553,195 research outputs found


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    This research investigates Japan's policy of restricting chemical exports to South Korea in 2019. The chemicals restricted by Japan include fluorinated polyamide, photoresist, and hydrogen fluoride. Chemicals originating from Japan are crucial materials for South Korea's technology industry. This research is explanatory, aiming to explain why Japan imposed restrictions on chemical exports to South Korea in 2019. The study utilizes foreign policy theory with an adaptive model according to James Nathan Rosenau. This theory elucidates Japan's national interests when implementing the policy of restricting chemical exports to South Korea in 2019 and how domestic and foreign actors were involved in influencing the policies. The relationship between Japan and South Korea has been ongoing since 1910, where historical issues between Japan and South Korea have persisted for a long time. The research findings indicate that historical issues are one of the factors in the formulation of Japan's policy to limit chemical exports to South Korea in 2019. Additionally, Japan restricted chemical exports to South Korea to maintain their national security


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    The evolution toward Universal Design was began in the 1950s with a new attention to design for people with disabilities. At the same era South Korea began their development after several wars. Recently some of researchs and projects in South Korea which conducted on Universal Design concept are increasing in quantity and widening in multidiciplinary areas to make a better living for people in South Korea. This study examined those researches and projects to determine the progress of Universal Design principles application in South Korea in several periods and evaluated the result by the project’s purpose. This study is a review from several literatures related to universal design application in South Korea. The Review revealed that South Korea has published regulations, guidelines and law based on universal design principles. South Korea has established universal design principles as fundamental basis in designing and developing their public space, public facilities building and elderly residential houses. Application of universal design influenced the knowledge of diversity for people especialy in disability and elderly. Universal design encourage people with diversity in ability, ages, gender to live together without barrier to access and use every facilities in their regions. Keywords : Universal Design, Development, South Korea, Review, Diversit

    Eun Kyeong Cho Assistant Professor of Education, COLA, travels to South Korea

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    Professor Cho traveled to South Korea in summer 2011 to make a presentation at an international seminar and to meet colleagues to continue an on going collaboration with South Korean researchers at the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE)

    Japan-North Korea relations since the North-South Summit: stuck in an ever deepening and divisive rut

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    Japan-North Korea relations have slipped into an ever deepening and divisive rut since the North-South summit of 2000, with little prospect of significant improvement in the near term. Japan has both intentionally and unintentionally constructed around itself a framework of international and domestic policy constraints that impede its ability to engage North Korea both bilaterally and trilaterally via US-South Korea-Japan co-ordination efforts. In particular, as the US and South Korea contemplate renewed engagement efforts with the North, Japan’s ability to follow its trilateral partners is hamstrung by domestic pressure on the abductions issue. The consequence could be that Japan will find itself as the most reluctant and least able of the trilateral partners to engage the North. In turn, this could mean that it is unable to provide crucial background support for international engagement efforts, and even undermine overall US and South Korea strategy. Meanwhile, the incapacitation of Japan’s diplomatic policy has had the effect of strengthening Japanese military containment efforts towards the North

    Pushing Forward: A Look into the Environment of South Korean Female Film Directors

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    The Busan International Film Festival, held in Busan, South Korea, is known as Asia’s largest film event, drawing filmmakers and movie stars from all over the world. The 2017 festival witnessed a notable feat in which for the first time, the festival was bookended by films directed by women (Brasor). Though the filmmakers themselves argued that the lineup of their films was unintentional, nonetheless the event shows that female directors were gaining notice at the festival—an uncommon trend globally and in South Korea. Though conditions are improving, female film directors face unique social and economic challenges in South Korea, a society traditionally rooted in Confucian ideals and recovering from a violent recent history

    How South Korean Means Support North Korean Ends: Crossed Purposes in Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation

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    North and South Korea share the same political and strategic aim of integration and eventual unification of Korea, although they remain divided in their understanding of what should be the specific nature of the unified Korea. Both states, in their own ways, use the same instruments of unification policy; these are military deterrence, political diplomacy,economic cooperation, and humanitarian assistance. Economic cooperation and humanitarian assistance provide the main instruments of inter-Korean cooperation, albeit in an unequal manner as it is South Korea that provides the major funding for cooperation projects. The paper evaluates whether South Korea receives economic or political value for money in its expenditure on inter-Korean cooperation. This is not therefore an argument about the military and political instruments of the unification strategies of North and South but instead remains focused on the nature and modalities of economic cooperation. My thesis is that economic instruments are being used for cross-purposes and that this should matter to South Korea as it is unwittingly helping North Korea achieve aims which it does not share, and, as a logical consequence, weakening its ability to achieve its own unification goals. I argue that South Korean means need to be re-calibrated with South Korean ends. I also argue that the South Korean unilateral approach to economic cooperation, while beneficial in opening up relations with the North, has now run its course. A determined complementary strategy of economic and humanitarian multilateralism will enable it to pursue its own agenda at the same time as supporting the moral imperative, shared by the majority of South Korea’s electorate of every political hue, of assisting the impoverished North Korean population in the short-, medium- and long-term

    Shrimp amongst Whales? Assessing South Korea’s Regional-power Status

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    Recent developments in South Korea’s foreign and security policies as well as major structural adjustments in the military alliance between the United States and South Korea indicate a new self-understanding on the part of South Korea in terms of playing a more assertive role in regional and even global affairs. Alongside its involvement in the so-called Six-Party Talks—a multinational framework to disarm a nuclear North Korea—South Korea’s civil-military engagement in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon demonstrates that the government’s foreign policy posture is not only focused on Northeast Asian affairs but is also intended to engage in other international security hot spots. However, although it has considerable material resources and capabilities—in neorealist terms constituting the power base of a state actor—South Korea is widely seen as a minor player in world politics. By means of a specific set of indicators—pretension, endowment, influence, recognition—this paper seeks to answer the question of whether South Korea is a regional power. The methodological approach used to evaluate its position will be based on analytical frameworks and typologies compiled from the literature on regional powers. Following the introduction of this approach, different concepts of the term regional power and the selection of the methodological instruments are presented. The subsequent section analyzes the selected set of indicators with regard to South Korea’s potential status as a regional power. The concluding chapter evaluates the findings and raises further questions related to the regional-power concept.regional power, South Korea, foreign and security policy, intersubjective un-derstanding


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    By employing a multivariate time series model, this study advances theoretical and empirical research on the role of economic reforms and human capital accumulation in the post-reform economic growth. We construct two indexes £­a human capital index and a composite economic reform index£­ and perform a cointegration analysis of a long-run equilibrium growth path in India and South Korea twelve years after the implementation of reform. The significant positive effect of human capital accumulation is revealed in both India and South Korea. The impact of economic reforms is found to be heterogeneous across countries: the effect is positive, significant, and sizable in South Korea, while it is negative and relatively small in India. This result is suggestive of different degrees of efficiency of reform measures implementation in two countries.Economic Growth, Human Capital, Economic Reforms, India, South Korea