4 research outputs found

    Linguagem, cultura e sociedade: abordagens linguísticas

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    Os artigos inseridos neste volume abrangem: um trabalho sobre o papel determinante que o factor motivacional pode desempenhar no processo de aprendizagem de uma língua; uma análise de marcadores de controlo de contacto na língua portuguesa em contexto de reuniões empresariais; uma abordagem do uso de estrangeirismos em processos de comunicação relacionados com três campos de actividade distintos; uma investigação sobre várias versões de traduções técnicas de inglês para português e as implicações decorrentes da sua falta de adaptação a diferentes realidades culturais e linguísticas; e, ainda, um estudo das dificuldades de compreensão do discurso científico e tecnológico enquanto factor de exclusão.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Limiting Factors in Colonial Seabirds, with Emphasis on Predation, Disease, Parasites and Diet, and Implications for Monitoring Studies

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    Marine habitats have undergone dramatic changes, particularly over the last few decades. Human-related causes, such as habitat alteration, overexploitation, pollution, climate change and introduction of alien species have affected marine ecosystems worldwide, with severe impacts on many species, including several seabirds. Seabirds, and particularly (but not exclusively) those species that act as top-predators, are excellent monitors of the health of marine ecosystems. However, in order to make use of them as bioindicators, we have to understand how potential limiting factors influence their ecology. In turn, this information is also useful for the conservation of their populations. In this thesis I study a diversity of limiting factors of potential importance for the breeding ecology of two threatened seabirds, the southern rockhopper penguin and the black-browed albatross, at a mixed seabird colony on the Falkland Islands. An analysis of nesting habitat quality (Chapter 2) indicated that this did not explain variation in rockhopper penguin breeding success, which was most likely influenced by predation. An analysis of spatial and temporal variability of nesting success of black-browed albatrosses has shown that disease (Chapter 3), possibly coupled with parasites (Chapter 4) was the main cause for chick mortality differences between areas and years, whilst the consequences of a diet (Chapter 5) with a strong fisheries-related component for breeding success and chick development are still to be determined conclusively. This multi factor approach together with a relatively long-term set of data are important to produce more robust conclusions (with atypical years put into context), and to tentatively assign changes in breeding parameters to individual factors. My results help to provide a more complete insight of the potential factors threatening two species of conservation importance at this colony and in the context of the Falklands