409,083 research outputs found

    Temporal Justification Logic

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    Justification logics are modal-like logics with the additional capability of recording the reason, or justification, for modalities in syntactic structures, called justification terms. Justification logics can be seen as explicit counterparts to modal logics. The behavior and interaction of agents in distributed system is often modeled using logics of knowledge and time. In this paper, we sketch some preliminary ideas on how the modal knowledge part of such logics of knowledge and time could be replaced with an appropriate justification logic

    Mexitl: Multimedia in Executable Interval Temporal Logic

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    This paper explores a formalism for describing a wide class of multimedia document constraints, based on an interval temporal logic. We describe the requirements on temporal logic specification that arise from the multimedia documents application area. In particular, we highlight a canonical specification example. Then we present the temporal logic formalism that we use. This extends existing interval temporal logic with a number of new features: actions, framing of actions, past operators, a projection-like operator called filter and a new handling of interval length. A model theory, logic and satisfaction relation are defined for the notation, a specification of the canonical example is presented, and a proof system for the logic is introduced

    Time window temporal logic

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    This paper introduces time window temporal logic (TWTL), a rich expressive language for describing various time bounded specifications. In particular, the syntax and semantics of TWTL enable the compact representation of serial tasks, which are prevalent in various applications including robotics, sensor systems, and manufacturing systems. This paper also discusses the relaxation of TWTL formulae with respect to the deadlines of the tasks. Efficient automata-based frameworks are presented to solve synthesis, verification and learning problems. The key ingredient to the presented solution is an algorithm to translate a TWTL formula to an annotated finite state automaton that encodes all possible temporal relaxations of the given formula. Some case studies are presented to illustrate the expressivity of the logic and the proposed algorithms

    Time Window Temporal Logic

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    This paper introduces time window temporal logic (TWTL), a rich expressivity language for describing various time bounded specifications. In particular, the syntax and semantics of TWTL enable the compact representation of serial tasks, which are typically seen in robotics and control applications. This paper also discusses the relaxation of TWTL formulae with respect to deadlines of tasks. Efficient automata-based frameworks to solve synthesis, verification and learning problems are also presented. The key ingredient to the presented solution is an algorithm to translate a TWTL formula to an annotated finite state automaton that encodes all possible temporal relaxations of the specification. Case studies illustrating the expressivity of the logic and the proposed algorithms are included

    Temporal Landscapes: A Graphical Temporal Logic for Reasoning

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    We present an elementary introduction to a new logic for reasoning about behaviors that occur over time. This logic is based on temporal type theory. The syntax of the logic is similar to the usual first-order logic; what differs is the notion of truth value. Instead of reasoning about whether formulas are true or false, our logic reasons about temporal landscapes. A temporal landscape may be thought of as representing the set of durations over which a statement is true. To help understand the practical implications of this approach, we give a wide variety of examples where this logic is used to reason about autonomous systems.Comment: 20 pages, lots of figure

    Robust Linear Temporal Logic

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    Although it is widely accepted that every system should be robust, in the sense that "small" violations of environment assumptions should lead to "small" violations of system guarantees, it is less clear how to make this intuitive notion of robustness mathematically precise. In this paper, we address this problem by developing a robust version of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), which we call robust LTL and denote by rLTL. Formulas in rLTL are syntactically identical to LTL formulas but are endowed with a many-valued semantics that encodes robustness. In particular, the semantics of the rLTL formula φ⇒ψ\varphi \Rightarrow \psi is such that a "small" violation of the environment assumption φ\varphi is guaranteed to only produce a "small" violation of the system guarantee ψ\psi. In addition to introducing rLTL, we study the verification and synthesis problems for this logic: similarly to LTL, we show that both problems are decidable, that the verification problem can be solved in time exponential in the number of subformulas of the rLTL formula at hand, and that the synthesis problem can be solved in doubly exponential time

    A Neutral Temporal Deontic STIT Logic

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    In this work we answer a long standing request for temporal embeddings of deontic STIT logics by introducing the multi-agent STIT logic TDS . The logic is based upon atemporal utilitarian STIT logic. Yet, the logic presented here will be neutral: instead of committing ourselves to utilitarian theories, we prove the logic TDS sound and complete with respect to relational frames not employing any utilitarian function. We demonstrate how these neutral frames can be transformed into utilitarian temporal frames, while preserving validity. Last, we discuss problems that arise from employing binary utility functions in a temporal setting

    A Proof of Stavi's Theorem

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    Kamp's theorem established the expressive equivalence of the temporal logic with Until and Since and the First-Order Monadic Logic of Order (FOMLO) over the Dedekind-complete time flows. However, this temporal logic is not expressively complete for FOMLO over the rationals. Stavi introduced two additional modalities and proved that the temporal logic with Until, Since and Stavi's modalities is expressively equivalent to FOMLO over all linear orders. We present a simple proof of Stavi's theorem.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1401.258
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