2,767,736 research outputs found
Uncertainty is a fact of life, and uncertainties are inevitable in science and engineering.Computational statistics brings analysis of real data at your fingertips, with uncertainties
Either/Or? Will Climate Change Force a Choice Between Salmon and Electricity in the Northwest?
12 pages and 16 slides
Includes bibliographical references
John M. Volkman, Partner, Stoel Rives LLP, Portland, Orego
SLIDES: California Water and Climate Change
Presenter: Dan Cayan, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
32 slides
Dan Cayan (1,2) 1 Mike Dettinger (2,1) SIO 2 USGS
SLIDES: A History of Climate Variability and Change in the American West
Presenter: Kelly T. Redmond, Regional Climatologist, Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC), Desert Research Institute
65 slide
The Role of Climate in Shaping Western Water Institutions
61 pages.
Justice Greg Hobbs, June 11, 2003
This preliminary paper was later published in Justice Gregory J. Hobbs, Jr., The Role of Climate in Shaping Western Water Institutions, 7 U. Denv. Water L. Rev. 1 (2003)
Position Uncertainty in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation
Position measurements are examined under the assumption that object position
x_t and probe position X_t just after the measurement are expressed by a linear
combination of positions x_0 and X_0 just before the measurement. The
Heisenberg uncertainty relation between the position uncertainty and momentum
disturbance holds when the measurement error \epsilon(x_t) for the object
position x_t is adopted as the position uncertainty. However, the uncertainty
in the measurement result obtained for x_0 is the standard deviation of the
measurement result, and not the measurement error \epsilon(x_0). This
difference is due to the reduction of a wave packet. The validity of the
linearity assumption is examined in detail.Comment: Corrected typos. 18 pages, to be published in Prog. Theor. Phys
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