103 research outputs found

    Punalatikan tuhoista kärsivän männyntaimikon lannoitus.

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    Försurningsbedömning i kalkade vatten med kvoten Ca*/Mg*

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    The Skogaby project : an analysis of forest growth data for the years 1987-2001

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    En rad olika faktorer påverkar skogens tillväxt. I denna studie undersöktes hur försurning, samt vatten- och näringstillgång påverkar tillväxten. Materialet kommer från Skogabyförsökets mätningar för åren 1987-2002 under vilka mätningar skett 1987, 1993 samt vintern 2001-2002. Skogabyförsöket är indelat i sju olika behandlingar samt kontroll upprepat i fyra block. Behandlingarna var asktillförsel, vitaliseringsgödsling, bevattning, näringsbevattning, försurning, två torkbehandlingar samt kontrollen. Det fanns således behandlingar som ökade närings- och/eller vattentillgången och sådana som minskade dessa. Materialet var skogliga tillväxtvariabler så som diameter, höjd, grundyta och volym. Studien har koncentrerat sig på att analysera höjd- och grundytetillväxt vilket har skett genom variansanalys och genom att studera grafer av data. Resultat visar att behandlingarna påverkade de skogliga tillväxtvariablerna jämfört med kontrollen och med varandra. Som väntat påverkade ökad vatten- och näringstillgång tillväxten positivt förutom på de parceller som tillförts aska där resultatet inte var helt tydligt. Torkbehandlingarna påverkade skogen negativt medan effekten av försurningsbehandlingen verkade ta längre tid på sig för att träda i kraft. Där påverkades tillväxten positivt jämfört med kontrollen under den första mätperioden, och negativt under den andra.Several factors influence forest growth. This study examines how acidification, water and nutrient availability affects growth. The material is provided by the Skogaby Project’s data gathered 1987-2002. During this period data was gathered in 1987, 1993 and the winter of 2001-2002. The Skogaby Project is divided into seven different treatments as well as a control treatment, these were replicated four times as the experiment is a block design. The treatments were as follows: ashes, fertilisation, irrigation, irrigation & fertilisation, acidification, two different drought treatments and lastly the control. Thus there were treatments that increased, and treatments that decreases water and/or nutrient availability. The material was forest growth data like diameter, height, basal area and volume. The study concentrated on analysing height and basal area using ANOVA and graphs. The results show that the treatments did influence forest growth compared to the control treatment and to each other. As expected increased water and nutrient availability stimulated forest growth. The drought treatments had a negative effect on forest growth whereas the acidification took time to take effect. There forest growth was positively affected during the first period but deceased during the second period

    Intensive fertilization with nitrogen as a stressing factor in a spruce ecosystem. 1, Soil effects

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    Soil studies were carried out before and after clear felling of an intensively fertilized young spruce plantation on old arable land. Particular attention was devoted to nitrogen mineralisation, nitrification, and leaching. Notable amounts of nitrate in the soil occurred before felling only on plots receiving high doses of amrnonium nitrate, after clear felling also on some plots with no or low nitrogen supply. Marked quantities of nitrate nitrogen were observed in the deeper soil layers during the fertilizer experiment in plots with high fertilizer additions. The soil reaction indicated an acidification as a result of fertilizer treatment. In a pot experiment with soil from the field experiment the nitrate leaching by percolation was studied. Most of the leaching of nitrate nitrogen occurred in the first phase of the experiment. After the vegetation was established, the nitrate concentration in the percolating water rapidly decrease


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    Growth responses in Swedish boreal coniferous forests after addition of nitrogen as sewage sludge pellets

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    Every year, large amounts of municipal sewage sludge are produced worldwide. Most of the sludge ends up on landfills, garbage dumps and incineration plants, and only small part is utilized as a fertilizer in agriculture and forestry. Sewage sludge contains a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen. In boreal forests, a lack of available nitrogen limits the growth, and therefore sewage sludge could be applied into forests to increase the growth. Sewage sludge pellets might offer a good alternative for liquid and dewatered sludge or even for inorganic fertilizers in fertilizing forests. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of the addition of nitrogen as sewage sludge pellets on tree growth, the effect of dose size and the duration of the growth response. The study consists of two experiments, Pilot and Åheden that had been fertilized with sludge pellets in 1996 and 1998, respectively. In the Pilot experiment two treatments, 0 and 4 tons sludge pellets ha-1 (ca. 100 kg N ha-1), were applied in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands. In the Åheden experiment, five treatments, 0, 3.3, 6.6 and 13.2 tons sludge pellets ha-1 (equalling 0, 100, 200 and 400 kg N ha-1, respectively) and 200 kg N ha-1 as ammonium nitrate, were applied in a pine dominated stand. Ammonium nitrate had been applied in order to compare the effects of nitrogen from different sources on tree growth. The breast height diameter (DBH) was measured from the sample trees and cores samples taken with an increment corer. The application of sludge pellets increased the diameter and basal area growth in comparison to control treatment in the Åheden experiment. In the Pilot experiment, addition of sludge pellets did not result in any significant change in basal area in comparison to control treatment, but the spruce stands tended to respond more clearly on sludge pellets addition than pine stands. The results were not statistically significant, however. In the Åheden experiment, the addition of 400 kg N ha-1 as sludge pellets increased the diameter and basal area growth nearly as much as when 200 kg N ha-1 of ammonium nitrate was applied. Additionally, the basal area growth tended to increase with the increasing amount of nitrogen added as sludge pellets. The increased basal area growth tended to last at least the first 5-year period after fertilization on the sludge treated plots in Åheden experiment (and on the spruce stand in Pilot experiment) but these results were not however statistically significant. The study showed that application of sludge pellets in boreal, Scots pine dominated forest increases the forest growth. Since the growth response to the highest dose of sludge pellets was nearly as good as from commercial fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, it seems that pellets do offer a reasonable and attractive alternative for inorganic fertilizers and could even replace them in the future forest fertilizations. However, more research about both environmental and growth effects is needed before sludge pellets can be taken in use in a large scale.Stora mängder avloppsslam produceras i världen varje år. Största delen av slammet deponeras på avfallstippar, används som anläggningsjord eller bränns på förbränningsanläggningar och bara en liten del används som gödsel på jordbruksmark eller på skogsmark. Slammet innehåller stora mängder växtnäring, särskilt kväve. I boreala skogar begränsar brist av kväve ofta skogens tillväxt och därför kan avloppslam spridas på skogsmark för att öka skogsproduktion. Pelletterat slam som skogsgödsel kan vara ett bra alternativ till obehandlant slam eller till konstgödselmedel. Denna studie består av två försök, Pilot och Åheden, som gödslades med pelletterat avloppsslam 1996 respektive 1998. I Pilot-försöket hade 0 och 4 ton pelletter per hektar (motsvarar ca 100 kg N ha-1) spridits i tall- (Pinus sylvestris L.) och granbestånd (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Åheden-försöket, ett talldominerat bestånd, hade fem behandlingar som bestod av 0, 3.3, 6.6. och 13.2 ton pelletter ha-1 (motsvarar 0, 100, 200 och 400 kg N ha-1, respektive) och ytterligare 200 kg N ha-1 som ammonium-nitrat. Försöksledet ammoniumnitrat inkluderades för att kunna jämföra effekter av kväve från slam och konstgödselmedel på trädens tillväxt. Brösthöjdsdiameter (DBH) av provträd var mätt och borrad med en årsringsborr för att få kärn prov. Spridning av slampelletter till skogen i Åheden-försöket ökade diameter och grundyttillväxten i jämförelse med kontrollbehandlingen. I Pilot-försöket gav slampelletter ingen generell ökning i grundyta i jämförelse med kontrollen. Granbestånden verkade emellertid ha en tendens för att reagera mer positivt på tillförseln av slampelletter än tallbestånden. Resultaten hade i alla fall ingen statistisk betydelse. I Åheden-försöket, behandlat med 400 kg N ha-1 som slampelletter ökade diameter- och grundyttillväxten nästan lika mycket som när 200 kg N ha-1 som ammoniumnitrat hade använts. Grundyttillväxten verkade ytterligare ha en tendens att öka med ökande mängder kväve som tillsatt med slampelletter. Resultaten visade ökad grundyttillväxt på gödslade provytor fem år efter behandlingen i Åheden-försöket och på gödslade granprovytor i Pilot-försöket. Den här studien visade att tillförsel av slampelletter i boreala, talldominerad skog ökar skogens tillväxt. Eftersom den högsta slamnivå medförde nästan lika hög tillväxtreaktion som konstgödselmedel, ammonium nitrat, kan slampelletter ge ett rimligt alternativ till oorganiskt gödselmedel och kunde även ersätta dem vid skogsgödslingar i framtiden. Naturligtvis behövs mera undersökningar för att utröna noggrant slampelletters effekter på miljö och skogens tillväxt innan skogsgödslingar med pelletter kan införas i stor skala

    Marktillstånd och borbrist på åkermark planterad med gran i Västerbottens län

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    This study was made on former agricultural areas that had been planted with spruce or pine, in the county of Västerbotten. The goal of the project was to investigate suspected deficiency of boron in these areas. Several objects have been reported for possible deficiency and some of these have the characteristic symptoms of boron-deficiency. The hypotheses are that 1) Boron deficiency is present at several of the investigated objects. 2) Planting of forest on cultivated postglacial sediments leads to a successive podzolisation with a decreasing content of organic matter in the mineral soil, due to decomposition, and a decreasing pH in the soil, even on locations that have been added lime. To be able to confirm or reject the hypotheses a number of tests were performed. Loss of ignition to obtain organic matter content on the objects, ICP/MS-DRC was used to obtain content of boron in spruce and pine needles, pH was determined and density on the objects were determined by fixed volume cylinder sampling. 13 objects were investigated in this study and two of these were control objects where no former agriculture had occurred and no visible deficiency of boron had been observed. Most of the objects suffered from boron deficiency and the content of soil organic matter on the objects were lower than in cultivated areas on similar soils. All objects, also those previously limed three to four decades ago, or ash fertilized as late as three to four years ago, were developing mohr layers and had top soil pH in the order of magnitude of natural spruce forest on same soil type