7 research outputs found

    Microalgal Biotechnology: Prospects and Applications

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    Essentials of Food Science

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    Plant Science

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    The book "Plant Science" consists of 12 chapters divided into three sections authored by many researchers from different parts of the Globe. Section-I: Plant and Environment, describes the relationship between plants and environment, particularly enumerating species-environment relationship and response of plants to different environmental stress conditions. Section-II: Plant-Microbe relation, embodies broadly on both positive and negative aspects of microbes on plants. Section-III: Plant Biotechnology, shed light on current biotechnological research to develop modern technology for producing biologicals and also increasing plant immunity in present environmental conditions. The book "Plant Science" will be helpful to a wide group peoples; readers, scientists, researchers and allied professionals. We recommend it to you; enjoy reading it, save the plant and save life

    Functional Foods and their Implications for Health Promotion

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    Functional Foods and Their Implications for Health Promotion presents functional foods, from raw ingredients to the final product, providing a detailed explanation on how these foods work and an overview of their impact on health. The book presents the functions of food against disease and discusses how healthier foods can be produced. Broken into four parts, the book presents a deep dive into plant-derived functional foods, dairy foods, marine food and beverages. The book includes case studies, applications, literature reviews and coverage of recent developments. Intended for nutritionists, dieticians, food technologists, as well as students and researchers working in nutrition, dietetics, and food science, this book is sure to be a welcomed resource