14 research outputs found
Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Tanah Untuk Menentukan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (Studi Kasus : Kec. Gunungpati, Kota Semarang)
Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) has been used as a basis for the imposition of tax on land and building. NJOP determination process must be suitable with the provisions of the fair market value (NPW), so the goverment consider that NJOP is equal to the market value. But the fact is NJOP often incompatible with NPW, it underlies the development of a scoring system using the market value of the Land Value Zone (ZNT) Map. Assessment approach using the sales comparison approach (Comparative Sales), where the object of the tax is compare to other similar tax object that has been known resales value. This research was conducted with the manufacturing zone to determine sample points to be searched. Then create a zone map of land values based on transaction of value and NJOP (Tax Object Sale Value) District of Gunungpati. Assessment calculations using Microsoft Excel 2007. Making the District Land Value Zone Map Gunungpati 2015 using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) analysis technology.Results of this study are Land Value Zone Map that consists of 117 zones. NJOP increased based on the highest market value reached 998,06% , while the lowest value increased is 20,83%. The level of this increase is influenced by location and access road factors
Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Tanah Berdasarkan Harga Pasar Dengan Metode Pendekatan Penilaian Massal Di Kecamatan Mijen Kota Semarang
According to Article 6 clause 1 UU Number 12 1985, The bases on land and building tax is Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP). NJOP is determined by specific analysis model by technical provisions applicable on Direktorat Jenderal Perpajakan. Procedur to determinate NJOP set in Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Number : KEP.533/PJ/2000 which has been converted in to Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Number : KEP.115/PJ/2002. Determinate NJOP is adapted with fair market value (NPW), with goal that NJOP match with market value. But it is often NJOP not match with NPW. Then it is come market value assessment system that use land value zone (ZNT) map. Assessment with mass appraisal (do not look at special properties). This research was start with construction zone to determinate sample point. Then create ZNT map of market value and NJOP. Mijen district Semarang City. Assessment calculation is using Microsoft Excel 2007. Contruction ZNT map Mijen district Semarang city 2015 use GIS (Geographic Information System) analysis technology. The result of this research is ZNT map that consists of 122 zones. Base on NJOP 2014 in Mijen district Semarang city, the lowest NJOP is Rp 27.000,00 and the highest is Rp 1.416.000,00. While from this research too the lowest NIR is Rp 57.000,00 and the highest NIR is Rp 3.172.000,00. The Enhancement is influenced by location and accessibility
Analisis Perubahan Zona Nilai Tanah Berdasarkan Harga Pasar Untuk Menentukan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak (Njop) Dan Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Pad) (Studi Kasus : Kec. Semarang Timur, Kota Semarang)
Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) has been used as a basis for the imposition of Tax on Land and Building(PBB). NJOP determination process must be suitable with the provisions of the fair market value (NPW). But the fact is NJOP often incompatible with NPW. It underlies the development of a scoring system using the market value of the Land Value Zone (ZNT) Map. ZNT map can be utilized for the cost determination in land service, reference for the community in transaction, the determination of indemnify, inventory for public assets or community assets value, monitoring the value and market of land, and as reference for the NJOP\u27s determination for PBB.This research done by massive appraisal without concerning about specific property. Mapped by land\u27s value in massive assessment using the sales comparative approach. This research was conducted to create a zone which determine sample points for analysis. Then create a zone map of land values based on the market value and NJOP District of Semarang Timur. Making a zone map of land value by the district of Semarang Timur in 2015 using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) analysis technology.From this research shown that NJOP increased based on the highest market value reached 1229,3% with the value of land based on NJOP data is Rp. 1.086.000 and the land based on the market value is Rp. 14.436.00. While the lowest value increas is 40,85%. The land value based on NJOP data is Rp. 2.444.000 and the land based on the market value is Rp. 3.442.000
Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Tanah Berdasarkan Harga Pasar Untuk Menentukan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak Di Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur Kota Semarang
NJOP (Tax Object Sale Value) on which the imposition of tax on land and buildings, should in accordance with the Fair Market Value (NPW) applicable in the relevant area. If NJOP not in accordance with the NPW, the NPW is supposed to represent the value of the land, can not represent the value of the land in a specific zone. The zone is a geographical zone made up of a group of parcels of land that have the same value, so it is also called the Land Value Zone (ZNT). The average of NPW that can not represent the value of the land in a zone, would result in incompatibility ZNT formation, so that there will be a mismatch also to the determination of the United Nations on several parcels of land.Assessment approach using the sales comparison approach (Comparative Sales), where the object of the tax is to be assessed in comparison to other similar tax object that has been known resale value. How to assessment done by mass appraisal (no special attention to the property). This research was conducted with the manufacturing zone to determine sample points to be observed. Then create a zone map of land values based on transaction of value and NJOP (Tax Object Sale Value) District of Gajah Mungkur. Assessment calculations using Microsoft Excel 2007. Making the District Land Value Zone Map Gajah Mungkur 2015 using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software.Results of this study showed Land Value Zone Map consists of 79 zones to map ZNT transaction and NJOP. Changed in land price difference with NJOP low of 76.31% while the highest price is 747.40%
Penyusunan Informasi Pariwisata Alam Kabupaten Pekalongan Jawa Tengah Berbasis Websig
The low development of tourism in Pekalongan Regency is caused by several factors, one of which is information media. Information media is very important for the development of tourism as a promotional, but in fact the display of information about tourism in Pekalongan Regency is deemed less attractive so that it affects tourist visits in Pekalongan Regency which tends to be low. Based on Central Java tourism statistical data for 2015-2018, tourist visits in Pekalongan continues to decline and is inversely proportional to the number of attractions that have increased and are dominated by natural attractions. The development of natural tourism information in Pekalongan Regency based on webgis done to expand the range of information, so the information presented is not only a descriptive text and image but combined with visualization of digital maps, so that the data presented have spatial information or spatial reference. This research aims to (1) knowing potential of natural tourism objects in Pekalongan Regency, and (2) creating natural tourism information in Pekalongan Regency based on webgis. The method used is a survey method which includes observation and interviews with the manager of the tourist attraction as a resource. The analysis method used is the method of scoring analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis accompanied by geographic analysis that is spatial analysis. The result of this research showed that from 12 natural tourism object, 2 of them are classified as low potential tourism object, 7 of medium potential tourism objects, and 3 high potential tourism objects. The results of these studies are published in the form of a geographic information system web that show information in a digital map of the distribution of natural tourism and descriptions of each tourist attraction. Webgis-based information is expected to be an informative media and can provide convenience for tourists so that tourism promotion in Pekalongan Regency can develop
Geographic Information Systems Facilities - Existing Facilities in Bengkulu city developed as a system that provides information about the city of Bengkulu in the form of vector data is intact, web-based, dynamic and interactive so that users can access information through the Internet and interact with the system directly. Information presented in the form of spatial data and attribute that includes the city of Bengkulu district, roads, rivers, government facilities, public services, central business and tourism. Facilities are shown as points on a polygon-shaped region. The system was developed using version 0.96 as ALOV Folder WebGIS application based on Java, DBF as the database. ALOV Folder supports complex GIS architecture, and able to work with multilayer. The system provides several tools that are required to interact with maps such as choosing a domain map, theme maps, perform a search (search) to see information related to the location, activate the layer, the legend of the map, zoom in, zoom out, pan, select, and hyperlink
Analisis Tingkat Aksesibilitas Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Terhadap Siswa di Kota Makassar
Aksesibilitas menjadi semakin penting dalam perencanaan moda angkutan umum karena dua alasan: Pertama, tingginya tingkat perjalanan dan ketergantungan terhadap mobil padahal dapat memberikan efek kerugian pada kesehatan dan lingkungan, meningkatkan emisi gas rumah kaca, kemacetan lalu lintas, dan kecelakaan lalu lintas. Alasan Kedua adalah berkaitan dengan masalah ekuitas (equity). Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat aksesibilitas fasilitas pendidikan, dalam hal ini adalah Sekolah Menengah Atas terhadap siswa di Kota Makassar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk SMAN 1 Makassar, siswa yang berdomisili di Kecamatan Bontoala memiliki tingkat aksesibilitas paling baik, dengan skor aksesibilitas 0,93 disusul siswa domisili Kecamatan Ujung Tanah dengan skor 1,14 dan terburuk adalah siswa domisili Kecamatan Biringkanaya, dengan skor aksesibilitas 3,07. Untuk SMAN 3 Makassar, skor aksesibilitas terbaik adalah siswa domisili Kecamatan Tamalate, dengan skor 1,07 dan terburuk kecamatan Biringkanaya, skor 3,86. Kemudian untuk SMAN 16 Makasssar, skor aksesibilitas terbaik adalah kecamatan Makassar, dengan skor 1,50 dan terburuk adalah Rappocini, skor 2,7
Pembakuan Nama Rupabumi Maritim Berdasarkan Kaidah Toponimi dalam Upaya Inventarisasi Potensi Wisata Pantai Pulau Giligenting Berbasis WebGIS
Indonesia memiliki 17. 504 pulau yang menyebar di sekitar
katulistiwa. Akan tetapi, banyaknya pulau di Indonesia
khususnya pulau kecil tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan
informasi geospasial. Hal ini merupakan salah satu
permasalahan yang dapat menghambat pengembangan potensi
kepulauan. Salah satu pulau kecil yang mengalami permasalahan
ini adalah Pulau Giligenting yang terletak 45 km dari pusat Kota Sumenep, Madura. Pulau yang saat ini mengalami
perkembangan demografi cukup pesat ini dapat dikategorikan
sebagai kawasan berpotensi wisata yang mengalami masalah
dalam penyediaan informasi geospasial.
Mengetahui permasalahan tersebut, maka dilakukanlah
pembakuan nama rupabumi berdasarkan kaidah toponimi dalam
upaya penyediaan informasi geospasial di Pulau Giligenting.
metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei
lapangan dan wawancara. Konsep pembakuan yang dilakukan
adalah memverifikasi unsurâunsur yang telah dibakukan,
memberikan usulan pembakuan unsur-unsur yang belum
dibakukan, serta melakukan identifikasi potensi wisata pulau.
Hasil dari survei toponimi dianalisis menggunakan empat
pendekatan yaitu: onomastika, spasial, ekologi, dan geografis
untuk menentukan deskripsi kawasan, kriteria penamaan, serta
potensi wisata yang ada. Selain empat pendekatan tersebut, untuk menentukan indeks potensi wisata pantai di pulau ini, dilakukan
analisis 10 parameter sesuai dengan kriteria Direktorat Jendral
PHKA (2003) yang dikaji oleh Soemarno (2010).
Berdasarkan hasil survei, pengolahan, dan analisis data,
telah diidentifikasi 176 unsur rupabumi yang selanjutnya
dijadikan dasar penyusunan gasetir Pulau Giligenting. Selain itu,
penelitian ini telah mengidentifikasi tujuh pantai diantaranya:
Pantai Miring, Pantai Sembilan, Pantai Kahuripan, Pantai
Cempaka, Pantai Duko, Pantai Jember, dan Pantai Sorok.
Beradasarkan hasil penilaian yang mengacu pada 10 kriteria
penentuan potensi wisata pantai, diketahui bahwa ketujuh pantai
di Pulau Giligenting âCukup Potensialâ untuk dikembangkan.
Dan dari ketujuh pantai yang ada, Pantai Sembilan merupakan
pantai yang memiliki indeks pengembangan potensi wisata paling
tinggi yaitu 62,00%
Selanjutnya untuk menyajikan informasi hasil survei
toponimi dan potensi wisata pantai Pulau Giligenting
dibangunlah sistem infomasi geospasial berbasis website atau
WebGIS Pulau Giligenting.
Indonesia has 17.504 islands that get around the equator.
However, this number is not matched with the availability of
geospatial information, especially for small islands. This is a problem that can be interrupt the potential development of
islands. One of the islands that has this problem is Giligenting
located 45 km from Sumenep, Madura. This island can be
categorized as a potential tourism area that has problem in the
availability of geospatial information, such as island toponym.
Knowing the problem, standardization of topographical names
based on toponymy is one of the efforts to provide the
The method used in this research is field surveying and
interview. The concept of standardization is verify the elements
that have been standardized, propose the elements that not have
been standardized, and identify the potential of island tourism.
The results of toponimi survey were analyzed using four
approaches (onomastics, spatial, ecological, and geographic) to
determine the description of the area, naming criteria, and
existing tourism potential. In addition to these four approaches,
to determine how potential development of coastal tourism in
Giligenting, 10 parameters were analyzed according to the
criteria of the Direktorat Jendral PHKA (2003) reviewed by
Soemarno (2010).
The results of this research has been identified 176
topographic elements, which then became the basic preparation
of gazetteer. In addition, the research has also identified that in
Giligenting there are seven beaches, ie: Miring Beach, Sembilan
Beach, Kahuripan Beach, Cempaka Beach, Duko Beach, Jember
Beach, and Sorok Beach. Based on the assessment of 10
parameters, it is known that all beaches in Giligenting Island
"Quite Potential" to be developed. Of the seven existing beaches, Sembilan Beach has the highest percentage development index, with the value is 62.00 %.
And then, to present information from the result of toponimi survey and information about coastal
tourism in Giligenting Island, in this research also has built WebGIS Giligenting Island