2,055,525 research outputs found
Initial Hydraulic modelling and Levee Stability Analysis of the Triple M Ranch Restoration Project
“Advanced Watershed Science and Policy (ESSP 660)” is a graduate class taught in the Master of Science in Coastal and Watershed Science & Policy program at California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB). In 2007, the class was taught in four 4-week modules, each focusing on a local watershed issue. This report is one outcome of one of those 4-week modules taught in the fall 2007 session. (Document contains 32 pages
Carmel Lagoon Water Quality and Steelhead Soundings: Fall 2007
ESSP 660 Advanced Watershed Science and Policy is a graduate class taught in the Master of Science in Coastal and Watershed Science & Policy program at California State University Monterey Bay. In 2007, the class was taught in four 4-week modules, each focusing on making a small contribution to a local watershed issue. This report describes the results of
one of those 4-week modules – on Carmel Lagoon Water Quality and Ecology. The module was lead instructed by Fred Watson (CSUMB) and Kevan Urquhart (MPWMD). (Document contains 54 pages
The Use of Project-Based Learning in a Technology Course for Math and Science Teachers
In this project, pre- and in-service math and science teachers used project-based learning to learn the complex skills involved in integrating technology into math and science teaching. The teachers in the course E36.1002: Microcomputer Applications in Math and Science Instruction in the Department of Teaching & Learning at New York University developed a four-week curriculum that integrates math, science, and technology using a common theme chosen by the teachers. The program has received very positive feedback from all participants and may be expanded in the future. Some recommendations are provided on how field experience in teaching with technology can be integrated into math and science teacher education programs
Ryan Kerney, Assistant Professor of Biology
In this last Next Page column of 2017, Ryan Kerney, Assistant Professor of Biology, shares some of his favorite science writers in the field of “evo devo;” his go-to science news sources and podcasts (note: “This Week in Parasitism” is a must-listen!); what he would ask Charles Darwin if given the chance; which books he likes to give as gifts; his favorite author of all time; and where he finds great recommendations for what to read next
Building ArtBots to attract students into STEM learning
There is an increasing worldwide demand for people educated into science and technology. Unfortunately, girls and underprivileged students are often underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education programs. We believe that by inclusion of art in these programs, educational activities might become more attractive to a broader audience. In this work we present an example of such an educational activity: an international robotics and art week for secondary school students. This educational activity builds up on the project-based and inquiry learning framework. This article is intended as a brief manual to help others organise such an activity. It also gives insights in how we led a highly heterogeneous group of students into learning STEM and becoming science and technology ambassadors for their peers
New VISTAs in Science Education
In the summer of 2012, a colleague and I attended the four-week Virginia Initiative for Science Teaching and Achievement (VISTA) Elementary Summer Science Institute where we were trained to conduct inquiry-based science teaching in a problem-based learning setting. We then implemented our training in our own academic classrooms by developing a Problem-Based Learning unit meeting the objectives of our Virginia standards-based science curriculum and selecting a topic with tics to our local community. Toward demonstrating that students, teachers, and educational systems stand to benefit from the implementation of this methodology, this article clarifies the following aspects: 1) outlines the problem, scenario, and process of developing a Problem-Based Leaming unit; 2) explains the delivery in the classroom; 3) analyzes ongoing formative and summative assessments; 4) and, discusses the influence on students, teachers, and instruction as a whole
Spectral Analysis via the Virtual Observatory: The Service Theossa
In the framework of the Virtual Observatory, the newly developed service
TheoSSA provides access to theoretical stellar spectral-energy distributions.
In a pilot phase, this service is based on the well established Tuebingen NLTE
Model-Atmosphere Package for hot, compact stars. We demonstrate its present
capabilities and future extensions.Comment: Proceedings of JENAM-2011, European Week of Astronomy and Space
Science, 8 pages, 6 figure
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