135,462 research outputs found

    A Windows Phone 7 Oriented Secure Architecture for Business Intelligence Mobile Applications

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    This paper present and implement a Windows Phone 7 Oriented Secure Architecture for Business Intelligence Mobile Application. In the developing process is used a Windows Phone 7 application that interact with a WCF Web Service and a database. The types of Business Intelligence Mobile Applications are presented. The Windows mobile devices security and restrictions are presented. The namespaces and security algorithms used in .NET Compact Framework for assuring the application security are presented. The proposed architecture is showed underlying the flows between the application and the web service.Security, Secure Architecture, Mobile Applications, Business Intelligence, Web Service

    The Transitivity of Trust Problem in the Interaction of Android Applications

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    Mobile phones have developed into complex platforms with large numbers of installed applications and a wide range of sensitive data. Application security policies limit the permissions of each installed application. As applications may interact, restricting single applications may create a false sense of security for the end users while data may still leave the mobile phone through other applications. Instead, the information flow needs to be policed for the composite system of applications in a transparent and usable manner. In this paper, we propose to employ static analysis based on the software architecture and focused data flow analysis to scalably detect information flows between components. Specifically, we aim to reveal transitivity of trust problems in multi-component mobile platforms. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach with Android applications, although the generalization of the analysis to similar composition-based architectures, such as Service-oriented Architecture, can also be explored in the future

    A Windows Phone 7 Oriented Secure Architecture for Business Intelligence Mobile Applications

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    This paper present and implement a Windows Phone 7 Oriented Secure Architecture for Business Intelligence Mobile Application. In the developing process is used a Windows Phone 7 application that interact with a WCF Web Service and a database. The types of Business Intelligence Mobile Applications are presented. The Windows mobile devices security and restrictions are presented. The namespaces and security algorithms used in .NET Compact Framework for assuring the application security are presented. The proposed architecture is showed underlying the flows between the application and the web service

    Transformation of UML models for service-oriented software architectures

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    Comunicação apresentada ao IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 12, Washington, 2005.The main aim of this paper is to present how to transform user requirements models into a software architecture for mobile applications. The technique (called "4SRS") is essentially based on the mapping of UML use case diagrams into UML object diagrams. UML sequence, activity, and state diagrams and other artifacts can also be considered within the transformation decisions. The applicability of this technique is illustrated by presenting some results from an e-government mobile application. The development of mobile applications typically follow a service-oriented approach. A service is a software entity running on one or more machines and providing a particular type of function to a priori unknown clients. These services must communicate with each other, whose combination makes up a service-oriented architecture. The communication can involve either simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating some activity. Some means of connecting services to each other is needed, so workflow is a critical part of making services effective. When those services react to changes on user context, application are context-aware. For mobile applications, the definition of the underlying service-oriented software architecture must consider the services themselves as user requirements, as well as the mobile operators entry-points and the final clients interfaces, and use them to characterize the platform.USE-ME.GOV - IST-2002-002294 ; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - METHODES (POSI/CHS/37334/2001), STACOS (POSI/CHS/48875/2002)

    Consuming Web Services on Mobile Platforms

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    Web services are an emerging technology that provides interoperability between applications running in different platforms. The Web services technology provide the best approach to Service Oriented Architecture envision of component collaboration for better business re-quirements fulfilment in large enterprise systems. The challenges in implementing Web services consuming clients for low-resources mobile devices connected through unreliable wireless connections are delimited. The paper also presents a communication architecture that moves the heavy load of XML-based messaging system from the mobile clients to an external middleware component. The middleware component will act like a gateway that lightly com-municates with the device in a client-server manner over a fast binary protocol and at the same time takes the responsibility of solving the request to the Web service.Web Services, SOA, Mobile Computing, Mobile Devices

    A comparative analysis of adaptive middleware architectures based on computational reflection and aspect oriented programming to support mobile computing applications

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    Mobile computing applications are required to operate in environments in which the availability for resources and services may change significantly during system operation. As a result, mobile computing applications need to be capable of adapting to these changes to offer the best possible level of service to their users. However, traditional middleware is limited in its capability of adapting to environment changes and different users requirements. Computational Reflection and Aspect Oriented Programming paradigms have been used in the design and implementation of adaptive middleware architectures. In this paper, we propose two adaptive middleware architectures, one based on reflection and other based on aspects, which can be used to develop adaptive mobile applications. The reflection based architecture is compared to an aspect oriented based architecture from a quantitative perspective. The results suggest that middleware based on Aspect Oriented Programming can be used to build mobile adaptive applications that require less processor running time and more memory space than Computational Reflection while producing code that is easier to comprehend and modify.8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Consuming Web Services on Mobile Platforms

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    Web services are an emerging technology that provides interoperability between applications running in different platforms. The Web services technology provide the best approach to Service Oriented Architecture envision of component collaboration for better business re-quirements fulfilment in large enterprise systems. The challenges in implementing Web services consuming clients for low-resources mobile devices connected through unreliable wireless connections are delimited. The paper also presents a communication architecture that moves the heavy load of XML-based messaging system from the mobile clients to an external middleware component. The middleware component will act like a gateway that lightly com-municates with the device in a client-server manner over a fast binary protocol and at the same time takes the responsibility of solving the request to the Web service

    SCAMPI: Service platform for soCial Aware Mobile and Pervasive computIng

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    Allowing mobile users to find and access resources available in the surrounding environment opportunistically via their smart devices could enable them to create and use a rich set of services. Such services can go well beyond what is possible for a mobile phone acting alone. In essense, access to diverse resources such as raw computational power, social networking relationships, or sensor readings across a set of different devices calls for distributed task execution. In this paper, we discuss the SCAMPI architecture designed to support distributed task execution in opportunistic pervasive networks. The key elements of the architecture include leveraging human social behavior for efficient opportunistic interaction between a variety of sensors, personal communication devices and resources embedded in the local environment. The SCAMPI architecture abstracts resources asservice components following a service-oriented model. This enables composing rich applications that utilize a collection of service components available in the environment

    Network support for multimedia applications using the Netlets architecture

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    Multi-party multimedia networking applications such as e-commerce, distributed data analysis, Internet TV and advanced collaborative environments feature stringent end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) requirement and require globally distributed user groups to be interconnected. The variety of delivery requirements posed by such applications are best satisfied using highly customised networking protocols. Hence, a demand for networks to migrate from the current fixed service model to a more flexible architecture that accommodates a wide variety of networking services is emerging. New approaches are required in order to build such service oriented networks. Active networking is one such approach. Active networks treats the network as a programmable computation engine, which provides customised packet processing and forwarding operations for traffic flowing through network nodes. User applications can download new protocols into network elements at runtime, allowing rapid innovation of network services. This thesis makes the case for employing mobile agents to realise an active networking architecture, and describes such an architecture called the Netlets architecture. Netlets are autonomous, mobile components which persist and roam in the network independently, providing predefined network services. This thesis presents the design and implementation of the Netlet node and the service deployment m echanisms that are required to distribute Netlet services in the network. Using the Netlet toolkit, variety of network services were designed to provide network support for multimedia applications in the Internet. A service was implemented to enhance the working of the RSVP protocol in order to provide robust end-to-end QoS support even when the network is only partially QoS provisioned. A scalable and reliable multicast protocol was implemented using the unicast communication model that accommodate heterogeneous receiver terminals. Another service integrates client-side server selection support into web sessions established over the Internet. A service was also developed which provides QoS signalling support to legacy applications. It is shown that these Netlet services are of practical value using performance measurements to assess Netlet responsiveness. Netlet based solutions maybe deployed using existing technologies to provide support for a wide range of multimedia applications in the Internet. The Netlets architecture has thus been shown to allow value-added services to be added to existing networks. By optimising the Netlet architecture implementation, this may be extended to services operating on high-speed (1Gb/s and upwards) links. It thus shows promise as an architecture for building the next generation of active networking solutions

    A comparative analysis of adaptive middleware architectures based on computational reflection and aspect oriented programming to support mobile computing applications

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    Mobile computing applications are required to operate in environments in which the availability for resources and services may change significantly during system operation. As a result, mobile computing applications need to be capable of adapting to these changes to offer the best possible level of service to their users. However, traditional middleware is limited in its capability of adapting to environment changes and different users requirements. Computational Reflection and Aspect Oriented Programming paradigms have been used in the design and implementation of adaptive middleware architectures. In this paper, we propose two adaptive middleware architectures, one based on reflection and other based on aspects, which can be used to develop adaptive mobile applications. The reflection based architecture is compared to an aspect oriented based architecture from a quantitative perspective. The results suggest that middleware based on Aspect Oriented Programming can be used to build mobile adaptive applications that require less processor running time and more memory space than Computational Reflection while producing code that is easier to comprehend and modify.8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI