30 research outputs found

    Coverings in p-adic analytic geometry and log coverings II: Cospecialization of the p'-tempered fundamental group in higher dimensions

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    This paper constructs cospecialization homomorphisms between the (p') versions of the tempered fundamental group of the fibers of a smooth morphism with polystable reduction (the tempered fundamental group is a sort of analog of the topological fundamental group of complex algebraic varieties in the p-adic world). We studied the question for families of curves in another paper. To construct them, we will start by describing the pro-(p') tempered fundamental group of a smooth and proper variety with polystable reduction in terms of the reduction endowed with its log structure, thus defining tempered fundamental groups for log polystable varieties

    Untilts of fundamental groups: construction of labeled isomorphs of fundamental groups

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    I show that one can explicitly construct topologically/geometrically distinguishable data which provide isomorphic copies (i.e. \emph{isomorphs}) of the tempered fundamental group of a geometrically connected, smooth, quasi-projective variety over pp-adic fields.Comment: This paper is replaced by a significantly expanded version posted in (2022) as arXiv:2010.05748; this 2020 version will not be updated. Construction of Arithmetic Teichmuller spaces is detailed in (1) arXiv:2106.11452 (2) arXiv:2111.04890 (3) comparison with Mochizuki's Theory is arXiv:2111.06771 (4) This is also relevant: arXiv:2003.0189

    Resolution of Nonsingularities, Point-theoreticity, and Metric-admissibility for p-adic Hyperbolic Curves

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    In this paper, we prove that arbitrary hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields admit resolution of nonsingularities [“RNS”]. This result may be regarded as a generalization of results concerning resolution of nonsingularities obtained by A. Tamagawa and E. Lepage. Moreover, by combining our RNS result with techniques from combinatorial anabelian geometry, we prove that an absolute version of the geometrically pro-Σ Grothendieck Conjecture for arbitrary hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields, where Σ denotes a set of prime numbers of cardinality ≥ 2 that contains p, holds. This settles one of the major open questions in anabelian geometry. Furthermore, we prove --again by applying RNS and combinatorial anabelian geometry-- that the various p-adic versions of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group that appear in the literature in fact coincide. As a corollary, we conclude that the metrized Grothendieck-Teichmüller group is commensurably terminal in the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group. This settles a longstanding open question in combinatorial anabelian geometry

    On a geometric description of Gal(Qˉp/Qp)Gal(\bar{\bf Q}_p/{\bf Q}_p) and a p-adic avatar of GT^\hat{GT}

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    We develop a pp-adic version of the so-called Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller theory (which studies Gal(Qˉ/Q)Gal(\bar{\bf Q}/{\bf Q}) by means of its action on profinite braid groups or mapping class groups). For every place vv of Qˉ\bar{\bf Q}, we give some geometrico-combinatorial descriptions of the local Galois group Gal(Qˉv/Qv)Gal(\bar{\bf Q}_v/{\bf Q}_v) inside Gal(Qˉ/Q)Gal(\bar{\bf Q}/{\bf Q}). We also show that Gal(Qˉp/Qp)Gal(\bar{\bf Q}_p/{\bf Q}_p) is the automorphism group of an appropriate π1\pi_1-functor in pp-adic geometry.Comment: version to appear in Duke Math.