169 research outputs found
Partly Fermented Infant Formulae With Specific Oligosaccharides Support Adequate Infant Growth and Are Well-Tolerated.
Fermented formulae (FERM) and a specific mixture of 90% short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides and 10% long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS; 9:1) have a potential beneficial effect on gastrointestinal function and microbiota development in infants. The present study assessed the safety and tolerance of the combination of partly fermented infant milk formulae and scGOS/lcFOS compared with either 1 feature, in healthy term infants.
Four hundred thirty-two infants were enrolled before 28 days of age and followed up to 17 weeks of age and assigned to 1 of the 4 groups: (i) formula with scGOS/lcFOS, (ii) scGOS/lcFOSâ+â15% FERM, (iii) scGOS/lcFOSâ+â50% FERM, or (iv) 50% fermented formula (50% FERM). Primary outcome was daily weight gain during intervention (equivalence criterion: difference in daily weight gain â€3 g/day). Infants' anthropometrics, formula intake, number, and type of (serious) AEs were monitored monthly. Stool samples were collected at baseline and after 17 weeks for analysis of physiological and microbiological parameters.
Equivalence of weight gain per day was demonstrated in both the intention-to-treat and per-protocol population, with a mean weight gain (SD) of 29.7 (6.1), 28.2 (4.8), 28.5 (5.0), and 28.7 (5.9) g/day for the groups i to iv respectively. No differences were observed in other growth parameters, formula intake, and the number or severity of AEs. In all scGOS/lcFOS-containing formulae, a beneficial effect of scGOS/lcFOS was observed, indicated by the lower pH, lower Clostridium difficile levels, and higher secretory immunoglobulin A levels.
The partly fermented infant milk formulae containing the specific mixture scGOS/lcFOS were well-tolerated and resulted in normal growth in healthy infants
Randomised controlled trial demonstrates that fermented infant formula with short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides reduces the incidence of infantile colic
Aim: We examined the effects on gastrointestinal (GI) tolerance of a novel infant formula that combined specific fermented formula (FERM) with short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS), with a 9:1 ratio and concentration of 0.8 g/100 mL. Methods: This prospective, double-blind, randomised, controlled trial comprised 432 healthy, term infants aged 0â28 days whose parents decided to not start, or discontinued, breastfeeding. Infant formula with scGOS/lcFOS+50%FERM, scGOS/lcFOS+15%FERM, 50%FERM and scGOS/lcFOS were tested. Parents completed standardised seven-day diaries on GI symptoms, crying, sleeping and stool characteristics each month until the infants were 17 weeks. Results: All the formulas were well tolerated. At four weeks, the overall incidence of infantile colic was significantly lower (8%) with scGOS/lcFOS+50%FERM than scGOS/lcFOS (20%, p = 0.034) or 50%FERM (20%, p = 0.036). Longitudinal modelling showed that scGOS/lcFOS+50%FERM-fed infants also displayed a persistently lower daily crying duration and showed a consistent stool-softening effect than infants who received formula without scGOS/lcFOS. Conclusion: The combination of fermented formula with scGOS/lcFOS was well tolerated and showed a lower overall crying time, a lower incidence of infantile colic and a stool-softening effect in healthy term infants. These findings suggest for the first time that a specific infant formula has a preventive effect on infantile colic in formula-fed infants
Early Supplementation of Prebiotic Oligosaccharides Protects Formula-Fed Infants against Infections during the First 6 Months of Life
Infant formula supplemented with biotics: Current knowledge and future perspectives
Breastfeeding is natural and the optimal basis of infant nutrition and development, with many benefits for maternal health. Human milk is a dynamic fluid fulfilling an infantâs specific nutritional requirements and guiding the growth, developmental, and physiological processes of the infant. Human milk is considered unique in composition, and it is influenced by several factors, such as maternal diet and health, body composition, and geographic region. Human milk stands as a model for infant formula providing nutritional solutions for infants not able to receive enough motherâs milk. Infant formulas aim to mimic the composition and functionality of human milk by providing ingredients reflecting those of the latest human milk insights, such as oligosaccharides, bacteria, and bacterial metabolites. The objective of this narrative review is to discuss the most recent developments in infant formula with a special focus on human milk oligosaccharides and postbiotics.Fil: Salminen, Seppo. University of Turku. Faculty of Medicine; FinlandiaFil: Stahl, Bernd. Nutricia Research; PaĂses Bajos. Utrecht Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences; PaĂses BajosFil: Vinderola, Celso Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂfico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de LactologĂa Industrial. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de IngenierĂa QuĂmica. Instituto de LactologĂa Industrial; ArgentinaFil: Szajewska, Hania. Medical University Of Warsaw; Poloni
Effects of a postbiotic and prebiotic mixture on suckling rats' microbiota and immunity
Human milk serves as a model for infant formula providing nutritional solutions for infants not able to receive enough mother's milk. Infant formulas aim to mimic the composition and functionality of human milk by providing ingredients reflecting those of the latest human milk insights, such as prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the supplementation with a postbiotic (LactofidusTM) and its combination with the prebiotics short-chain galactooligosaccharides (scGOS) and long-chain fructooligosaccharides (lcFOS) in a preclinical model of healthy suckling rats. Pups were supplemented daily with LactofidusTM (POST group) and/or scGOS/lcFOS (P+P and PRE groups, respectively). Body weight and fecal consistency were analyzed. At the end of the study, immunoglobulin (Ig) profile, intestinal gene expression, microbiota composition and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) proportion were quantified. The supplementation with all nutritional interventions modulated the Ig profile, but the prebiotic mixture and the postbiotic induced differential effects: whereas scGOS/lcFOS induced softer feces and modulated microbiota composition and SCFA profile, Lactofidus upregulated Toll-like receptors gene expression. The use of the combination of scGOS/lcFOS and Lactofidus showed the effects observed for the oligosaccharides separately, as well as showing a synergistic impact on animal growth. Thus, the combined use of both products seems to be a good strategy to modulate immune and microbial features in early life. View Full-Text Keywords: postbiotic; prebiotic; suckling rats; Lactofidus; scGOS/lcFOS; microbiota; SCF
A Specific Prebiotic Mixture Added to Starting Infant Formula Has Long-Lasting Bifidogenic Effects123
There is some evidence that early colonization of the intestine affects the composition of the intestinal microbiota after weaning. In the present study, the effect of prebiotics administered from the first day of life on fecal counts of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli were studied during and after the administration of the prebiotics. In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, explorative study, 20 newborns of hepatitis C virus-infected mothers who decided not to breast feed due to their concerns regarding their plasma viral load were randomly assigned to either a formula with 8 g/L of a specific prebiotic mixture (short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides, ratio 9:1) or a formula containing the same amount of maltodextrin (placebo). Clinical examination including anthropometric measurements, microbiological analysis of fecal samples, and blood leukocyte population analysis were performed at birth and 3, 6, and 12 mo age. At the age of 12 mo, hepatitis B vaccine-specific IgG serum titers (Hepatitis B virus surface antibodies) were also measured. Prebiotic supplementation resulted in more fecal bifidobacteria (P < 0.0001) and lactobacilli (P = 0.0044) compared with the placebo group. These differences between the groups were maintained during the second half of the first year without any prebiotic supplementation. There was no influence of the different diets on anthropometric data or the measured immunological variables. The data from this small explorative study indicate that early colonization of the intestine might have long-lasting effects on the composition of the intestinal microbiota
Specific synbiotics in early life protect against diet-induced obesity in adult mice
Aims: The metabolic state of human adults is associated with their gut microbiome. The symbiosis between host and microbiome is initiated at birth, and early life microbiome perturbation can disturb health throughout life. Here, we determined how beneficial microbiome interventions in early life affect metabolic health in adulthood. Methods: Postnatal diets were supplemented with either prebiotics (scGOS/lcFOS) or synbiotics (scGOS/lcFOS with Bifidobacterium breve M-16V) until post-natal (PN) day 42 in a well-established rodent model for nutritional programming. Mice were subsequently challenged with a high-fat Western-style diet (WSD) for 8 weeks. Body weight and composition were monitored, as was gut microbiota composition at PN21, 42 and 98. Markers of glucose homeostasis, lipid metabolism and host transcriptomics of 6 target tissues were determined in adulthood (PN98). Results: Early life synbiotics protected mice against WSD-induced excessive fat accumulation throughout life, replicable in 2 independent European animal facilities. Adult insulin sensitivity and dyslipidaemia were improved and most pronounced changes in gene expression were observed in the ileum. We observed subtle changes in faecal microbiota composition, both in early life and in adulthood, including increased abundance of Bifidobacterium. Microbiota transplantation using samples collected from synbiotics-supplemented adolescent mice at PN42 to age-matched germ-free recipients did not transfer the beneficial phenotype, indicating that synbiotics-modified microbiota at PN42 is not sufficient to transfer long-lasting protection of metabolic health status. Conclusion: Together, these findings show the potential and importance of timing of synbiotic interventions in early life during crucial microbiota development as a preventive measure to lower the risk of obesity and improve metabolic health throughout life
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