1,196,902 research outputs found
Construction of the subjective well-being scale
The purpose of this study is to examine the construct validity and reliability of subjective well-being variables and analyze the components and
indicators that can form subjective well-being variables. Subjective well-being is measured by two components, namely life satisfaction and affect. The
subjects in this study were 60 online motorcycle taxi partners operating in Yogyakarta. The method of data collection uses a scale of subjective well�being. Data in this study were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) SmartPLS 3.2.8 with reflective constructs through CFA 2nd Order.
Based on the results of the analysis of the construct validity and the construct reliability, the components and indicators that form subjective well-being
on the online motorcycle taxi partner are declared valid and reliable. This shows that all components and indicators that exist are able to reflect and form
subjective well-being. Thus the model can be accepted because the theory that describes subjective well-being is in accordance with the empirical data
Subjective Well-being pada Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa (Slb)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses subjective well-being pada guru SLB serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi subjective well-being pada guru SLB. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu guru SLB sebanyak dua orang. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Analisis data penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa susbjective well-being pada guru SLB sebelum bekerja kurang baik, guru SLB masih merasakan afek negatif yaitu adanya perasaan terkejut, cemas, ragu-ragu, tidak adanya ketertarikan dan malas. Subjective well-being setelah bekerja baik, guru SLB merasakan afek positif yaitu perasaan takut ketika pertama kali bekerja mulai berkurang, ketertarikan terhadap pekerjaan mulai dirasakan dengan melakukan penyesuaian diri. Perasaan guru SLB saat ini yaitu senang atas keberhasilan mengajar, dapat menyalurkan hobi, senang berinteraksi dengan siswa dan tumbuhnya perasaan mencintai siswa. Selain itu guru SLB merasakan kepuasan hidup yaitu cita-citanya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, memiliki harapan dan tujuan hidup, adanya perasaan bangga dengan profesinya, tumbuhnya rasa empati dan sikap altruisme, memiliki strategi coping dalam menghadapi masalah sehingga dapat mengambil hikmah dari setiap peristiwa, mampu mengendalikan diri dan bersikap sabar. Ada beberapa faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi subjective well-being pada guru SLB, yaitu agama, gaji dan latar belakang pendidikan
Subjective Well-being Pada Penari Studio Seni Amerta Laksita Semarang
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran subjective well-being pada penari studio seni Amerta Laksita Semarang. Subjective well-being menjadi hal yang menarik untuk dilihat pada profesi penari, dikarenakan berkaitan dengan evaluasi kognitif dan afektif penari terhadap profesi yang dijalaninya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif fenomenologis. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah tiga orang penari studio seni Amerta Laksita Semarang, dan berusia 20-30 tahun. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah wawancara mendalam (depth interview). Hasil wawancara mendalam kemudian dibuat dalam bentuk transkrip dan dianalisis dengan pendekatan fenomenologis.
Temuan dari penelitian ini bahwa gambaran subjective well-being pada penari studio seni Amerta Laksita terlihat dari adanya afek positif dan kepuasan hidup. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap subjective well-being pada penari studio seni Amerta Laksita Semarang, meliputi faktor regulasi emosi, hubungan interpersonal yang intim, dukungan sosial keluarga, serta faktor ekonomi
Hubungan Antara Subjective Well-being Dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior Pada Karyawan PT. Jateng Sinar Agung Sentosa Jawa Tengah & DIY
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) adalah perilaku sukarela seorang karyawan di luar deskripsi formal yang tidak berkaitan langsung dengan sistem reward yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan efektivitas Perusahaan. Penyebab munculnya OCB salah satunya adalah ketika karyawan merasakan afek positif. Individu yang merasakan afek positif lebih sering daripada afek negatifnya disebut sebagai individu dengan Subjective Well-being (SWB) yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara SWB dengan OCB pada karyawan PT Jateng Sinar Agung Sentosa Jateng & DIY.Subjek sejumlah 66 karyawan.dan penentuan sampel penelitian menggunakan sampel jenuh. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala SWB (24 aitem, α = 0,899) dan skala OCB (40 aitem, α = 0,942). Analisa data menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana yang menunjukkan hasil (rxy = 0,427, p = 0,000 (p<0,001), artinya terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kedua variabel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karyawan PT Jateng Sinar Agung Sentosa memiliki tingkat OCB yang tinggi karena memiliki tingkat SWB yang tinggi pula. SWB memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 18,2 % sedangkan 81,8% sisanya berasal dari faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diungkapkan dalam penelitian ini
Retirement and Subjective Well-Being
We provide an explanation for the common finding that the effect of retirement on life satisfaction is negligible. For this we use subjective well-being measures for life and domains of life satisfaction that are available in the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and show that the effect of voluntary retirement on satisfaction with current household income is negative, while the effect on satisfaction with leisure is positive. At the same time, the effect on health satisfaction is positive but small. Following the life domain approach we then argue that these effects offset each other for an average individual and that therefore the overall effect is negligible. Furthermore, we show that it is important to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary retirement. The effect of involuntary retirement is negative because the adverse effect on satisfaction with household income is bigger, the favorable effect on satisfaction with leisure is smaller, and the effect on satisfaction with health is not significantly different from zero. These results turn out to be robust to using different identification strategies such as fixed effects and first differences estimation, as well as instrumental variables estimation using eligibility ages and plant closures as instruments for voluntary and involuntary retirement.retirement, subjective well-being, satisfaction measurement
Subjective Measures of Well-being
well-being, objective, subjective, measurement, quality of life, worth, happiness adjusted life years
Retirement and Subjective Well-Being
We provide an explanation for the common finding that the effect of retirement on life satisfaction is negligible. For this we use subjective well-being measures for life and domains of life satisfaction that are available in the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and show that the effect of voluntary retirement on satisfaction with current household income is negative, while the effect on satisfaction with leisure is positive. At the same time, the effect on health satisfaction is positive but small. Following the life domain approach we then argue that these effects offset each other for an average individual and that therefore the overall effect is negligible. Furthermore, we show that it is important to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary retirement. The effect of involuntary retirement is negative because the adverse effect on satisfaction with household income is bigger, the favorable effect on satisfaction with leisure is smaller, and the effect on satisfaction with health is not significantly different from zero. These results turn out to be robust to using different identification strategies such as fixed effects and first differences estimation, as well as instrumental variables estimation using eligibility ages and plant closures as instruments for voluntary and involuntary retirement.labour economics ;
Homeownership and subjective well-being
Favouring homeownership is an important part of housing policies in many countries. Although this may be explained by the preferences of the majority of voters, it may also be because homeownership is believed to have positive effects on individuals’ behaviour and welfare. Previous research seems to indicate that homeownership increases individual welfare, but it is difficult to control for all other factors that may influence and bias the results. Based on panel data from Danish surveys on living conditions from the years 1976, 1986 and 2000, the paper presents an analysis of homeownership and subjective well-being.Homeownership; Subjective well-being; Panel data
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