18 research outputs found
Toelating tot die bediening van die Woord met verwysing na die kerkorde van Dordrecht 1618 en 1619
This article evaluates the terms and conditions candidates have to meet before entering into the ministry. This evaluation is then set against the background of reformed presuppositions about the office of a minister of the Word. The focus is especially on the relevant articles 4, 8 and 9 of the Synod of Dordt, 1619. The article explains how the articles set out in the Church Order relate to a unique office (sui generis), namely that of the church minister. In the context of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, the practical application of these church order articles are also discussed. The question addressed is whether our understanding of the Church Order of Dordt, 1619, Article 8, represents a correct application of this church order article. Furthermore, this article illuminates the responsibilities of inter alia the curators of the Theological School Potchefstroom of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, as well as the responsibilities of the theological professors in the adjudication of application to become a minister of the Word in terms of the different church order articles
Calvyn se vierde diens, die doktore-amp, en artikel 18 van die kerkorde van Dordrecht 1618 en 1619: ’n Kritiese refleksie
Die artikel fokus op Calvyn se besondere rol in die formulering van artikels 2 en 18 van die kerkorde van Dordrecht 1618 en 1619. Hierdie kerkorde word steeds deur ’n groot aantal gereformeerde kerke in die wêreld aanvaar en gebruik.
Onderwerpe en probleme wat aangeraak word, sluit vrae in soos die volgende: Wie is verantwoordelik vir die onderrig van Teologie? Is die tradisie geldig dat daar naas die drie dienste van Woordbedienaar, ouderling en diaken ook ’n vierde diens bestaan, naamlik dié van doktor in die Teologie? Kan hierdie tradisie, wat hoofsaaklik op die standpunte van Bucer en Calvyn berus, met die gegewens in die Bybel versoen word?
Besondere aandag word aan die volgende aspekte gegee:
• Historiese gegewens oor doktor in die Teologie met besondere verwysing na die standpunte en invloed van Calvyn.
• ’n Kritiese evaluering van die begronding van die vierde diens op die Bybel.
• Die verhouding tussen teologiese opleiding in die konteks van die kerk en/of ’n universiteit.
• Besondere aandag word gegee aan die situasie in die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika ten opsigte van die funksionering van hierdie vierde diens.
Van die belangrikste konklusies wat gemaak word, is die volgende: die kerk het deur die eeue ’n besondere waardering en respek gehad vir die taak en funksie van die doktore in die Teologie. Dit het inderdaad tot groot seën van die kerke gedien. Calvyn se standpunte het dikwels tot verwarring aanleiding gegee, maar andersyds ook bygedra tot die erkenning van die belangrike funksie of taak wat hierdie vierde diens kerklik verrig. Net so vervul die doktore in die Teologie ’n besondere wetenskaplike rol aan teologiese fakulteite van universiteite.
Calvin’s fourth office, the doctor ministry, and article 18 of the church order of Dordrecht 1618 and 1619: A critical reflection. This article focuses on Calvin’s special role in the ecclesiastical formulation of articles 2 and 18 in the church order of Dordrecht 1618 and 1619, which is still retained in a large number of reformed church orders in the reformed fellowship of churches.
Topics and issues which are addressed include questions such as: Who is responsible for the teaching of Theology? Is the tradition valid that the doctorial or professorial office in theology exists as a fourth office beside that of ministers, elders and deacons? Is this tradition, which mainly rests on the views of Bucer and Calvin, correct in terms of the Bible?
Particular attention to the following aspects is given:
• Historical data on the doctor ecclesiae focusing on the views and influence of Calvin.
• A critical evaluation of the foundation of the fourth office on the Bible.
• The relationship between theological training in the context of a church and/or a university.
• A special investigation of the situation within the Reformed Churches in South Africa in this regard.
Important conclusions are made, for example that the church through the ages had a very high esteem and respect for the office of the doctor in Theology; that this fourth office is still retained in many reformed churches, with great blessing. Calvin’s views did cause some confusion on the one hand, but on the other hand it contributed to the acknowledgement of the important function the doctors in Theology have on behalf of the church and in the faculties of Theology at universities
Die status en plek van die Drie Formuliere van Eenheid in twee Suid-Afrikaanse gereformeerde kerke
The status and real position of the Three Formulas of Unity in two South African Reformed Churches. The Three Formulas of Unity, which was accepted by the National Synod of Dordrecht (1618–1619) as confessions of faith, formulating the common faith of the Dutch Reformed Church, were also accepted by churches in other parts of the world. Two of them are the Dutch Reformed Church and Reformed Churches in South Africa. The Synod of Dordt regarded the formulation of core issues of faith in the Three Formulas as in accordance with Scripture. By doing so, they did not proclaim that every word and sign in the Formulas were according to Scripture, but the doctrine or faith as formulated. The Dutch Reformed Church and the Reformed Churches both indicate that they accept this viewpoint regarding the Three Formulas. In the case of the former, however, it sometimes lacks the using of the Formulas consequently in the life of the church
Gereformeerdes onder die Suiderkruis 1652-2011
Die outeur bekyk flitspunte uit die geskiedenis van vier Afrikaanse Gereformeerde kerke in Suid-Afrika, met die NG Kerk as sleutelfiguur. Hoewel die tema van kerk en samelewing belangrik is in hierdie studie, kry kernelemente in Gereformeerd-wees ook aandag. Dit sluit in belydenis- en leerstellige benaderings, Gereformeerde karakter, onderlinge verhoudinge en ekumene, en jonger kerke of kerklike familie
Confession in the context of ecclesiastical polity with special reference to the concept Church Ordinance 1997, Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika
In essence the question under discussion is about the functioning of the
confession in church polity and how it is phrased in the concept Church
Ordinance (1997) of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika. This
logically brings the very difficult question of doctrinal discipline up for
discussion. The paper starts with a few remarks on the relation between
scripture, confession and church polity. The tradition, forming the background
of the concept, is traced from the time of the Reformation. After
a short discussion on how doctrinal discipline was seen and put into
practice in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika, final remarks
are made on how this matter is handled in the concept.Spine cut of Journal binding and pages scanned on flatbed EPSON Expression 10000 XL; 400dpi; text/lineart - black and white - stored to Tiff
Derivation: Abbyy Fine Reader v.9 work with PNG-format (black and white); Photoshop CS3; Adobe Acrobat v.9
Web display format PDFhttp://explore.up.ac.za/record=b1001341wm201
Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerkorde van 1962: Die Dordtse Kerkorde aangepas by die eise van ons dag?
Die geestelike bearbeiding van die lidmate van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk te velde, in krygsgevangenekampe en konsentrasiekampe gedurende die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog, 1899-1902 : 'n historiese en kerkregtelike studie
Proefskrif (B.D.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1960