2,632,762 research outputs found
Landscape, environment and community impacts of nuclear power
This paper is the third in a series of 8 that make up the evidence base for SDC report 'The role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy'.This document investigates the landscape impacts of all the processes involved in nuclear power from mining the fuel ore to power transmission lines. Water use, community and employment impacts are also covered.Publisher PD
Securing good health for the whole population (Wanless Review) : submission from the SDC
The Sustainable Development Commission fully supports the terms of reference contained in the document 'Securing good health for the whole population : final report'. In looking at how Government can implement cost-effective approaches to improving population health, prevention and reducing health inequalities, consistent with the 'fully engaged' scenario, the Sustainable Development Commission considers that the review should particularly focus on the strategic approaches to health improvement.Publisher PD
Comments back from the Sustainable Communities Summit Workshop : creating communities with low environmental impact
Based on 'Report back from Sustainable Communities Summit Workshop : creating communities with a low environmental impact'.Publisher PD
UK Citizen’s Council for the future : creating new spaces for citizens’ voices and long-term thinking in politics
This paper sets out the rationale and requirement for a citizens' council, a new space for UK citizens to engage with and inform long-term political thinking.Publisher PD
University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
National Health Service good corporate citizenship assessment model case study.Publisher PD
Key events in the history of sustainable development
This document is a table which summaries the key events in the history of sustainable development, adapted from International Institute for Sustainable Development's sustainable development timeline.Publisher PD
Aviation and social exclusion
The impact of forecast growth in aviation on UK passengers socio-economic groups is analysed.Publisher PD
SDC Supplier Obligation engagement project : process plan
This process plan and timetable were used to form the basis of 'SDC Supplier Obligation project : household energy from 2011 : final report'.Publisher PD
Sustainable development : fourth annual assessment of progress by the Scottish Government
SDC Scotland’s annual assessment is based on a review of government policy across a range of topics from economy and energy to education, health, waste and biodiversity. The conclusions and recommendations are also based on discussions with expert groups in each policy area, government civil servants and a stakeholder survey.Publisher PD
Evaluation of the Feasibility of Erecting a Regional Wind Energy System within the East Bay of Rhode Island
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