary matrices whose pairwise differences are nonsingular, are useful in multiple-antenna communications, especially in multiple-antenna differential modulation, since they have good pairwise error properties. Recently, group theoretic ideas, especially fixed-point-free (fpf) groups, have been used to design fully diverse constellations of unitary matrices. Here we construct four-transmit-antenna constellations appropriate for differential modulation based on the symplectic group Sp(2). They can be regarded as extensions of Alamouti's celebrated two-transmit-antenna orthogonal design which can be constructed from the group Sp(1). We further show that the structure of Sp(2) codes lends itself to efficient maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding via the sphere decoding algorithm. Finally, the performance of Sp(2) codes is compared with that of other existing codes including Alamouti's orthogonal design, a 4/spl times/4 complex orthogonal design, Cayley differential unitary space-time codes and group-based codes

    Fully-diverse multi-antenna space-time codes based on Sp(2)

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    Fully-diverse constellations, i.e., a set of unitary matrices whose pairwise differences are nonsingular, are useful in multi-antenna communications, especially in multi-antenna differential modulation, since they have good pairwise error properties. Group theoretic ideas, especially fixed-point-free (FPF) groups, have been used to design fully-diverse constellations of unitary matrices. We construct four-transmit-antenna constellations appropriate for differential modulation based on the symplectic group Sp(2). These can be regarded as extensions of Alamouti's (1998) celebrated two-transmit-antenna orthogonal design which can be constructed from the group Sp(1). We further show that the structure of the code tends itself to efficient maximum likelihood (ML) decoding via the sphere decoding algorithm. Finally, the performance of the code is compared with existing methods including Alamouti's scheme, Cayley differential unitary space-time codes and group-based codes

    Design of fully-diverse multi-antenna codes based on Sp(2)

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    Fully-diverse constellations, i.e., a set of unitary matrices whose pairwise differences are nonsingular, are useful in multi-antenna communications, especially in multi-antenna differential modulation, since they have good pairwise error properties. Recently, group theoretic ideas, especially fixed-point-free (FPF) groups, have been used to design fully-diverse constellations of unitary matrices. Here we construct four-transmit-antenna constellations appropriate for differential modulation based on the symplectic group Sp(2) These can be regarded as extensions of S.M. Alamouti's celebrated two-transmit-antenna orthogonal design which can be constructed from the group Sp(1) (see IEEE J. Sel. Area Commun., p.1451-8, 1998). We further show that the structure of the code lends itself to efficient maximum likelihood (ML) decoding via the sphere decoding algorithm. Finally, the performance of the code is compared with existing methods including Alamouti's scheme, Cayley differential unitary space-time codes and group based codes

    Maximum likelihood detection for differential unitary space-time modulation with carrier frequency offset

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    Can conventional differential unitary space time modulation (DUSTM) be applied when there is an unknown carrier frequency offset (CFO)? This paper answers this question affirmatively and derives the necessary maximum likelihood (ML) detection rule. The asymptotic performance of the proposed ML rule is analyzed, leading to a code design criterion for DUSTM by using the modified diversity product. The resulting proposed decision rule is a new differential modulation scheme in both the temporal and spatial domains. Two sub-optimal multiple-symbol decision rules with improved performance are also proposed. For the efficient implementation of these, we derive a modified bound intersection detector (BID), a generalization of the previously derived optimal BID for the conventional DUSTM. The simulation results show that the proposed differential modulation scheme is more robust against CFO drifting than the existing double temporal differential modulation

    Space-time code design for three-transmit-antenna systems

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    Fully diverse constellations, i.e., a set of unitary matrices whose pairwise differences are nonsingular, are useful in multi-antenna communications especially in multi-antenna differential modulation, since they have good pairwise error properties. Recently, group theoretic ideals, especially fixed-point-free (fpf) groups, have been used to design fully diverse constellations of unitary matrices. Here we give a systematic method to design space-time codes which are appropriate for three-transmit-antenna differential modulation. The structure of the code is motivated by the Lie group SU(3). The code has a fast decoding algorithm using sphere decode. The diversity product of the code can be easily calculated and simulated performance shows that the code is better than the group-based codes especially at high rates and is as good as the elaborately-designed nongroup code

    On Multiple Symbol Detection for Diagonal DUSTM Over Ricean Channels

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    This letter considers multiple symbol differential detection for multiple-antenna systems over flat Ricean-fading channels when partial channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter. Using the maximum likelihood (ML) principle, and assuming perfect knowledge of the channel mean, we derive the optimal multiple symbol detection (MSD) rule for diagonal differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM). This rule is used to develop a sphere decoding bound intersection detector (SD-BID) with low complexity. A suboptimal MSD based decision feedback DD (DF-DD) algorithm is also derived. The simulation results show that our proposed MSD algorithms reduce the error floor of conventional differential detection and that the computational complexity of these new algorithms is reasonably low