9,672,667 research outputs found
Testing times for global financial governance
Ignazio Angeloni believes that the increase in financial interdependence in recent decades has not been matched by sufficient progress in the international coordination among regulatory authorities. In fact, the international financial system has suffered from insufficient globalisation of regulatory and supervisory policies, not excessive globalisation of financial markets.
Supplier for Samsung and Lenovo Accused of Using Child Labor
This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.CLW_2014_Report_China_supplier_for_samsung.pdf: 46 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020
Liberate China’s Workers
This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.CLW_2011_Report_China_liberate_chinas.pdf: 18 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020
Hydrocarbon Compounds Learning Application
Hydrocarbons are the simplest class of carbon compounds. Hydrocarbons consist only of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). Although it only consists of two elements, hydrocarbons are a large compound. It is also one of the most important sources of energy on earth. The main use is as a fuel source. In its solid form, hydrocarbons are one of the asphalt-forming compositions. By seeing the importance of learning hydrocarbons, we made a mobile application to facilitate student learning. There are some learning material about hydrocarbon. User are confronted with hydrocarbon compounds and they are asked to answer the compound�s name. User also opposed with a hydrocarbon�s name and they are asked to draw the compounds
Museum Visitor Activity Tracker using Indoor Positioning System
Tourism is one of the sources of state revenue that
has enormous potential, especially for developing countries. One
of the great tourism potential is the museum. In displaying the
artifacts and their information the museum manager has
difficulty in recognizing the behavior of museum visitors such as
the route chosen in seeing the artifacts presented, how long they
have been at a location, what artifacts are of their interest, etc.
This is quite difficult to do, especially with the many artifacts that
exist in a museum. This research created an activity tracker
system for museum visitors using the Indoor Positioning System
by utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons. Signals from
BLE beacons detected by museum visitors smartphones are used
as a reference to estimate the location of visitors using the
trilateration method and the Kalman filter. This location data is
then stored in a server to be information of the movement of
visitors in the museum. Based on this information, museum
managers can find out which locations are often / rarely visited
by visitors and how long visitors spend at that particular
location. According to the distance error testing that compare
real location and calculation position, it shows that the average
error distance is around 114.35 cm. So, it can be concluded that
the information obtained is sufficient to represent the position of
the museum visitor
Server Scalability Using Kubernetes
An enterprise that has implemented virtualization can consolidate multiple servers into fewer host servers and get the benefits of reduced space, power, and administrative requirements. Sharing their hosts’ operating system resources,
containerization significantly reduces workloads, and is known as a lightweight virtualization. Kubernetes is commonly used to
automatically deploy and scale application containers. The
scalability of these application containers can be applied to
Kubernetes with several supporting parameters. It is expected
that the exploitation of scalability will improve performance and
server response time to users without reducing server utility
capabilities. This research focuses on applying the scalability in
Kubernetes and evaluating its performance on overcoming the
increasing number of concurrent users accessing academic data.
This research employed 3 computers: one computer as the master node and two others as worker nodes. Simulations are performed by an application that generates multiple user behaviors accessing various microservice URLs. Two scenarios were designed to evaluate the CPU load on single and multiple servers.
On multiple servers, the server scalability was enabled to serve the user requests. Implementation of scalability to the containers (on multiple servers) reduces the CPU usage pod due to the distribution of loads to containers that are scattered in many workers. Besides CPU load, this research also measured the server’s response time in responding user requests. Response time on multiple servers takes longer time than that on single server due to the overhead delay of scaling container
Thin times and random times' decomposition
The paper studies thin times which are random times whose graph is contained
in a countable union of the graphs of stopping times with respect to a
reference filtration . We show that a generic random time can be
decomposed into thin and thick parts, where the second is a random time
avoiding all -stopping times. Then, for a given random time ,
we introduce , the smallest right-continuous filtration
containing and making a stopping time, and we show that, for
a thin time , each -martingale is an -semimartingale, i.e., the hypothesis for
holds. We present applications to honest times,
which can be seen as last passage times, showing classes of filtrations which
can only support thin honest times, or can accommodate thick honest times as
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