123,221 research outputs found

    Identification of stiffness variations in supporting substances of a human canine tooth with a bracket-beam-piezoelectric sensor and its electromechanical impedance

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    In this paper, an experimental method is described to identify the stiffness variations produced by drillings done in different supporting substances of a human canine tooth. To measure the supporting substances parameters through of a canine, a sensor-actuator systemwas developed. The sensor-actuator device was composed of a stainless steel bracket bonded to a steel wire attached to two piezoelectric transducers, with a concentrated mass attached to the end of the wire. To excite the device, high frequency voltage (between 5 and 10 KHz) was applied through the piezo-transducers, which affects the tooth by means of the vibration of the wire. High frequency mechanical vibrations allowed the appraisal of the mechanical response from the supporting substances. Mechanical responses associated with the stiffness of the support were quantified with the electrical impedance of the piezo-transducers. The device was coupled to the crown of a canine tooth simulating a condition of fixing as in the bone, the tooth was fastened by the root portion inside the supporting substance. Four supporting substances were characterized for the tests. After establishing base values of the stiffness of each supporting substance, the stiffness variations were assessed in two stages (two drillings); these were made perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of the tooth, Results show that it is possible to assess stiffness variations with the proposed methodology as well as to quantify the stiffness differences, by means of variation indexes

    Mechanical Characterization of Fourth Generation Composite Humerus

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    Mechanical data on upper extremity surrogate bones, supporting use as biomechanical tools, is limited. The objective of this study was to characterize the structural behaviour of the fourth-generation composite humerus under simulated physiologic bending, specifically, stiffness, rigidity, and mid-diaphysial surface strains. Three humeri were tested in four-point bending, in anatomically defined anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) planes. Stiffness and rigidity were derived using load–displacement data. Principal strains were determined at the anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral surfaces in the humeral mid-diaphysial transverse plane of one specimen using stacked rosettes. Linear structural behaviour was observed within the test range. Average stiffness and rigidity were greater in the ML (918 ± 18 N/mm; 98.4 ± 1.9 Nm2) than the AP plane (833 ± 16 N/mm; 89.3 ± 1.6 Nm2), with little inter-specimen variability. The ML/AP rigidity ratio was 1.1. Surface principal strains were similar at the anterior (5.41 µε/N) and posterior (5.43 µε/N) gauges for AP bending, and comparatively less for ML bending, i.e. 5.1 and 4.5 µε/N, at the medial and lateral gauges, respectively. This study provides novel strain and stiffness data for the fourth-generation composite humerus and also adds to published construct rigidity data. The presented results support the use of this composite bone as a tool for modelling and experimentation

    Variational Theory and Domain Decomposition for Nonlocal Problems

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    In this article we present the first results on domain decomposition methods for nonlocal operators. We present a nonlocal variational formulation for these operators and establish the well-posedness of associated boundary value problems, proving a nonlocal Poincar\'{e} inequality. To determine the conditioning of the discretized operator, we prove a spectral equivalence which leads to a mesh size independent upper bound for the condition number of the stiffness matrix. We then introduce a nonlocal two-domain variational formulation utilizing nonlocal transmission conditions, and prove equivalence with the single-domain formulation. A nonlocal Schur complement is introduced. We establish condition number bounds for the nonlocal stiffness and Schur complement matrices. Supporting numerical experiments demonstrating the conditioning of the nonlocal one- and two-domain problems are presented.Comment: Updated the technical part. In press in Applied Mathematics and Computatio

    Supporting brace sizing in structures with added linear viscous fluid dampers: A filter design solution

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    Viscous fluid dampers have proved to be effective in suppressing unwanted vibrations in a range of engineering structures. When dampers are fitted in a structure, a brace is typically used to attach them to the main structure. The stiffness of this brace can significantly alter the effectiveness of the damper, and in structures with multiple dampers, this can be a complex scenario to model. In this paper, we demonstrate that the effects of the brace compliance on the damper performance can be modelled by way of a first-order filter. We use this result to formulate a procedure that calculates the stiffness required by the supporting brace to provide a specified effectiveness of the damping action. The proposed procedure assumes that viscous dampers have been sized in a previous design step based on any optimal methodology in which, as is usually the case, the presence of supporting braces and their dynamic effects were neglected. Firstly considering a one degree-of-freedom system, we show that the proposed method ensures a desired level of damper efficiency for all frequencies within a selected bandwidth. Then the analysis is extended to the case of multi-degree-of-freedom systems to show that the design criteria can be applied in a straightforward and successful manner to more complex structures

    Measurement of the distributed dynamic stiffness of seats under compression to analyze dynamic characteristic of seats

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    Supporting stiffness of seats is an important component affecting dynamic characteristics cognized by a passenger. To analyze dynamic characteristic of a seat for vehicles operating on various road conditions, the seat vibration from road irregularity should be understood and compared. In this study, the seat is analyzed as distributed supporting system. The dynamic stiffness is measured using masses on elastic foundation. The deflection of the seat under compression is analyzed using simple numerical model and used in understanding dynamic coupling between arrayed masses. The characteristic of the seats is analyzed by measuring distributed dynamic stiffness. The influence of seat cover, elastic support and flexible polyurethane foam on the measured stiffness was analyzed. The equivalent dynamic stiffness when larger dummy model is used in measurements is compared to the distributed stiffnessesThe authors would like to acknowledge Hyundai-Kia Motors for their financial support of this research

    The low-noise optimisation method for gearbox in consideration of operating conditions

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    This paper presents a comprehensive procedure to calculate the steady dynamic response and the noise radiation generated from a stepping-down gearbox. In this process, the dynamic model of the cylindrical gear transmission system is built with the consideration of the time-varying mesh stiffness, gear errors and bearing supporting, while the data of dynamic bearing force is obtained through solving the model. Furthermore, taking the data of bearing force as the excitation, the gearbox vibrations and noise radiation are calculated by numerical simulation, and then the time history of node dynamic response, noise spectrum and resonance frequency range of the gearbox are obtained. Finally, the gearbox panel acoustic contribution at the resonance frequency range is calculated. Based on the conclusions from the gearbox panel acoustic contribution analyses and the mode shapes, two gearbox stiffness improving plans have been studied. By contrastive analysis of gearbox noise radiation, the effectiveness of the improving plans is confirmed. This study has provided useful theoretical guideline to the gearbox design

    A conventional point of view on active magnetic bearings

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    Active magnetic bearings used in rotating machinery should be designed as locally controlled, independent devices similar to other types of bearings. The functions of control electronics and power amplifiers can be simply and explicitly related to general bearing properties such as load capacity, stiffness, and damping. The dynamics of a rotor and its supporting active magnetic bearings are analyzed in a modified conventional method with an extended state vector containing the bearing state variables


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    The purpose of this study was to look if there were any differences in lower limb muscle activation patterns on various compliance surfaces during a sit-to-stand (STS) task. Previous studies have compared muscle activation patterns on stable versus unstable supporting surfaces but on the current research the surface stability was modified through four eight-way adjustable-stiffness shock absorbers mounted between two force plates creating stiffness conditions ranging from soft to very hard. Seventeen participants that were recruited randomly by a pool of volunteers performed a self-paced STS under eight surface stiffness conditions in randomized order. The mean EMG values of ten muscles during STS on various compliance surfaces were analysed and compared according under distinct phases of force profile. There were no statistically significant differences found in mean EMG of the muscles examined under different supporting surface stiffness conditions. It was found that muscle activation patterns during STS do not significantly change with variations of the surface compliance, suggesting that a STS movement skill is preprogramed, when the STS conditions are not known

    Parametric instabilities of rotor-support systems with application to industrial ventilators

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    Rotor support systems interaction with parametric excitation is considered for both unequal principal shaft stiffness (generators) and offset disc rotors (ventilators). Instability regions and types of instability are computed in the first case, and parametric resonances in the second case. Computed and experimental results are compared for laboratory machine models. A field case study of parametric vibrations in industrial ventilators is reported. Computed parametric resonances are confirmed in field measurements, and some industrial failures are explained. Also the dynamic influence and gyroscopic effect of supporting structures are shown and computed