326 research outputs found

    “Black Horror on the Rhine”: Idealism, Pacifism, and Racism in Feminism and the Left in the Aftermath of the First World War

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    In the aftermath of the First World War, a storm of protest met the stationing of colonial African troops in the occupied German territories. The campaign, spearheaded by legendary Congo reformer Edmund Dene Morel, influenced a broad spectrum of leftists, feminists, anti-imperialists, and pacifists in Great Britain, the United States, and Canada. In the United States and Canada the mainstream labour movement—the American Federation of Labor in the United States and its Canadian affiliate the Trades and Labour Congress—generally did not respond to Morel’s appeal. In contrast, idealistic leftists, feminists, anti-imperialists, and peace activists—men and women most committed to the creation of a world without war, racial prejudice, and gender inequality—took up Morel’s anti-imperialist and blatantly racist campaign. This article seeks to explain how this seeming contradiction came to be.Dans la foulĂ©e de la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale, une tempĂȘte de protestations s’est Ă©levĂ©e contre le stationnement de troupes coloniales africaines dans les territoires allemands occupĂ©s. La campagne, dirigĂ©e par Edmund Dene Morel, lĂ©gendaire rĂ©formateur du Congo, a influencĂ© un large Ă©ventail de gauchistes, de fĂ©ministes, d’anti-impĂ©rialistes et de pacifistes en Grande-Bretagne, aux États-Unis et au Canada. Aux États-Unis et au Canada, les courants principaux du mouvement syndical – la fĂ©dĂ©ration amĂ©ricaine du travail et son affiliĂ© canadien le CongrĂšs des mĂ©tiers et du travail – n’ont de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale pas rĂ©pondu Ă  l’appel de Morel. En revanche, les gauchistes, fĂ©ministes, anti-impĂ©rialistes et pacifistes – autant d’hommes et de femmes idĂ©alistes, engagĂ©s dans la crĂ©ation d’un monde sans guerre, sans prĂ©jugĂ©s raciaux et sans inĂ©galitĂ©s entre sexes – ont adoptĂ©1 la campagne anti-impĂ©rialiste et ouvertement raciste de Morel. Le prĂ©sent article cherche Ă  expliquer cette contradiction apparente


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    Purpose: The article analyzes the hypotheses about the Carpathian and Azov ancestral home of the Serbian tribes and the political role of the territory of ancient Raska in the formation of medieval Serbian statehood via comparative legal and historical methods. Methodology: The methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method of cognition of social and legal phenomena and the concepts in their development and interdependence. Data was obtained from scientific, historical, and legal documents. Main Findings: The drafters of the Law sought to overcome the disparity in court proceedings and bring legal norms into a certain system, taking into account the needs of feudalism. The author comes to the conclusion that the preservation of Serbian ethnic identity influenced the restoration of statehood in the XIX century due to the spiritually and economically self-governing zadruge. Applications: This research can be used by historical organizations, educational organizations as well as by history scholars. Novelty/Originality: Serbian people and Turkish conquest has been studied using historical-legal documents

    Recreation and the war effort in the United States, with special consideration given to the North Central region 

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    Recreation as a social force is being called upon today to contribute strength and vigor to our nation in its struggle for victory. Through its services to the armed forces both at home and abroad and through the services rendered on the home front, recreation is meeting the challenge of a democracy aroused to action. The average man on the street sees recreation as somthing desirable but not as a necessary service. The purpose of this thesis is to present the contributions of the recreation movement in the national war effort and to hasten the acceptance of recreation as a necessary and vital service. The title of this thesis, therefore, shall be Recreation and the War Effort in the United States With Special Consideration Given to the North Central Region

    ‘An articulate and definite cry for political freedom’: the ulster suffrage movement

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    Public Health Rep

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    Introduction: The “comfort women” as public history - scholarship, advocacy and the commemorative impulse

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    In this introductory essay to the special issue of The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus on “The Comfort Women as Public History,” we analyze the turn since the early 2000s towards “heritagization” of this controversial issue. After reviewing the political, cultural and historiographical background to ongoing disputes over “comfort women,” we examine how the reframing of this issue as “heritage” has been accompanied by increasing entanglement with the global politics of atrocity commemoration, and associated tropes. Prominent among such tropes is the claim that commemoration fosters “peace”. However, following recent critical scholarship on this issue, and drawing on the papers that comprise this special issue, we question any necessary equation between heritagization and reconciliation. When done badly, the drive to commemorate a contentious issue as public history can exacerbate rather than resolve division and hatred. We therefore emphasise the need for representation of comfort women as public history to pay due regard to nuance and complexity, for example regarding the depiction of victims versus perpetrators; the transnational dimension of the system; and its relationship with the broader history of gender politics and the sexual subjugation of women

    Law, Self-Pollution, and the Management of Social Anxiety

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    This article considers the anxieties about masturbation and spermatorrhoea from the standpoint of cultural-legal analysis. Seen from this perspective, the worries about masturbation provided an object onto which social anxieties could be displaced and thereby managed. Norm entrepreneurs who played on public fears manipulated basic cultural polarities in order to present masturbation and spermatorrhoea as objects of horror and disgust-things that needed to be expelled, if possible, from the body social

    Book Reviews

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    DADE’S LAST COMMAND, by Frank Laumer, reviewed by William M. Goza; BLOCKADERS, REFUGEES, & CONTRABANDS: CIVIL WAR ON FLORIDA’S GULF COAST, 1861-1865, by George E. Buker, reviewed by William Warren Rogers; REBEL STOREHOUSE: FLORIDA IN THE CONFEDERATE ECONOMY, by Robert A. Taylor, reviewed by Anthony Iacono; THE CONFEDERADOS: OLD SOUTH IMMIGRANTS IN BRAZIL, edited by Cyrus B. Dawsey and James M. Dawsey, reviewed by JosĂ© B. FernĂĄndez; ESSAYS ON CUBAN HISTORY: HISTORIOGRAPHY AND RESEARCH, by Louis a PĂ©rez, Jr., reviewed by Thomas M. Leonard; THE CHEROKEES AND CHRISTIANITY, 1794-1870, by William G. McLoughlin; edited by Walter H. Conser, Jr., reviewed by John K. Mahon; THE CONFEDERATE REPUBLIC: A REVOLUTION AGAINST POLITICS, by George C. Rable, reviewed by John M. Belohlavek; WAR IN KENTUCKY: FROM SHILOH TO PERRYVILLE, by James Lee McDonough, reviewed by James I. Robertson, Jr.; THE THIRD DAY AT GETIYSBURG & BEYOND, edited by Gary W. Gallagher, reviewed by James Lee McDonough; MEDICAL HISTORIES OF CONFEDERATE GENERALS, by Jack D. Welsh, M.D., reviewed by William M. Straight, M.D.; GULLAH STATESMAN: ROBERT SMALLS FROM SLAVERY TO CONGRESS, 1839-1915, by Edward A. Miller, Jr., reviewed by Joe M. Richardson; THE JOHN COUPER FAMILY AT CANNON’S POINT, by T. Reed Ferguson, reviewed by Hutch Johnson; IRON AND STEEL: CLASS, RACE, AND COMMUNITY IN BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, 1875-1920, by Henry M. McKiven, Jr., reviewed by James J. Horgan; THE CIO, 1935-1955, by Robert H. Zieger, reviewed by George Norris Green; ARMED WITH THE CONSTITUTION: JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES IN ALABAMA AND THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, 1939-1946, by Merlin Owen Newton, reviewed by John J. Guthrie, Jr.; SEX, RACE, AND SCIENCE: EUGENICS IN THE DEEP SOUTH, by Edward J. Larson, reviewed by Wayne Flynt; HIDDEN HISTORIES OF WOMEN IN THE NEW SOUTH, edited by Virginia Bernhard, et. al., reviewed by Patricia G. Dillon; DAUGHTERS OF CANAAN: A SAGA OF SOUTHERN WOMEN, by- Margaret Ripley Wolfe, reviewed by Shirley A. Leckie; THE SOUTH THROUGH TIME: A HISTORY OF AN AMERICAN REGION, by John B. Boles, reviewed by Suzanne Marshall; AMERICA IN EUROPEAN CONSCIOUSNESS, 1493-1750, edited by Karen Ordahl Kupperman, reviewed by Michael N. Core

    Poverty, health and reproduction in early colonial Uganda

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