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Material and Process Parameters that Affect Accuracy in Stereolithography
Experimental real time linear shrinkage rate measurements simulating stereolithography
are used in an analysis of shrinkage during line drawing in stereolithography. While the amount of
shrinkage depends on the polymerization kinetics, shrinkage kinetics and overall degree of cure, it
also depends on the length of time to draw a line of plastic. A line drawn slowly will exhibit less
apparent shrinkage than one drawn very quickly because much of the shrinkage is compensated
for as the line is drawn. The data also indicates that a typical stereolithography resin in the green
state may shrink to only 65% of its maximum, thus retaining considerable potential for shrinkage
during post-cure. This infonnation can be used to predict the amount of shrinkage to be expected
under certain exposure conditions and to fonnulate overall strategies to reduce shrinkage and
subsequent warpage that causes shape distortion.Mechanical Engineerin
Autogenous shrinkage of lightweight aggregate concrete (LAC) has been investigated with the aims of studying if water
within LAC is effective in preventing autogenous shrinkage as suggested by Bentz’s model. By calculating ratios of water
supplied by lightweight aggregate (LA) at various degrees of saturation to water required for maximum hydration
and plotting these against ultimate values of autogenous shrinkage, it seems that only when the ratio is high (above 3.5)
then the water within LAC supplied from LA is immediately ready to fill the empty pores and in turn, reducing autogenous
shrinkage. The case is also confirmed when ratios of total void (porosity) of concrete to total volume of water
within concrete are plotted against autogenous shrinkage.
autogenous shrinkage, Bentz’s model, lightweight aggregate, porosity
Restrained Shrinkage of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete and Analysis of Long Term Shrinkage Prediction Models
The research presented in this manuscript describes the procedure to quantify the restrained shrinkage of geopolymer concrete (GPC) using ring specimen. Massive concrete structures are susceptible to shrinkage and thermal cracking. This cracking can increase the concrete permeability and decrease the strength and design life. This test is comprised of evaluating geopolymer concrete of six different mix designs including different activator solution to fly ash ratio and subjected to both restrained and free shrinkage. Test results obtained from this experimental setup was plotted along with the available empirical equation to observe the shrinkage strain of GPC and a model was suggested to predict the shrinkage strain of GPC. It was found from this study that along with activator solution to fly ash ratio the final compressive strength of GPC plays an important role on shrinkage strai
Shrinkage Function And Its Applications In Matrix Approximation
The shrinkage function is widely used in matrix low-rank approximation,
compressive sensing, and statistical estimation. In this article, an elementary
derivation of the shrinkage function is given. In addition, applications of the
shrinkage function are demonstrated in solving several well-known problems,
together with a new result in matrix approximation
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