797 research outputs found

    The Politeness Prosody of the Javanese Directive Speech

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    This experimental phonetic research deals with the prosodies of directive speech in Javanese. The research procedures were: (1) speech production, (2) acoustic analysis, and (3) perception test. The data investigated are three directive utterances, in the form of statements, commands, and questions. The data were obtained by recording dialogues that present polite as well as impolite speech. Three acoustic experiments were conducted for statements, commands, and questions in directive speech: (1) modifications of duration, (2) modifications of contour, and (3) modifications of fundamental frequency. The result of the subsequent perception tests to 90 stimuli with 24 subjects were analysed statistically with ANOVA (Analysis of Variant). Based on this statistic analysis, the prosodic characteristics of polite and impolite speech were identified

    The Politeness Prosody of the Javanese Directive Speech

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    This experimental phonetic research deals with the prosodies of directive speech in Javanese. The research procedures were: (1) speech production, (2) acoustic analysis, and (3) perception test. The data investigated are three directive utterances, in the form of statements, commands, and questions. The data were obtained by recording dialogues that present polite as well as impolite speech. Three acoustic experiments were conducted for statements, commands, and questions in directive speech: (1) modifications of duration, (2) modifications of contour, and (3) modifications of fundamental frequency. The result of the subsequent perception tests to 90 stimuli with 24 subjects were analysed statistically with ANOVA (Analysis of Variant). Based on this statistic analysis, the prosodic characteristics of polite and impolite speech were identified

    Moralitas dalam Novel Sesuk Karya Tere Liye Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

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    Literary works always provide moral messages related to human traits, fighting for human rights and dignity. This analysis aims to describe the moral values ​​in the novel Sesuk by Tere Liye. The data source for this analysis is the novel Sesuk by Tere Liye with a total of 327 pages which will be published in 2022. The form of the data from this analysis is in the form of sentence excerpts in the novel Sesuk by Tere Liye which are related to moral values. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The approach taken in this analysis uses a moral approach. The results of the analysis are in the form of issues regarding human moral values ​​in the novel Sesuk by Tere Liye in the form of human relations with their God, human relations with themselves, human relations with other human being


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    Commissive is one of illocutionary acts which mean the speaker commits a certain action in the future. This study examines the realization of commissive of promising across languages in Indonesia (Javanese and Mandarese). The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative based on Searle’s (1976) theory. The sources of the data are based on the researchers’ intuition as native speakers. The procedure of analyzing the data is by identifying the characteristics of commissive of promising in two languages. The result shows that in Javanese, promising can be performed by “ya”, “tenan”, “mengko”, “saestu”, “mangke”, and “sesuk”. Meanwhile, in Mandarese, promising can be performed by “iye”, “mangaku a”, “ya iyo”, “pa”,“manini”,“majanji a”, “manu pa”, “pura pa”, “banda tia”, “penuhi tia”, “pennassai i”, “pelambi’i tia”, and “kalamanna”. Komisif adalah salah satu tindak ilokusi yang berarti penutur berkomitmen untuk melakuka nsesuatu di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini membahas realisasi bentuk komisif berjanji antar bahasa di Indonesia (bahasa Jawa dan Bahasa Mandar). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan teori Searle (1976). Sumber data diperoleh dari intuisi peneliti sebagai penutur asli. Prosedur analisis data dilakukan dengan mengindetifikasi ciri-ciri komisif berjanji yang ada dalam dua bahasa tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam Bahasa Jawa, komisif berjanji dapat ditunjukkan melalui kata “ya”, “tenan”, “mengko”, “saestu”, “mangke” dan “sesuk”. Sedangkan, pada bahasa Mandar komisif berjanji dapat ditunjukkan melalui ujaran-ujaran “iye”,“mangaku a”,“ya iyo”,“pa”,“manini”,“majanji a”, “manu pa”,“pura pa”,“banda tia”,“penuhi tia”,“pennassai i”,“pelambi’i tia”, dan “kalamanna”

    Self-Actualization of The Main Character Gadis: a Case Study at Liye’s Novel Sesuk

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    A literary work is seen not only as a work of art that is expressed through various experiences in social life, but also as a creative work related to psychological symptoms, namely human attitudes and behavior. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of the main character, to describe the form of fulfillment of needs as the main character's self-actualization process, and to describe the self-actualization characteristics contained in the main character. This study uses Abraham Maslow's theory of humanistic psychology. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained from the text in the novel Sesuk by Tere Liye, data from literature studies using heuristic reading techniques. Data analysis was performed by using hermeneutic reading techniques. The results of the study show that Gadis as the main character has both good and bad characters. Fulfilling the physiological needs of the female character, namely eating, drinking, and resting. The fulfillment of the need for security is shown by other characters who look after the girl so that she feels safe. The need for love and belonging is demonstrated by the girl character getting love from the people around her. The need for self-esteem and appreciation is shown by those who try to maintain their self-esteem and parents and people around them who give awards in the form of appreciation to them. The need for actualization is shown through the return of the girl's family to become a complete and harmonious family

    Frasa Nomina Atributif dalam Bahasa Jawa Dialek Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini merupakan yang membahas mengenai frasa nominal atributif dalam bahasa Jawa Dialek Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dekstiptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memaparkan frasa nominal atributif dalam bahasa Jawa dialek Jatim. Metode penelitian kualitatif. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan metode simak dan metode instrospeksi. Peneliti sebagai penutur asli bahasa Jawa dialek Jatim mengumpulkan sendiri data-data kebahasaan yang akan diteliti, mencatat kemudian melakukan analisis terhadap data yang telah dikumpulkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Frasa Nominal Atributif (FNA) dalam bahasa Jawa merupakan frasa yang memiliki UP (unsur pusat) berupa nomina dan frasa nominal serta atribut yang terdiri dari beberapa jenis atribut, yaitu (1) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori nomina dan frasa nominal, (2) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori verba, (3) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori adjektiva atau frasa adjektival, (4) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori adverbial atau frasa adverbial, (5) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori demonstrativa, (6) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori numeralia, (7) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori preposisional, (8) FNA dengan atribut yang berkategori frasa yang berunsur pusat ‘sing’ dengan aksis adjektiva, verba dan preposisional

    Evaluation on Biofilter in Recirculating Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

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    Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture pays more attention as a bio-integrated food production system that serves as a model of sustainable aquaculture, minimizes waste discharge, increases diversity and yields multiple products. The objectives of this research were to analyze the efficiency of total ammonia nitrogen biofiltration and its effect on carrying capacity of fish rearing units. Pilot-scale bioreactor was designed with eight run-raceways (two meters of each) that assembled in series. Race 1-3 were used to stock silky worm (Tubifex sp) as detrivorous converter, then race 4-8 were used to plant three species of leaf-vegetable as photoautotrophic converters, i.e; spinach (Ipomoea reptana), green mustard (Brassica juncea) and basil (Ocimum basilicum). The three plants were placed in randomized block design based on water flow direction. Mass balance of nutrient analysis, was applied to figure out the efficiency of bio-filtration and its effect on carrying capacity of rearing units. The result of the experiment showed that 86.5 % of total ammonia nitrogen removal was achieved in 32 days of culturing period. This efficiency able to support the carrying capacity of the fish tank up to 25.95 kg/lpm with maximum density was 62.69 kg/m3 of fish biomass productio

    Kesantunan Tindak Direktif pada Tuturan Anak dan Orang Tua di Desa Ngumbul Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan anak, bentuk kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan orang tua, dan skala kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan anak dan orang tua di Desa Ngumbul, Kabupaten Pacitan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Objek penelitian berupa kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan anak dan orang tua di Desa Ngumbul, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa data lisan atau wawancara terhadap anak remaja yang berusia 12—15 tahun dan orang tua yang dilakukan pada Desember 2017. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara bertingkat, yaitu: pertama, diadakan pengumpulan data kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan anak kepada orang tuanya; dan kedua, dilakukan pengumpulan data kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan orang tua kepada anak. Dalam pengumpulan data tersebut digunakan alat perekam dan lembaran format pengamatan (observasi) serta catatan lapangan. Hasil rekaman ditranskripkan dan dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan anak kepada orang tuanya terdapat delapan tindak direktif, yaitu: meminta, memerintah, menasihati, menegur, mengajak, menyarankan, membujuk, dan mempersilakan. Kemudian, bentuk kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan orang tua kepada anaknya terdapat enam tindak direktif, yaitu: meminta, memerintah, menasihati, menyarankan, menginterogasi, dan memarahi. Selanjutnya, skala kesantunan tindak direktif pada tuturan anak dan orang tua di Desa Ngumbul, Kabupaten Pacitan, terdapat lima skala kesantunan, yaitu: skala kerugian dan keuntungan, pilihan, ketidaklangsungan, keotoritasan, dan jarak sosial

    Nomina, Promina, dan Numerallia dalam Bahasa Jawa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis basa-basi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen. Fokus tujuan yang lain yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan maksud basabasi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Fokus penelitian ini adalah jenis dan maksud basa-basi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen. Populasi penelitian ini berupa warga penutur basa-basi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen, dengan sampel sebagian kecil warga Desa Ngasinan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode simak yaitu dengan menyimak atau pengamatan. Data dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif. Instrument yang digunakan berupa human instrument, dibantu dengan alat rekam dan kartu data. Keabsahan data diperoleh melalui validitas (semantik, penutur asli, dan pertimbangan ahli) dan reabilitas (pengamatan secara terus menerus). Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi dua hal. Pertama, jenis basa-basi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen. Jenis basa-basi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen tersebut antara lain (1) kongratulasi; (2) harapan; (3) ajakan; (4) larangan; (5) perendahan hati; dan (6) pamit. Kedua, maksud basa-basi bahasa Jawa dialek Banyumas di Desa Ngasinan, Kecamatan Bonorowo, Kabupaten Kebumen tersebut antara lain (1) kongratulasi; (2) harapan; (3) ajakan; (4) larangan; (5) perendahan hati; dan (6) pamit yang terwadahi atau sesuai dengan konteks tuturan tersebut