13,360 research outputs found
Global analysis of serine/threonine and tyrosine protein phosphatase catalytic subunit genes in Neurospora crassa reveals interplay between phosphatases and the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase.
Protein phosphatases are integral components of the cellular signaling machinery in eukaryotes, regulating diverse aspects of growth and development. The genome of the filamentous fungus and model organism Neurospora crassa encodes catalytic subunits for 30 protein phosphatase genes. In this study, we have characterized 24 viable N. crassa phosphatase catalytic subunit knockout mutants for phenotypes during growth, asexual development, and sexual development. We found that 91% of the mutants had defects in at least one of these traits, whereas 29% possessed phenotypes in all three. Chemical sensitivity screens were conducted to reveal additional phenotypes for the mutants. This resulted in the identification of at least one chemical sensitivity phenotype for 17 phosphatase knockout mutants, including novel chemical sensitivities for two phosphatase mutants lacking a growth or developmental phenotype. Hence, chemical sensitivity or growth/developmental phenotype was observed for all 24 viable mutants. We investigated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation profiles in the phosphatase mutants and identified nine potential candidates for regulators of the p38 MAPK. We demonstrated that the PP2C class phosphatase pph-8 (NCU04600) is an important regulator of female sexual development in N. crassa. In addition, we showed that the Δcsp-6 (ΔNCU08380) mutant exhibits a phenotype similar to the previously identified conidial separation mutants, Δcsp-1 and Δcsp-2, that lack transcription factors important for regulation of conidiation and the circadian clock
Signaling pathways for transduction of the initial message of the glycocode into cellular responses
The sugar units of glycan structures store information and establish an alphabet of life. The language of the oligosaccharide coding units is deciphered by receptors such as lectins and the decoded message can be transduced by multiple signaling pathways. Similar to glycoconjugates, these receptors can exhibit pronounced changes in quantitative and qualitative aspects of expression, as attested by a wealth of lectin and immunohistochemical studies. Since histochemistry provides a static picture, it is essential to shed light on the mechanisms of how a recognitive protein-carbohydrate interplay can be transduced into cellular responses. Their consequences for example for cell morphology will then be visible to the histochemist. Therefore, basic signaling routes will be graphically outlined and their trigger potential will be explained by selected examples from the realm of glycosciences
Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling genes in decapod crustaceans: cloning and tissue expression of mTOR, Akt, Rheb, and S6 kinase in the green crab, Carcinus maenas, and blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis
Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) controls global translation of mRNA into protein by phosphorylating p70 S6 kinase (S6K) and eIF4E-binding protein-1. Akt and Rheb, a GTP-binding protein, regulate mTOR protein kinase activity. Molting in crustaceans is regulated by ecdysteroids synthesized by a pair of molting glands, or Y-organs (YOs), located in the cephalothorax. During premolt, the YOs hypertrophy and increase production of ecdysteroids. Rapamycin (1 μM) inhibited ecdysteroid secretion in Carcinus maenas and Gecarcinus lateralis YOs in vitro, indicating that ecdysteroidogenesis requires mTOR-dependent protein synthesis. The effects of molting on the expression of four key mTOR signaling genes (mTOR, Akt, Rheb, and S6K) in the YO was investigated. Partial cDNAs encoding green crab (C. maenas) mTOR (4031 bp), Akt (855 bp), and S6K (918 bp) were obtained from expressed sequence tags. Identity/similarity of the deduced amino acid sequence of the C. maenas cDNAs to human orthologs were 72%/81% for Cm-mTOR, 58%/73% for Cm-Akt, and 77%/88% for Cm-S6K. mTOR, Akt, S6K, and elongation factor 2 (EF2) in C. maenas and blackback land crab (G. lateralis) were expressed in all tissues examined. The two species differed in the effects of molting on gene expression in the YO. In G. lateralis, Gl-mTOR, Gl-Akt, and Gl-EF2 mRNA levels were increased during premolt. By contrast, molting had no effect on the expression of Cm-mTOR, Cm-Akt, Cm-S6K, Cm-Rheb, and Cm-EF2. These data suggest that YO activation during premolt involves up regulation of mTOR signaling genes in G. lateralis, but is not required in C. maenas
Quantitative phosphoproteomics of cytotoxic T cells to reveal Protein Kinase D 2 regulated networks
The focus of the present study was to characterize the phosphoproteome of cytotoxic T cells and to explore the role of the serine threonine kinase PKD2 (Protein Kinase D2) in the phosphorylation networks of this key lymphocyte population. We used Stable Isotope Labeling of Amino acids in Culture (SILAC) combined with phosphopeptide enrichment and quantitative mass-spectrometry to determine the impact of PKD2 loss on the cytotoxic T cells phosphoproteome. We identified 15,871 phosphorylations on 3505 proteins in cytotoxic T cells. 450 phosphosites on 281 proteins were down-regulated and 300 phosphosites on 196 proteins were up-regulated in PKD2 null cytotoxic T cells. These data give valuable new insights about the protein phosphorylation networks operational in effector T cells and reveal that PKD2 regulates directly and indirectly about 5% of the cytotoxic T-cell phosphoproteome. PKD2 candidate substrates identified in this study include proteins involved in two distinct biological functions: regulation of protein sorting and intracellular vesicle trafficking, and control of chromatin structure, transcription, and translation. In other cell types, PKD substrates include class II histone deacetylases such as HDAC7 and actin regulatory proteins such as Slingshot. The current data show these are not PKD substrates in primary T cells revealing that the functional role of PKD isoforms is different in different cell lineages
Phospho.ELM:a database of experimentally verified phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins
BACKGROUND: Post-translational phosphorylation is one of the most common protein modifications. Phosphoserine, threonine and tyrosine residues play critical roles in the regulation of many cellular processes. The fast growing number of research reports on protein phosphorylation points to a general need for an accurate database dedicated to phosphorylation to provide easily retrievable information on phosphoproteins.DESCRIPTION: Phospho.ELM http://phospho.elm.eu.org is a new resource containing experimentally verified phosphorylation sites manually curated from the literature and is developed as part of the ELM (Eukaryotic Linear Motif) resource. Phospho.ELM constitutes the largest searchable collection of phosphorylation sites available to the research community. The Phospho.ELM entries store information about substrate proteins with the exact positions of residues known to be phosphorylated by cellular kinases. Additional annotation includes literature references, subcellular compartment, tissue distribution, and information about the signaling pathways involved as well as links to the molecular interaction database MINT. Phospho.ELM version 2.0 contains 1703 phosphorylation site instances for 556 phosphorylated proteins.CONCLUSION: Phospho.ELM will be a valuable tool both for molecular biologists working on protein phosphorylation sites and for bioinformaticians developing computational predictions on the specificity of phosphorylation reactions.</p
The role of D-raf in the terminal class signal transduction pathway in Drosophila melanogaster
This dissertation describes the characterization of D-raf-mediated signal transduction in the establishment and elaboration of pattern in Drosophila melanogaster. D- raf is the Drosophila homologue of the human Raf-1 proto-oncogene. As a member of the Drosophila Torso (Tor) signal transduction cascade, D-raf acts to define cellular fates at the embryonic poles. Here we show that the serine/threonine kinase activity of D-raf is required for propagation of the Tor signal and that human Raf-1 can substitute for D-raf in this pathway. We identified two serine phosphorylation sites (S388 and S743) and found that serine or its phosphorylation at site 743 is essential for D-raf function. Serine-to-alanine substitution at residue 388, amino-terminal truncation, or membrane-targeted D-raf resulted in constitutive, Tor-independent signal transduction at the embryonic poles. Membrane targeted D-raf, but not amino-terminal truncated or serine substituted D-raf (S388A), could induce the development of terminal structures in the center of embryos. Thus, localization of D-raf to the membrane appears to be an essential step in promoting Tor signal transduction in the embryonic center;We also found that maternal D-raf activation takes place between nuclear cycle 4 and 12 and zygotic expression of the D-raf gene occurs at nuclear cycle 13, 14, and blastoderm stages. Western blot analysis revealed that the accumulation of D-raf protein in embryos at 0-2 and 2-4 hours after egg laying was observed in wild-type embryos, and those derived from D-raf[superscript]400B8, D-raf[superscript] C2Z2, D-raf[superscript] DF903, D-raf[superscript] raf2, D-raf[superscript] PB26 and D-raf[superscript] DC817 but is absent from D-raf[superscript]11-29, D-raf[superscript] EA75, D-raf[superscript]107, and D-raf[superscript] raf1 mutant germlines. We also show that maternal D-raf[superscript] 400B8 and D-raf[superscript] C2Z2 proteins exhibit dominant negative effects and these effects can be surpressed by a membrane targeted D-raf. This suggests that D-raf requires interaction with its substrate(s) at a membrane associated site
Genetic mapping, synteny, and physical location of two loci for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. tracheiphilum race 4 resistance in cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp].
Fusarium wilt is a vascular disease caused by the fungus Fusariumoxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum (Fot) in cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp]. In this study, we mapped loci conferring resistance to Fot race 4 in three cowpea RIL populations: IT93K-503-1 × CB46, CB27 × 24-125B-1, and CB27 × IT82E-18/Big Buff. Two independent loci which confer resistance to Fot race 4 were identified, Fot4-1 and Fot4-2. Fot4-1 was identified in the IT93K-503-1 (resistant) × CB46 (susceptible) population and was positioned on the cowpea consensus genetic map, spanning 21.57-29.40 cM on linkage group 5. The Fot4-2 locus was validated by identifying it in both the CB27 (resistant) × 24-125B-1 (susceptible) and CB27 (resistant) × IT82E-18/Big Buff (susceptible) populations. Fot4-2 was positioned on the cowpea consensus genetic map on linkage group 3; the minimum distance spanned 71.52-71.75 cM whereas the maximum distance spanned 64.44-80.23 cM. These genomic locations of Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 on the cowpea consensus genetic map, relative to Fot3-1 which was previously identified as the locus conferring resistance to Fot race 3, established that all three loci were independent. The Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 syntenic loci were examined in Glycine max, where several disease-resistance candidate genes were identified for both loci. In addition, Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 were coarsely positioned on the cowpea physical map. Fot4-1 and Fot4-2 will contribute to molecular marker development for future use in marker-assisted selection, thereby expediting introgression of Fot race 4 resistance into future cowpea cultivars
New insights into the mechanisms of phytochrome-cryptochrome coaction.
Contents Summary 547 I. Introduction 547 II. Phytochromes mediate light-induced transcription of BICs to inactivate cryptochromes 548 III. PPKs phosphorylate light-signaling proteins and histones to affect plant development 548 IV. Prospect 550 Acknowledgements 550 References 550 SUMMARY: Plants perceive and respond to light signals by multiple sensory photoreceptors, including phytochromes and cryptochromes, which absorb different wavelengths of light to regulate genome expression and plant development. Photophysiological analyses have long revealed the coordinated actions of different photoreceptors, a phenomenon referred to as the photoreceptor coaction. The mechanistic explanations of photoreceptor coactions are not fully understood. The function of direct protein-protein interaction of phytochromes and cryptochromes and common signaling molecules of these photoreceptors, such as SPA1/COP1 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex and bHLH transcription factors PIFs, would partially explain phytochrome-cryptochrome coactions. In addition, newly discovered proteins that block cryptochrome photodimerization or catalyze cryptochrome phosphorylation may also participate in the phytochrome and cryptochrome coaction. This Tansley insight, which is not intended to make a comprehensive review of the studies of photoreceptor coactions, attempts to highlight those recent findings and their possible roles in the photoreceptor coaction
Investigating the effect of target of rapamycin kinase inhibition on the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii phosphoproteome: from known homologs to new targets
Recuperado de: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/310102v1Target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase is a conserved regulator of cell growth whose activity is modulated in response to nutrients, energy and stress. Key proteins involved in the pathway are conserved in the model photosynthetic microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, but the substrates of TOR kinase and downstream signaling network have not been elucidated. Our study provides a new resource for investigating the phosphorylation networks governed by the TOR kinase pathway in Chlamydomonas. We used quantitative phosphoproteomics to investigate the effects of inhibiting Chlamydomonas TOR kinase on dynamic protein phosphorylation. Wild-type and AZD-insensitive Chlamydomonas strains were treated with TOR-specific chemical inhibitors (rapamycin, AZD8055 and Torin1), after which differentially affected phosphosites were identified. Our quantitative phosphoproteomic dataset comprised 2547 unique phosphosites from 1432 different proteins. Inhibition of TOR kinase caused significant quantitative changes in phosphorylation at 258 phosphosites, from 219 unique phosphopeptides. Our results include Chlamydomonas homologs of TOR signaling-related proteins, including a site on RPS6 with a decrease in phosphorylation. Additionally, phosphosites on proteins involved in translation and carotenoid biosynthesis were identified. Follow-up experiments guided by these phosphoproteomic findings in lycopene beta/epsilon cyclase showed that carotenoid levels are affected by TORC1 inhibition and carotenoid production is under TOR control in algae.National Science Foundation CAREER MCB-155252
Charge environments around phosphorylation sites in proteins
Background: Phosphorylation is a central feature in many biological processes. Structural analyses
have identified the importance of charge-charge interactions, for example mediating
phosphorylation-driven allosteric change and protein binding to phosphopeptides. Here, we
examine computationally the prevalence of charge stabilisation around phosphorylated sites in the
structural database, through comparison with locations that are not phosphorylated in the same
Results: A significant fraction of phosphorylated sites appear to be electrostatically stabilised,
largely through interaction with sidechains. Some examples of stabilisation across a subunit
interface are evident from calculations with biological units. When considering the immediately
surrounding environment, in many cases favourable interactions are only apparent after
conformational change that accompanies phosphorylation. A simple calculation of potential
interactions at longer-range, applied to non-phosphorylated structures, recovers the separation
exhibited by phosphorylated structures. In a study of sites in the Phospho.ELM dataset, for which
structural annotation is provided by non-phosphorylated proteins, there is little separation of the
known phospho-acceptor sites relative to background, even using the wider interaction radius.
However, there are differences in the distributions of patch polarity for acceptor and background
sites in the Phospho.ELM dataset.
Conclusion: In this study, an easy to implement procedure is developed that could contribute to
the identification of phospho-acceptor sites associated with charge-charge interactions and
conformational change. Since the method gives information about potential anchoring interactions
subsequent to phosphorylation, it could be combined with simulations that probe conformational
change. Our analysis of the Phospho.ELM dataset also shows evidence for mediation of
phosphorylation effects through (i) conformational change associated with making a solvent
inaccessible phospho-acceptor site accessible, and (ii) modulation of protein-protein interactions
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