95,237 research outputs found

    Can clinicians and scientists explain and prevent unexplained underperformance syndrome in elite athletes: an interdisciplinary perspective and 2016 update

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    The coach and interdisciplinary sports science and medicine team strive to continually progress the athlete's performance year on year. In structuring training programmes, coaches and scientists plan distinct periods of progressive overload coupled with recovery for anticipated performances to be delivered on fixed dates of competition in the calendar year. Peaking at major championships is a challenge, and training capacity highly individualised, with fine margins between the training dose necessary for adaptation and that which elicits maladaptation at the elite level. As such, optimising adaptation is key to effective preparation. Notably, however, many factors (eg, health, nutrition, sleep, training experience, psychosocial factors) play an essential part in moderating the processes of adaptation to exercise and environmental stressors, for example, heat, altitude; processes which can often fail or be limited. In the UK, the term unexplained underperformance syndrome (UUPS) has been adopted, in contrast to the more commonly referenced term overtraining syndrome, to describe a significant episode of underperformance with persistent fatigue, that is, maladaptation. This construct, UUPS, reflects the complexity of the syndrome, the multifactorial aetiology, and that ‘overtraining’ or an imbalance between training load and recovery may not be the primary cause for underperformance. UUPS draws on the distinction that a decline in performance represents the universal feature. In our review, we provide a practitioner-focused perspective, proposing that causative factors can be identified and UUPS explained, through an interdisciplinary approach (ie, medicine, nutrition, physiology, psychology) to sports science and medicine delivery, monitoring, and data interpretation and analysis

    CentrePiece Vol. 4 No. 2

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    Design and Evaluation of Path Planning Decision Support for Planetary Surface Exploration

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    Human intent is an integral part of real-time path planning and re-planning, thus any decision aiding system must support human-automation interaction. The appropriate balance between humans and automation for this task has previously not been adequately studied. In order to better understand task allocation and collaboration between humans and automation for geospatial path problem solving, a prototype path planning aid was developed and tested. The focus was human planetary surface exploration, a high risk, time-critical domain, but the scenario is representative of any domain where humans path plan across uncertain terrain. Three visualizations, including elevation contour maps, a novel visualization called levels of equal costs, and a combination of the two were tested along with two levels of automation. When participants received the lower level of automation assistance, their path costs errors were less than 35% of the optimal, and they integrated manual sensitivity analysis strategies. When participants used the higher level of automation assistance, path costs errors were reduced to a few percentages, and they saved on average 1.5 minutes in the task. However, this increased performance came at the price of decreased situation awareness and automation bias.We would like to acknowledge the NASA Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship and the Office of Naval Research for sponsoring this research

    Ukrainian experience of personnel vocational training: problems and prospects

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    A critical analysis of the Ukrainian experience of vocational training of personnel is conducted in the work. The statistics data on the number of employees who participated in vocational training activities during 2016-2018 are presented and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main reasons for the low interest of Ukrainian business owners in the personnel vocational training were identified. In the work, the author also has highlighted the factors that restrain and activate the development of vocational training of personnel at Ukrainian enterprises. In order to increase the efficiency of professional development of personnel at Ukrainian enterprises, the author proposes to use modern methods for this purpose. Because traditional methods do not produce the desired results. Ukrainian enterprises need to invest in staff training, which is the main reserve for improving their performance

    Evaluating the quality of project planning: a model and field results

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    Faulty planning will result in project failure, whereas high-quality project planning increases the project's chances of success. The paper reports on the successful development and implementation of a model aimed at evaluating the quality of project planning. The model is based on both the abilities required of the project manager and the organizational support required for a proper project management infrastructure. The model was validated and applied by 282 project managers in nine organizations, where strong and weak planning processes were identified and analysed
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