191 research outputs found

    Volume 45 - Issue 4 - January, 1936

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    c 236 Mining Act

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    The Code of the City of Boulder, Colorado 1955: The Charter and General Ordinances of the City

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    Charter and Code of Boulder, Colorado

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    An analytical study on systems and methods of material management in Dyeing & Printing Industry of Jetpur city

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    The Dyeing and Printing Industry of Jetpur is one of the large Dyeing sector of Gujarat state. Jetpur is a small city with 1,04,000 population where this industry is developed. There are 996 registered dyeing of printing units in the Jetpur dyeing and Printing association, but the researcher has selected 30 sample of units for the research work for Analysis of the systems and methods for the materials are adopted the sampled unit Materials Management is a deep and vast subject and has gained acceptance in all sector of industry. The researcher have collected the primary data consist with store, purchase, materials, handling, safety and security management of waste and scrap and inventory audit. The units of study cover small medium and large units of Jetpur Dyeing and Printing Industry. Further, the researcher report has been classified in seven chapters. This study can drow the attention of policy-makers or entrepreneur for method and system of martial managemen


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    This plan focuses on discovering the objectives and aspirations of residents and merchants to formulate a revitalization strategy comprising actionable steps that will contribute to the flourishing of a rural downtown. By leveraging Wakefield\u27s rich history and existing assets, this plan aims to help realize the vision of revitalizing Wakefield

    Les piles de combustible al sector naval

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    Lust and the Common Law: A Marriage of Necessity

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    Safety Education for Iowa Schools, 1966

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    The alert teacher and school system will sense the various opportunities to teach safety, and they will gradually develop a comprehensive course of study. This will encourage the development of sound attitudes, good habits, and necessary skills which will increase the possibility of children growing into adulthood
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