113 research outputs found
Analisis Respon Masyarakat Terhadap Dampak Aktivitas Penambangan Pasir Dan Batu Di Sungai Berni Desa Sumberasri kecamatan Nglegok Kabupaten Blitar
ABSTRACTSand and stone mining activities along the Berni River in Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency are still ongoing, so that the impact on the community is increasingly being felt. The real impact felt by the community is landslides and erosion. The purpose of this study was to analyze the community's response to the impact of sand and rock mining activities in the Berni River, Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency. The method used is a survey by conducting interviews with 40 residents who live around the Berni River, Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out and explained, most of the people living around the mining area are not disturbed by mining activities because sand and rock mining is their main livelihood. There are 80% of people living in mining areas who admit that mining activities do not interfere with their activities, 90% of people who live in mining areas admit that their health is not disturbed, and 80% of people who live in mining areas admit that they have benefited from sand and rock mining activities. the. However, they all realized that the mining of sand and rock was causing losses, namely that more roads were damaged and erosion and landslides were frequent. Keywords: Mine, Sand and Stone. ABSTRAKAktivitas penambangan pasir dan batu di sepanjang Sungai Berni di Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar masih berlangsung sampai saat ini, sehingga dampak di masyarakat semakin dirasakan. Dampak nyata yang dirasakan masyarakat adalah longsor dan erosi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis respon masyarakat terhadap dampak aktivitas penambangan pasir dan batu di Sungai Berni, Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 40 warga yang tinggal di sekitar Sungai Berni, Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan dan dijelaskan, sebagian besar masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar area pertambangan tidak mendapat gangguan akibat aktivitas penambangan karena penambangan pasir dan batu tersebut merupakan mata pencaharian utama mereka. Terdapat 80% masyarakat yang tinggal di area pertambangan mengakui bahwa aktivitas penambangan tidak mengganggu aktivitas mereka, 90% masyarakat yang tinggal di area pertambangan mengakui bahwa kesehatan tidak terganggu, dan 80% masyarakat yang tinggal di area pertambangan mengaku mendapat manfaat dari kegiatan penambangan pasir dan batu tersebut. Namun, mereka semua menyadari bahwa penambangan pasir dan batu tersebut menyebabkan kerugian, yaitu semakin banyak jalan yang rusak serta sering terjadi erosi dan longsor. Kata kunci: Tambang, Pasir dan Batu
Analisis Respon Masyarakat Terhadap Dampak Aktivitas Penambangan Pasir Dan Batu Di Sungai Berni Desa Sumberasri kecamatan Nglegok Kabupaten Blitar
ABSTRACTSand and stone mining activities along the Berni River in Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency are still ongoing, so that the impact on the community is increasingly being felt. The real impact felt by the community is landslides and erosion. The purpose of this study was to analyze the community's response to the impact of sand and rock mining activities in the Berni River, Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency. The method used is a survey by conducting interviews with 40 residents who live around the Berni River, Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out and explained, most of the people living around the mining area are not disturbed by mining activities because sand and rock mining is their main livelihood. There are 80% of people living in mining areas who admit that mining activities do not interfere with their activities, 90% of people who live in mining areas admit that their health is not disturbed, and 80% of people who live in mining areas admit that they have benefited from sand and rock mining activities. the. However, they all realized that the mining of sand and rock was causing losses, namely that more roads were damaged and erosion and landslides were frequent. Keywords: Mine, Sand and Stone. ABSTRAKAktivitas penambangan pasir dan batu di sepanjang Sungai Berni di Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar masih berlangsung sampai saat ini, sehingga dampak di masyarakat semakin dirasakan. Dampak nyata yang dirasakan masyarakat adalah longsor dan erosi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis respon masyarakat terhadap dampak aktivitas penambangan pasir dan batu di Sungai Berni, Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 40 warga yang tinggal di sekitar Sungai Berni, Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan dan dijelaskan, sebagian besar masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar area pertambangan tidak mendapat gangguan akibat aktivitas penambangan karena penambangan pasir dan batu tersebut merupakan mata pencaharian utama mereka. Terdapat 80% masyarakat yang tinggal di area pertambangan mengakui bahwa aktivitas penambangan tidak mengganggu aktivitas mereka, 90% masyarakat yang tinggal di area pertambangan mengakui bahwa kesehatan tidak terganggu, dan 80% masyarakat yang tinggal di area pertambangan mengaku mendapat manfaat dari kegiatan penambangan pasir dan batu tersebut. Namun, mereka semua menyadari bahwa penambangan pasir dan batu tersebut menyebabkan kerugian, yaitu semakin banyak jalan yang rusak serta sering terjadi erosi dan longsor. Kata kunci: Tambang, Pasir dan Batu
Integritas dan Akuntabilitas dalam Pemerintahan Desa (Studi Kasus: Penjualan Aset Tanah Kas Desa pada Pemerintahan Desa Sumberasri, Kecamatan Nglegok Kabupaten Blitar - Jawa Timur)
Integrity and accountability are indispensable to village governance, especially in the management of village asset wealth derived from the village treasury. The role of community participation is also needed to maintain, develop, assess the integrity and accountability of village governance. The subject matter of this research is the sale of village land which is designated for public facilities, village cash land, refugee land, village market. This research was conducted by qualitative descriptive method with data collection technique in depth interview to some informant and used secondary data as supporting depth level of information. This study measures how the integrity practices and accountability of Sumberasri Village government in the case of selling the land of village cash assets sold to private parties or individuals. The concept to dissect the results of research that is the concept of Integrity and the concept of accountability. Integrity is used four indicators, three of which have been implemented well, including loyalty indicators, indicators of harmony, and reliable indicators, while the indicators of cooperation have not been implemented effectively. Accountability uses three indicators including managerial accountability, financial accountability, public accountability. Only managerial accountability indicators are proven accountable, while other indicators have not been fully accountable.
KeyWords : Integrity, Accountability, Asset
ABSTRAKFiberglass lebih ekonomis dibandingkan dengan kayu maupun logam untuk bahan pembuatan kapal yang berukuran kecil. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang design kapal dan bahan pembuatan kapal berupa Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP). Pengetahuan tentang design kapal, dan pengetahuan bahan Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP) dianggap penting karena masih kurangnya pengetahuan akan hal tersebut. Pembuatan kapal berbahan fiberglass secara tidak tepat dapat mengakibatkan pengendalian kapal yang kurang maksimal. Selain itu, kekuatan lambung kapal juga tidak sesuai dengan standard. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan kapal berbahan fiberglass. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan bahwa peserta memiliki keterampilan teknik hand lay-up dan pengetahuan bahan yang baik setelah diadakannya pelatihan dan pendampingan. Kata kunci: kapal; fiberglass; hand lay-up; nelayan; pariwisata; mangrove ABSTRACTFiberglass is more economical than wood or metal for small shipbuilding materials. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge about ship design and shipbuilding materials in the form of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP). Knowledge of ship design, and knowledge of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics (FRP) is considered important because there is still a lack of knowledge about it. Making boats made of Fiberglass improperly can result in less than optimal ship control. In addition, the hull of the ship is also not up to standard. This service activity is carried out in two stages, namely training and mentoring in the manufacture of Fiberglass boats. From the evaluation results, it was found that of the participants had good hand lay-up technique skills and material knowledge after the training and mentoring. Keywords: boat; fiberglass; hand lay-up; fisherman; tourism; mangrov
Tsunami Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Banyuwangi District using machine learning and Landsat 8 image data
The tsunami is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia, there are no valid indicators to assess and monitor coastal areas based on functional land use and based on land cover which refers to the biophysical characteristics of the earth's surface. One of the recommended methods is the vegetation index. Vegetation index is a method from LULC that can be used to provide information on how severe the impact of the tsunami was on the area.In this study, an increase in the vegetation index was carried out using machine learning. The purpose of this study was to develop a tsunami vulnerability assessment model using the Vegetation Index extracted from Landsat 8 satellite imagery optimized with KNN, Random Forest and SVM. The stages of study, are: 1)extraction Landsat 8 images using algorithms NDVI, NDBI, NDWI, MSAVI, and MNDWI; 2) prediction of vegetation indices using KNN, Random Forest, and SVM algorithms. 3) accuracy testing using the MSE, RMSE, and MAE,4) spatial prediction using the Kriging function and 5) tsunami modelling vulnerability indicators. The results of this study indicate that the NDVI interpolation value is 0 - 0.1 which is defined as vegetation density, biomass growth, and moderate to low vegetation health. the NDWI value is 0.02 - 0.08 and the MNDWI value is 0.02 - 0.09 which is interpreted as the presence of surface water along the coast. MSAVI is a value of 0.1 – 0 which is defined as the absence of vegetation. The NDBI interpolation value is -0.05 - (-0.08) which is interpreted as the existence of built-up land with social and economic activities. From the results of research on the 10 areas studied, there are 3 areas with conditions that have a high level of tsunami vulnerability. 2 areas with medium vulnerability and 5 areas with low vulnerability to tsunami
This study aims to determine the public's perception of the laying hens farming business in Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency. The material used in this research is people who live close to the laying hens farm environment. The research method used is a survey method, namely by taking a direct approach to the community around the location of the laying hens farm in Sumberasri Village, Kec. Look at Kab. Blitar. Based on the results of research that has been carried out in general, it can be concluded that the results of public perception of laying hens in Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency can be viewed from the aspect of smell, and the emergence of flies is actually not good (disturbed) but the community understands it. For water, soil and cage contamination, the community does not feel disturbed if it is handled properly. While the results of the study for the overall category got a score of 782, which means that the community does not feel disturbed by the existence of laying hens in Sumberasri Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency
Developing Snake and Ladder Game to Teach Vocabulary on Recount Text for Eighth Grade Students at MTs Syekh Subakir 2 Sumberasri
The purpose of this research is to create a snake and ladder game to educate eighth grade students at Mts Syekh Subakir 2 Sumberasri vocabulary on recount texts. The R&D Method was used by the researcher to conduct this study. So research and development methods are methods that produce, develop and test the effectiveness of a product. The design and creation of snake and ladder media resulted in a media validation questionnaire from experts as proof that snake and ladder media in this study is suitable for use as a medium for teaching recount text vocabulary to eighth grade students of Syekh Subakir 2 Sumberasri. This research was conducted to find problems experienced by eighth grade students in English lessons and provide solutions to these problems. In eighth grade Syekh Subakir 2 Sumberasri, the researcher found a problem with students, namely a lack of vocabulary knowledge, which hindered the learning process. Therefore, the researcher created snake and ladder game media as an English learning media so that students were motivated to learn vocabulary
This study aims to the developing scramble game media to teach vocabulary skill on descriptive text. Base on the result of interviews with English teacher and students are lacking in vocabulary. The researcher used the R&D model by ADDIE because ADDIE model. The ADDIE research and development procedure basically consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and, evaluation. The research instruments and data collection techniques in this study used filed notes, interview guideline, and questionnaires. The results of the research show that used scramble game is powerful for adding vocabulary to MTs Syekh Subakir 2 Sumberasri. This is evidenced by the results of the questionnaires distributed to students after using scramble game media in descriptive lessons to get a total score of 96% from the results of a questionnaire of 21 students, which means that this media is very good for used in increasing English vocabulary. Students find it easier to remember the meaning of new vocabulary and could improve learning activities, especially in adding English vocabulary. Keywords: ADDIE; Vocabulary; Scramble Gam
Development of Optical Equipment Learning Media with the Utilization of Used Goods in Elementary School Science Subjects
The problem that often occurs in the science learning process is the lack of involvement of students in using learning media, this is due to the lack of learning media available in schools. This study aims to test the feasibility of optical instrument learning media products with the use of used goods in elementary school science subjects. This type of research uses the R&D (Research and Development) model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects used were 9 grade IV students of SDN Sumberasri 04 Blitar. Data collection in the form of interview results, expert validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and observation sheets. Data analysis in the form of qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. The questionnaire used is in the form of Likert scale. The results showed validation carried out by media experts on simple microscope products 91.66%, simple magnifying glasses 95.85%, and simple periscopes 95.85%, and the response of students obtained an average score of 3.55. The results stated that media products are classified as very suitable for use in elementary school science learnin
Analysis of tourism potential and the community perception in buffer village to support tourism development of Alas Purwo National Park
The current sustainable development that the Indonesian government is paying attention to is the development of the tourism sector, one of which is establishing the Alas Purwo National Park (TNAP) as a National Tourism Development Area (KPPN). The determination of the TNAP area as a tourist attraction at the national level opens opportunities and a driving force for the TNAP buffer villages to become a development target that focuses on community empowerment and regional development based on regional resource potential. This study aims to analyze the potential objects and tourist attractions in the TNAP buffer village and to find out the perception and readiness of the community towards tourism development in the buffer village. The results of the analysis show that the TNAP buffer village has potential resources that are feasible to be developed as tourist objects and attractions. There are villages that have ODTW potential, including 3 villages with very potential (SP), 1 village potential (P), 4 villages with less potential (KP), and 4 villages that do not have ODTW potential. Tourism development must provide space for people around tourist objects to participate in tourism. The results of the assessment of the perceptions and readiness of the TNAP village community for tourism development illustrate that the community agrees with tourism development in the village. Communities involved in tourism development can respond positively in supporting tourism development activities.The current sustainable development that the Indonesian government is paying attention to is the development of the tourism sector, one of which is establishing the Alas Purwo National Park (TNAP) as a National Tourism Development Area (KPPN). The determination of the TNAP area as a tourist attraction at the national level opens opportunities and a driving force for the TNAP buffer villages to become a development target that focuses on community empowerment and regional development based on regional resource potential. This study aims to analyze the potential objects and tourist attractions in the TNAP buffer village and to find out the perception and readiness of the community towards tourism development in the buffer village. The results of the analysis show that the TNAP buffer village has potential resources that are feasible to be developed as tourist objects and attractions. There are villages that have ODTW potential, including 3 villages with very potential (SP), 1 village potential (P), 4 villages with less potential (KP), and 4 villages that do not have ODTW potential. Tourism development must provide space for people around tourist objects to participate in tourism. The results of the assessment of the perceptions and readiness of the TNAP village community for tourism development illustrate that the community agrees with tourism development in the village. Communities involved in tourism development can respond positively in supporting tourism development activities
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