397,316 research outputs found
The Management Consulting Toolkit: Fifty of the most versatile and value-adding tools used by the world’s leading business analysts, transformation experts and management consultants.
The Management Consulting Toolkit contains 50 of the most useful, versatile and value-adding tools used by management consultants the world-over. The tools focus on business analysis and transformation and cover key consulting disciplines such as:1) Business performance analysis; 2) Future state design; 3) Transformation planning; 4) Transformation execution; 5) Project management; 6) Change management; 7) Team management.These tools have all stood the test of time, and the team at Expert Toolkit believes they will continue to be relevant, powerful and value-adding in the hands of the competent practitioner. They will save you time, stress, frustration and help you make a greater impact and deliver long-lasting business value. Like everything on Expert Toolkit, these are tools and techniques used by experts and built by experts. Here is what is included in the Management Consulting Toolkit: Accelerated SWOT Analysis Tool; Benchmarking Assessment Template; Business Diagnostic Findings Template; Business Initiative Project Charter; Capability Gap Assessment Template; Cost-Benefit Assessment Framework; Customer Experience Design Framework; Data Collection Plan Template; Failure Mode Effects Analysis Template; Five Whys Analysis; Future State Process Change Framework; Hypothesis Capture Template; Initiative Prioritization Map; Jidoka Board; Pain Point Analysis Tool; PEST Analysis Trend Matrix; Process Flow Analysis Framework; Process Issues Summary Template; Project Status Update Template; RACI Matrix Template; Root Cause Analysis; SIPOC Analysis; Solution Assessment & Prioritization; Solution Ideation & Ranking Framework; Swimlane Process Map Template; The ABCD Tool; Activity Accountability Plan Template; Business Metrics Framework; Business Stakeholder Map; Business Stakeholder Tracking Tool; Business Transformation Guiding Principles Template; Business Transformation Recommendation Template; Business Transformation Framework; Business Vision Template; Communications Plan Template; Operating Model Template; Operating Rhythm Template; Organization Impact Assessment Template; Project Evaluation Template; Project Issues Register; Project Risk Register; Project Status Report Template; Project Executive Update Template; Resource Management Plan Template; Strategy Pyramid; Team Temperature Check Tool; Transformation Conclusion Survey; Transformation Map Template; Transformation Readiness Checklist; Transformation Readiness Survey.You get a total of 50 individual templates and tools, each with clear instructions to ensure you understand what the tool is , when to use the tool , why you should use the tool and most importantly how to use the tool .This toolkit contains over 200 pages of material - guaranteed to lift your performance, save you time and be a reference you turn to again and again over the course of your career.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/lmu_ebook_collection/1003/thumbnail.jp
Investigation into Mobile Learning Framework in Cloud Computing Platform
Abstract—Cloud computing infrastructure is increasingly
used for distributed applications. Mobile learning
applications deployed in the cloud are a new research
direction. The applications require specific development
approaches for effective and reliable communication. This
paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach for design and
development of mobile applications in the cloud. The
approach includes front service toolkit and backend service
toolkit. The front service toolkit packages data and sends it
to a backend deployed in a cloud computing platform. The
backend service toolkit manages rules and workflow, and
then transmits required results to the front service toolkit.
To further show feasibility of the approach, the paper
introduces a case study and shows its performance
LIFE-SHARE Project: Developing a Digitisation Strategy Toolkit
This poster will outline the Digitisation Strategy Toolkit created as part of the LIFE-SHARE project. The toolkit is based on the lifecycle model created by the LIFE project and explores the creation, acquisition, ingest, preservation (bit-stream and content) and access requirements for a digitisation strategy. This covers the policies and infrastructure required in libraries to establish successful practices. The toolkit also provides both internal and external resources to support the service. This poster will illustrate how the toolkit works effectively to support digitisation with examples from three case studies at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York
Graph-RAT: Combining data sources in music recommendation systems
The complexity of music recommendation systems has increased rapidly in recent years, drawing upon different sources of information: content analysis, web-mining, social tagging, etc. Unfortunately, the tools to scientifically evaluate such integrated systems are not readily available; nor are the base algorithms available. This article describes Graph-RAT (Graph-based Relational Analysis Toolkit), an open source toolkit that provides a framework for developing and evaluating novel hybrid systems. While this toolkit is designed for music recommendation, it has applications outside its discipline as well. An experiment—indicative of the sort of procedure that can be configured using the toolkit—is provided to illustrate its usefulness
Higher Education outreach to widen participation: toolkits for practitioners. Overview
The toolkits are a distillation of the learning, methods and resources developed by Aimhigher and the Lifelong Learning Network programmes to support the effective strategy, management and delivery of outreach work to encourage progression to higher education for under-represented groups. The toolkits recontextualise the learning from these programmes to fit the current higher education environment. The toolkits form a suite of four (see links to right). They include: • Toolkit 1 Partnership • Toolkit 2 Targeting • Toolkit 3 Programmes • Toolkit 4 Evaluation • Resources and glossary.This is the second and updated edition, the first edition of the Toolkits was published in December 2012.Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE
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A Prototype Toolkit For Evaluating Indoor Environmental Quality In Commercial Buildings
Measurement of building environmental parameters is often complex, expensive, and not easily proceduralized in a manner that covers all commercial buildings. Evaluating building indoor environmental quality performance is therefore not standard practice. This project developed a prototype toolkit that addressed existing barriers to widespread indoor environmental quality performance evaluation. A toolkit with both hardware and software elements was designed for practitioners around the indoor environmental quality requirements of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers / Chartered Institution of Building Services / United States Green Building Council Performance Measurement Protocols. This unique toolkit was built on a wireless mesh network with a web-based data collection, analysis, and reporting application. The toolkit provided a fast, robust deployment of sensors, real-time data analysis, Performance Measurement Protocol-based analysis methods and a scorecard and report generation tools. A web-enabled Geographic Information System-based metadata collection system also reduced field-study deployment time. The toolkit was evaluated through three case studies, which were discussed in this report
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