6,844 research outputs found

    Dinitrogen Complexes of Sulfur-Ligated Iron

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    We report a unique class of dinitrogen complexes of iron featuring sulfur donors in the ancillary ligand. The ligands utilized are related to the recently studied tris(phosphino)silyl ligands (2-R_2PC_6H_4)_3Si (R = Ph, iPr) but have one or two phosphine arms replaced with thioether donors. Depending on the number of phosphine arms replaced, both mononuclear and dinuclear iron complexes with dinitrogen are accessible. These complexes contribute to a desirable class of model complexes that possess both dinitrogen and sulfur ligands in the immediate iron coordination sphere

    Formation of gold colloids using thioether derivatives as stabilizing ligands

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    Thioethers were used as adsorbates for preparing gold nanoparticles. Different thioether derivatives having from 1 to 4 thioether functionalities were synthesized. Colloids were prepared in a two-phase system, and characterized by 1H NMR and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The stability of colloids protected by thioethers increases with the number of ligands per molecule. Monothioethers need longer chain lengths or costabilization by (oct)4NBr in order to give stable, redispersible gold colloids. Gold colloids stabilized by the bis(thioether) 5 could not be redispersed after precipitation. Colloids stabilized by the tris(thioether) 6 were only formed at elevated temperature (60°C) indicating the need of chain reorientation for attaining stable colloids. Tris(thioether) 7 gave stable colloids at room temperature, which could be redispersed even after precipitation. Tetrakis(thioether) 8 gave the smallest particle size and narrowest size distributio

    Investigating the Effects of Tethered, Axial Lewis Base Coordination on Rhodium(II) Paddlewheel Complexes

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    Dirhodium(II) paddlewheel complexes are highly renowned for their use in diazo decomposition to form a metallic-carbenoid species. This species has been used for a diverse range of chemical transformations including cyclopropanation, cycloproprenation, C-H functionalization, and X-H (Si, S, O, N) insertion reactions. Modulation of these catalysts traditionally involve the exchange of bridging ligands which have profound effects on the catalyst’s reactivity, chemo, and enantioselectivity. Recent interest has turned towards to modifying the axial sites present in the complex as an additional means of modulating catalytic activity. These sites normally serve as the active site of the catalyst, but coordination of Lewis Bases one of the sites are known to be beneficial to chemo and enantioselectivity. However, a main problem encountered in this field is the lack of control of coordination to axial site. This work aims to examine the development of novel ligands containing a pendant chain containing a Lewis base, and their incorporation into the rhodium(II) paddlewheel scaffold. Incorporation of these tether containing ligands allows for more direct control of the location of the Lewis base and effectively increasing the local concentration of the Lewis base near the active site. Ligands derived from amino acids that contained either a phosphite or a thioether moiety were synthesized and attempts to exchange onto the rhodium complex were investigated. Exchange of the phosphite containing ligands was unsuccessful due to problems with oxidation. The thioether ligands proved to be more robust in comparison with successful exchange on to the catalyst scaffold with a variety of thioether derivatives. Evaluation of these complexes in Si-H insertion and cyclopropanation reactions revealed that the presence of the tethered thioether does indeed provide a positive benefit, with increase yields as compared to a control with no tethered thioether additive

    Silver selective electrodes based on thioether functionalized calix[4]arenes as ionophores

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    Silver selective electrodes based on thioether functionalized calix[4]arenes 1 and 2 as ionophores were investigated. For both ionophores the selectivity coefficients (log kAg,M) were lower than −2.2 for Hg(II) and lower than −4.6 for other cations tested. The best results were obtained with membranes containing dithioether functionalized calix[4]arene (ionophore 2), potassium tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl) borate (KTpCIPB) and bis(1-butylpentyl)adipate (BBPA) as a plasticizer. The Ag(I)-response functions exhibited almost theoretical Nernstian slopes in the activity range 10−6–10−1M of silver ions.\ud \u

    Sustainable and cost-effective development of chiral metal-catalysts for C-H and C-X bond forming reactions

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    L’obtenció de compostos enantiomèricament purs ha esdevingut una necessitat que ha conduit a un important progrés en la catàlisi asimètrica, principalment usant compostos organometàl•lics quirals. Entre les diferents estratègies en l’optimització dels catal•litzadors per aconseguir elevades selectivitats i activitats, el disseny i correcta selecció de lligands quirals, modificant-ne les seves propietats és fonamental i la més utilitzada. Que un lligand sigui fàcil de sintetitzar a partir de compostos de partida accessibles i que aquests lligands siguin estables i fàcils de manipular, tenen un elevat interès en la industria. En aquest context, el principal objectiu d’aquesta tesi és la síntesi de diferents famílies de lligands quirals, acomplint els requisits prèviament esmentats, i la seva posterior aplicació a diverses reaccions asimètriques d’elevat interès industrial: hidrogenació d’olefines funcionalitzades i no funcionalitzades catalitzada per Rh i Ir, hidrogenació de cetones catalitzada per Ir, reaccions de substitució al•lílica catalitzades per Pd i reaccions de substitució propargílica catalitzada per Cu. S’han sintetitzat diverses famílies fosfit/fosfinit-tioèter/selenoèter, carbè-tioèter, amino-fosfit/fosfinit/fosfina, i varies famílies de lligands tridentats.La obtención de compuestos enantioméricamente puros se ha convertido una necesidad que ha conducido a un importante progreso en la catálisis asimétrica, principalmente usando compuestos organometalicos quirales. Entre las diferentes estrategias en la optimización de los catalizadores para conseguir elevadas selectividades y actividades, el diseño y la correcta selección de ligandos quirales, modificando sus propiedades es fundamental y la más utilizada. Que un ligando sea fácil de sintetizar a partir de compuestos de partida accesibles y que estos ligandos sean estables y fáciles de manipular, tienen un elevado interés en la industria. En este contexto, el principal objetivo de esta tesis es la síntesis de distintas familias de ligandos quirales, cumpliendo con los requisitos previamente mencionados, y su posterior aplicación en distintas reacciones asimétricas de alto interés industrial: hidrogenación de alquenos funcionalizados y no funcionalizados catalizados por Rh y Ir, hidrogenación de cetonas catalizada por Ir, reacciones de substitución alílica catalizada por Pd y reacciones de substitución propargílica catalizada por Cu. Se han sintetizado diferentes familias de ligandos Fosfito/fosfinito-tioéter/selenoéter, carbeno-tioéter, amino-fosfito/fosfinito/fosfina, y varias familias de ligandos tridentados.The obtaining of enantiomerically pure compounds has become a need that led to an important progress in asymmetric catalysis, mainly using organometallic chiral compounds. Among different strategies to optimize catalysts in order to obtain high selectivities and activities, the design and the correct selection of chiral ligands, modifying their properties, is fundamental and the most used strategy. Ligands easy to synthesize from readily accessible starting material and stable and easy to manipulate ligands, have a high interest in the industry. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is the synthesis of different chiral ligand families, according to the previously mentioned requirements, and their application in different asymmetric reactions with high industrial interest: Rh- and Ir-catalyzed hydrogenation of functionalized and minimally functionalized olefins; Ir-catalyzed hydrogenation of simple ketones; Pd-catalyzed asymmetric substitution of allylic acetates and Cu-catalyzed propargylic substitution. There have been synthesized different phosphite/phosphinite-thioether/selenoether, carbene-thioether, amino-phosphite/phosphinite/phosphine and various tridentated ligand families

    Synthesis of chiral furanoside diphosphinite and thioether-phosphinite compounds derived from d-(+)-xylose. Application as ligands in asymmetric catalytic processes

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    En els últims anys, la creixent demanda de compostos enantiomèricament purs (fàrmacs, agroquímics, additius.) ha impulsat el desenvolupament de la catàlisi asimètrica, sobretot emprant compostos organometàl·lics quirals com a catalitzadors. En aquest context, la síntesi de nous lligands quirals és essencial per descobrir bons sistemes catalítics en catàlisi asimètrica. Els sucres són una font important de lligands per l'elevada disponibilitat i baix preu. A més, són compostos altament funcionalitzats amb centres estereogènics. Això permet la síntesi de sèries sistemàtiques de lligands amb l'objectiu d'obtenir altes activitats i selectivitats per cada reacció en particular.Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en la síntesi de compostos derivats de la D-(+)-xilosa i l'aplicació com a lligands de catalitzadors homogenis quirals en quatre reaccions asimètriques d'interès industrial: hidrogenació, substitució al·lílica, addició 1,4 i hidroformilació. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'ha plantejat la síntesi de dues famílies de compostos: difosfinits i tioèter-fosfinit (figura 1). Els difosfinits es diferencien en la configuració del carboni-3 de l'esquelet furanòsid (els dos esquelets resultants són xilofuranòsid i ribofuranòsid). Els tioèter-fosfinits es diferencien dels anteriors per la introducció d'un grup tioèter al carboni-5 de l'anell furanòsid i contenen tres grups tioèters amb diferents propietats electròniques i estèriques. Figura 1. Compostos sintetitzats a partir de la D-(+)-xilosa.Després de la introducció (capítol 1) i els objectius (capítol 2), al capítol 3 es discuteix la síntesi i caracterització de les dues famílies de compostos. També s'estudia la coordinació d'aquests compostos a Rh i Ir, la reactivitat respecte a l'hidrogen i l'aplicació en la hidrogenació d'olefines proquirals.Per sintetitzar els compostos difosfinit i tioèter-fosfinit s'ha realitzat un ampli estudi explorant i avaluant diferents condicions de reacció. Els compostos difosfinit s'han preparat per reacció del corresponent diol amb clorur de difenilfosfina en presència de piridina i 4-dimetilaminopiridina. Els compostos tioèter-fosfinits s'han obtingut a partir del corresponent tioèter-alcohol per reacció amb clorur de difenilfosfina en presència de piridina i 4-dimetilaminopiridina. Els compostos intermedis diols i tioèter-alcohols s'han sintetitzat prèviament seguint rutes descrites a la bibliografia a partir de la D-(+)-xilosa. Els compostos s'han caracteritzat per espectroscòpia de ressonància magnètica nuclear (RMN) monodimensional de 1H, 13C i 31P i bidimensional de 13C-1H i 31P-1H.Aquests compostos s'han fet reaccionar amb [M(cod)2]BF4 (M= Rh i Ir, cod= 1,5-ciclooctadiè). Els complexos organometàl·lics resultants [M(cod)(P-P)]BF4 i [M(cod)(P-SR)]BF4 (P-P=difosfinit i P-SR=tioèter-fosfinit) s'han caracteritzat per RMN monodimensional de 1H, 13C i 31P i bidimensional de 1H-1H, 13C-1H i 31P-1H. La caracterització dels complexos M/difosfinit ha mostrat que tots, excepte el complex Ir/difosfinit amb esquelet xilofuranòsid, presenten un únic isòmer. La caracterització dels complexos M/tioèter-fosfinit ha mostrat la presència d'un únic diastereoisòmer en què el substituent del sofre té una disposició pseudoaxial, que és important per obtenir una elevada enantioselectivitat en hidrogenació asimètrica. L'addició d'hidrogen als complexos d'iridi/tioèter-fosfinit ha permès formar les espècies cis-dihidruriridi (III) en les quals el substituent del sofre manté la disposició pseudoaxial.Els sistemes M/difosfinit i M/tioèter-fosfinit (M= Rh i Ir) s'han provat com a catalitzadors quirals en la reacció d'hidrogenació asimètrica d'olefines proquirals. Els sistemes M/disfosfinit han proporcionat elevades activitats i excessos enantiomèrics de fins al 81%. S'ha observat un important efecte de la configuració del carboni-3 de l'esquelet furanòsid, del metall i del substrat que s'ha d'hidrogenar. Així, les millors enantioselectivitats s'obtenen en la hidrogenació del N-acetoamidoacrilat de metil amb el sistemes Rh/ribofuranòsid i Ir/xilofuranòsid. Els sistemes M/tioèter-fosfinit han proporcionat elevades activitats i millors enantioselectivitats (96%) que els sistemes M/difosfinit. Els resultats mostren que l'excés enantiomèric depèn de les propietats estèriques del substituent del grup tioèter, del metall i del substrat. Les millors enantioselectivitats s'obtenen en la hidrogenació del N-acetoamidoacrilat de metil i del N-acetoamidocinamat de metil amb el sistema de rodi que conté el lligand amb el substituent isopropil en la funció tioèter. El capítol 4 descriu l'ús dels compostos difosfinit i tioèter-fosfinit com a lligands en reaccions de substitució al·lílica asimètrica (alquilació i aminació) catalitzades per pal·ladi. Concretament s'ha estudiat la reacció d'alquilació al·lílica de dos substrats amb propietats estèriques diferents: el substrat lineal rac-1,3-difenil-3-acetoxi-1-propè i el substrat cíclic rac-3-acetoxiciclohexè. El sistemes Pd-difosfinit han presentat bones activitats però baixa enantioselectivitat (fins al 31%). Els resultats indiquen que la configuració del carboni-3 de l'esquelet furanòsid controla el sentit de l'enantioselectivitat i que l'atac nucleofílic té lloc en posició trans al grup fosfinit unit al carboni-5 de l'esquelet furanòsid. Els sistemes Pd/tioèter-fosfinit han presentat millors activitats i enantioselectivitats més grans (93%) que els sistemes Pd/difosfinit. Els resultats mostren que l'excés enantiomèric depèn de les propietats estèriques del substituent del grup tioèter i del substrat. Així, les millors enantioselectivitats s'han assolit en la substitució al·lílica del substrat lineal amb el sistema de Pd que conté el lligand tioèter-fosfinit amb el grup voluminós isopropil. Els resultats també indiquen que l'atac nucleofílic, a diferència dels sistemes Pd/difosfinit, té lloc en posició trans al carboni al·lílic unit al grup fosfinit (carboni-3). D'altra banda, aquests lligands són més actius en alquilació al·lílica que en aminació al·lílica. El capítol 5 descriu l'aplicació dels compostos difosfinits i tioèter-fosfinits com a lligands en la reacció d'addició 1,4 de compostos organometàl·lics a la 2-ciclohexenona catalitzada per coure. S'han obtingut bones enantioselectivitats (72%), elevades activitats (TOF > 1225 mols producte x (mol precursor catalític x h)-1) i excel·lents regioselectivitats en el producte d'addició 1,4 (100%)). Els resultats mostren que l'activitat i l'enantioselectivitat depenen del tipus de grup funcional unit al carboni-5 de l'esquelet furanòsid, de les propietats estèriques del substituent tioèter, del precursor de catalitzador i de l'agent alquilant. Les millors enantioselectivitats s'obtenen amb el sistema Cu/tioèter-fosfinit que conté el grup isopropil. No obstant això, l'activitat és millor amb els sistemes Cu/difosfinit. La utilització d'AlEt3 com a agent alquilant condueix a millors activitats però pitjors enantioselectivitats que el ZnEt2. El capítol 6 exposa l'aplicació dels compostos difosfinits amb esquelet furanòsid com a auxiliars quirals en la reacció d'hidroformilació asimètrica de vinilarens catalitzada per rodi. Aquests sistemes han proporcionat elevades regioselectivitats en l'aldehid ramificat (99%) i moderats excessos enantiomèrics (fins al 63%). La presència de substituents para-metoxi i naftil al substrat té un efecte positiu sobre l'enantioselectivitat. Per primera vegada, s'ha determinat l'estructura de les espècies formades sota condicions d'hidroformilació amb lligands difosfinit mitjançant infraroig i RMN a alta pressió. L'estudi indica la presència d'un únic diastereoisòmer [HRh(P-P)(CO)2] on el lligand difosfinit es coordina en una estructura de bipiràmide trigonal en forma equatorial-equatorial. No obstant això, aquesta forma diastereoisomèrica no permet assolir una enantioselectivitat elevada.In the last years, the growing demand of enantiomerically pure compounds (pharmacs, agrochemicals, additives...) has captured the interest of asymmetric catalysis. Asymmetric processes catalyzed by chiral transition-metal complexes have found many applications in this field. In this context, the synthesis of new chiral ligands is important to develop good catalytic systems in asymmetric catalysis. Carbohydrates have many advantages: they are readily available, are highly functionalized and have several stereogenic centers. This enables series of chiral ligands to be synthesized in the search for high activities and selectivities for each particular reaction.This thesis has focused on the synthesis of compounds derived from D-(+)-xylose and their application as ligands of chiral homogeneous catalyst in four asymmetric industrial processes: hydrogenation, allylic substitution, 1,4-addition and hydroformylation. Thus, new diphosphinite and thioeter-phosphinite compounds have developed (figure 1). Diphosphinites have the opposite configuration at C-3 (two backbones are xylofuranoside and ribofuranoside). Thioether-phosphinites have a thiother moiety at C-5 bearing substituents with different steric and electronic properties. Figura 1. Compounds synthetized from D-(+)-xylose.After the introduction (chapter 1) and the objectives (chapter 2), chapter 3 contains the synthesis and characterization of the two families of compounds. This chapter also discusses the characterization of their Rh(I) and Ir(I) catalytic precursors and their application in the asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral olefins.Diphosphinite and thioether-phosphinite compounds have been synthesized from the corresponding alcohols. The reaction of diols with chlorodiphenylphosphine in the presence of pyridine and 4-(dimethylamino)-pyridine has provided the corresponding phosphinite ligands. The reaction of thioether-alcohols with chlorodiphenylphosphine in the presence of pyridine and 4-(dimethylamino)-pyridine has provided the corresponding thioether-phosphinite ligands. Diol and thioether-alcohol intermediates have been prepared on a large scales from D-(+)-xylose using standard procedures. Diphosphinites and thioether-phosphinites have been characterized by 1H, 13C and 31P and 13C-1H i 31P-1H MNR spectroscopy.The reaction of these compounds with [M(cod)2]BF4 (M = Rh and Ir, cod = 1,5-ciclooctadiene) has led to [M(cod)(P-P)]BF4 and [M(cod)(P-SR)]BF4 (P-P = diphosphinite and P-SR = thioether-phosphinite) complexes. These complexes have been characterized by 1H, 13C and 31P and 13C-1H i 31P-1H MNR spectroscopy.The characterization of M/diphosphinite complexes has showed that all, except Ir/diphosphinite complex with xylofuranoside backbone, have only one isomer. The characterization of M/thioether-phosphinite complexes has indicated that only one diastereomer, with pseudoaxial location of the sulfur substituents, is present in solution. Adding hydrogen to the iridium complexes has given cis-dihydridoiridium(III) complexes with pseudoaxial location of the sulfur substituents.The M/diphosphinite and M/thioether-phosphinite systems have been tested as chiral catalysts in the asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral olefins. Enantiomeric excesses of up to 81% with moderate to high activities have been obtained with M/diphosphinite systems. Our results have shown that enantioselectivity is dependent on the absolute configuration of the C-3 stereocenter of the carbohydrate bakcbone, on the metal source and on the substrate. Enantiomeric excesses of up to 96% with good activities have been obtained with M/thioether-phosphinite systems. Our results have shown that enantioselectivity depends on the steric properties of the substituent in the thioether moiety, the metal source and the substrate structure.Chapter 4 reports the use of dihosphinite and thioether-phoshinite compounds as ligands in the palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution reactions (alkylation and amination) of hindered linear and unhindered cyclic substrates. The use of diphosphinite ligands has provided good activity but low enantioselectivity (ee's up to 31%). Our results have indicated that the absolute configuration at carbon C-3 of the carbohydrate backbone controlles the sense of enantioselectivity and that the nucleophilic attack takes place trans to the phosphinite moiety attached to C-5. The Pd/thioether-phosphinite systems have led to best activities and enantioselectivities (ee's up to 93%) than the Pd/diphosphinite systems. Our results have shown that enantiomeric excesses depend on the steric properties of the substituent in the thioether moiety and the structure of substrate. Our results have showed that the nucleophilic attack takes place trans to the phosphinite moiety attached to C-3. Moreover, these ligands are more actives in allylic alkylation than allylic amination.Chapter 5 contains the application of diphosphinite and thioether-phoshinite compounds as ligands in the asymmetric copper-catalyzed asymmetric 1,4-addition to 2-cyclohexenone. Good enantioselectivities (ee's up to 72%), high activities (TOF > 1225 mol product x (mol catalytic precursor x h)-1) and excellent regioselectivities in 1,4 product (100%) have been obtained. Our results show that activity and selectivity (chemo- and enantioselectivity) depend strongly on the type of functional group at C-5 position of the carbohydrate backbone, the steric properties of the substituent in the thioether moiety, the catalyst precursor and the alkylating agent. The best enantioselectivities have been obtained with Cu/thioether-phosphinite system containing isopropyl substituent. However, activity is better with Cu/diphosphinite systems. The use of AlEt3 as alkylating agent has led to better activities but worse enantioselectivities than the use of ZnEt2.Chapter 6 discuss the application of diphosphinite compounds as chiral auxiliares in the rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric hydroformylation of vinyl arenes. These catalytic systems have led to high regioselectivities in the branched aldehyde (99%) and moderate enantiomeric excesses (up to 63%). The results have shown a remarkable substrate effect on enantioselectivity. Thus, the presence of para-methoxy and naphthyl substituents in the substrate has a positive effect on enantioselectivities. For the first time, the structure in solution of the species formed under hydroformylation conditions with diphosphinite ligands has been determined. The characterization of these rhodium complexes by NMR techniques and in situ IR spectroscopy have shown that the hydridorhodium dicarbonyl species exist in one diastereosiomeric equatorial-equatorial form. However, this strong coordination preference does not allow high enantioselectivity

    Axial versus equatorial coordination of thioether sulfur: mixed ligand copper(ii) complexes of 2-pyridyl-n-(2'-methylthiophenyl)-methyleneimine with bidentate diimine ligands

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    The synthesis, structure and spectral and redox properties of the copper(II) complexes [Cu(pmtpm)Cl2] (1) and [Cu(pmtpm)2](ClO4)2 (6), where pmtpm is the linear tridentate ligand 2-pyridyl-N-(2'-methylthiophenyl)methyleneimine containing a thioether and two pyridine donors, are described. Also, the mixed ligand complexes [Cu(pmtpm)(diimine)](ClO4)2 (2-5), where the diimine is 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) (2), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) (3), 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (2,9-dmp) (4) or dipyrido-[3,2-d:2',3'-f]-quinoxaline (dpq) (5), have been isolated and studied. The X-ray crystal structures of the complexes 1, [Cu(pmtpm)(2,9-dmp)](ClO4)2 4 and 6 have been successfully determined. The complex 1 possesses a trigonal bipyramidal distorted square based pyramidal (TBDSBP) coordination geometry in which three corners of the square plane are occupied by two nitrogens and thioether s of pmtpm ligand and the remaining equatorial and the axial positions by two chloride ions. The complex 4 contains a CuN4S chromophore also with a TBDSBP coordination geometry in which two nitrogens and the thioether sulfur of pmtpm ligand occupy three corners of the square plane. One of the two nitrogens of 2,9-dmp ligand is equatorially coordinated and the other axially to copper. On the other hand, the complex 6 is found to possess a square based pyramidal distorted trigonal bipyramidal (SPDTBP) coordination geometry. The CuN2S trigonal plane in it is comprised of the pyridine and imine nitrogens and the thioether sulfur of the pmtpm ligand. The pyridine nitrogens of the ligand occupy the axial positions and the second thioether sulfur remains uncoordinated. On long standing in acetonitrile solution the mixed ligand complexes 2 and 3 undergo ligand disproportionation to provide the corresponding bis-complexes of bpy and phen, respectively, and 6. The electronic and EPR spectral parameters and the positive redox potential of complex 4 are consistent with the equatorial location of the thioether sulfur in the square-based coordination geometry around copper(II). On the other hand, the higher g|| and lower A|| values and lower E1/2 values for the complexes 2, 3 and 5 are consistent with the axial coordination of the thioether sulfur. Also, the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox potentials increase with increase in number of aromatic rings of the diimine ligand. The steric and electronic effects of the bidentate diimine ligands in orienting the thioether coordination to axial or equatorial position are discussed

    Coordination polymers and isomerism; a study using silver(I) and a ∏-stacked ligand

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    The ligand 2,5-bis(2-pyridylmethylsulfanylmethyl)pyrazine (L) was prepared by the base coupling of 2-(sulfanylmethyl)pyridine and 2,5-bis(chloromethyl)pyrazine. This new ligand was treated with AgClO₄ in a 1 1 metal-to-ligand ratio and with AgNO₃in a 2 1 metal-to-ligand ratio to give coordination polymers. The crystal structures of {[Ag(L)]ClO₄}∞ ( 1) and {[Ag₂(L)](NO₃)₂}∞ ( 2) were determined. The Ag(I) ions in the one-dimensional polymeric chains of 1 adopted square-pyramidal geometries with the pyridine and pyrazine N donors coordinated in an extremely bent fashion. The structure of 2 revealed two isomeric polymer chains in the one crystal forming a single supramolecular array. The isomeric polymers differed in the donor atoms about the Ag(I) ions and in the arrangement of adjacent ligands along the chain. A feature of both structures was that L adopted a three-layer ∏-stacked arrangement

    Complexes and applications of substituted bidentate P, S ligands

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    In recent years there has been great interest in developing bidentate systems where only one of the atoms is phosphorus. Mixed P, O- and P, N- donor ligands have been extensively applied in catalysis and there is growing interest with respect to potential applications of P, S-ligands. This thesis reports on the synthesis and application of a range of substituted P, S-ligands and the catalytic results obtained are discussed. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of several bidentate phosphinothiolate and -thioether (P, S) ligands. The P, S ligand l-(diphenylphosphino)butane-2-thiol (L1) was derived from a thiirane which was synthesised by the ring-opening reaction of an epoxide. The thioether tertiary-butyl derivative (L2) was also synthesised along with the thioether methyl (L3), thioether benzyl (L4), thioether xylene (L5), thioether naphthalene (L6) and thioether anthracene (L7). The ligands were subsequently coordinated to palladium and the resulting complexes (1-12) exhibit a monomelic or dimeric geometry. Chapters 3 and 4 detail the application of the palladium complexes in catalytic reactions. The palladium phosphinothiolate and -thioether complexes have been tested as pre- catalysts in the Heck and Suzuki cross-coupling reactions which were performed under aerobic conditions. The Heck couplings with styrene and butyl acrylate were investigated along with a variety of haloarenes, and the Suzuki reactions have explored the cross-couplings of various haloarenes with benzene boronic acid. The complexes tested were highly efficient catalysts in the coupling reactions. Turnover numbers (TONs) of up to 1 million have been achieved for Heck couplings and 1.98 x 1010 for the Suzuki coupling reactions