11,328 research outputs found
Adapt, Mitigate, or Die? The Fallacy of a False Trade-off by Ottmar Edenhofer and Steffen Brunner
Klimaveränderung; Internationale Umweltpolitik; Welt
Tradable Permits
Tradable Permits – a Market-Based Allocation System for the Environment. Tradable Permits and Other Environmental Policy Instruments
– Killing one Bird with two Stones. Tradable Permits – Ten Key Design Issues. Tradable Permits with Imperfect Monitoring. Emissions Trading with Greenhouse Gases in the European Union.Umweltzertifikat, Umweltökonomik, Immissionsschutz, Umweltpolitik, Klimaschutz, EU-Umweltpolitik, Wirtschaftspolitische Wirkungsanalyse, EU-Staaten, Vereinigte Staaten, Environmental economics, Emission control, Environmental policy, Climate protection, EU environmental policy, Economic policy analysis, EU countries, United States
Burden Sharing in Climate Change Policy
Klimaveränderung, Internationale, Umweltpolitik, Welt, Climate change, International environmental policy, World
The EU Proposal for Emissions Trading: A Reasonable Approach? Pro: Emissions Trading for Efficiency, Environmental Protection and Equity: The Cornerstone of EU Climate Policy Contra: Many Open Questions
Immissionsschutz, Klimaschutz, EU-Umweltpolitik, EU-Staaten, Emission control, Climate protection, EU environmental policy, EU countries
Natural Catastrophes: Do We Have to Live with Them?
Naturkatastrophe; Klimaveränderung; Versicherungstechnisches Risiko; Internationale Umweltpolitik; Wirtschaftliche Anpassung; Welt
EU Climate and Energy Policies – Which Path Ahead?
EU-Umweltpolitik; EU-Energiepolitik; Energieversorgung; Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Internationaler Wettbewerb; EU-Staaten
Globalization and environmental policy innovations: Perspectives for national and regional pioneers
Is economic globalisation an obstacle to environmental policy innovations of regions or nations? Which effects will the rapid globalisation of environmental policy have? Could globalisation improve the conditions for regulatory competition and green pioneers? The presentation will describe the growing environmental policy convergence in the world, which may prevent a downward spiral of environmental standards. Global environmental policy learning will be described in terms of environmental policy diffusion between countries and regions. The perspective for environmental pioneers may be better than before!
Intergovernmental fiscal relations and regional sustainability
Regions often consist of both urban, densely populated areas and rural, more remote areas. In contrast to the acknowledged socio-economic functions of urban agglomerations, rural and remote areas usually provide ecological services for society as a whole. A number of these ecological services cause costs within the jurisdiction concerned but externally benefit others. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse the role fiscal federalism and fiscal instruments can play in addressing the imbalance of socio-economic and ecological public functions assigned to urban and rural areas in regional development. For this purpose, an investigation of the different role of socio-economic and ecological functions in intergovernmental fiscal relations is carried out by way of example for the Federal Republic of Germany. Due to the significance of ecological functions for regional sustainable development, intergovernmental fiscal relations between the state and the local level of government should take into consideration appropriate ecological indicators. Based on a status quo analysis of the German state fiscal equalisation laws, the paper presents options for systematically integrating ecological functions and indicators into the existing legal framework. Environmental federalism would then be realised regarding both the ecological functions and the financial resources to secure the provision of ecological services. This would fulfil a basic prerequisite of sustainable development taking into account ecological, economic and social aspects for fiscal instruments of prime importance to the local and regional level of government, thereby helping to make regional sustainability a reality. --
Europäische Umweltpolitik nach Amsterdam
Die gemeinschaftliche Umweltpolitik in der Europäischen Union steht in der Kritik: So werden die EU-Maßnahmen häufig angesichts der europäischen Umweltprobleme als unzureichend kritisiert, gleichzeitig soll die Union den Mitgliedstaaten aber einen möglichst großen Handlungsspielraum belassen. Auch bei den Maastricht-Il- Verhandlungen im letzten Jahr in Amsterdam stand die Gemeinsame Umweltpolitik auf der Tagesordnung. Konnten hier Fortschritte erzielt werden? --
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