758,339 research outputs found
Sequential Design for Ranking Response Surfaces
We propose and analyze sequential design methods for the problem of ranking
several response surfaces. Namely, given response surfaces over a
continuous input space , the aim is to efficiently find the index of
the minimal response across the entire . The response surfaces are not
known and have to be noisily sampled one-at-a-time. This setting is motivated
by stochastic control applications and requires joint experimental design both
in space and response-index dimensions. To generate sequential design
heuristics we investigate stepwise uncertainty reduction approaches, as well as
sampling based on posterior classification complexity. We also make connections
between our continuous-input formulation and the discrete framework of pure
regret in multi-armed bandits. To model the response surfaces we utilize
kriging surrogates. Several numerical examples using both synthetic data and an
epidemics control problem are provided to illustrate our approach and the
efficacy of respective adaptive designs.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures (updated several sections and figures
Sequential Design for Optimal Stopping Problems
We propose a new approach to solve optimal stopping problems via simulation.
Working within the backward dynamic programming/Snell envelope framework, we
augment the methodology of Longstaff-Schwartz that focuses on approximating the
stopping strategy. Namely, we introduce adaptive generation of the stochastic
grids anchoring the simulated sample paths of the underlying state process.
This allows for active learning of the classifiers partitioning the state space
into the continuation and stopping regions. To this end, we examine sequential
design schemes that adaptively place new design points close to the stopping
boundaries. We then discuss dynamic regression algorithms that can implement
such recursive estimation and local refinement of the classifiers. The new
algorithm is illustrated with a variety of numerical experiments, showing that
an order of magnitude savings in terms of design size can be achieved. We also
compare with existing benchmarks in the context of pricing multi-dimensional
Bermudan options.Comment: 24 page
Finite sample performance of sequential designs for model identification
Classical regression analysis is usually performed in two steps. In a first step an appropriate model is identified to describe the data generating process and in a second step statistical inference is performed in the identified model. An intuitively appealing approach to the design of experiment for these different purposes are sequential strategies, which use parts of the sample for model identification and adapt the design according to the outcome of the identification steps. In this paper we investigate the finite sample properties of two sequential design strategies, which were recently proposed in the literature. A detailed comparison of sequential designs for model discrimination in several regression models is given by means of a simulation study. Some non-sequential designs are also included in the study. --optimal design,robust design,discrimination design,sequential design,F-test
Sequential auction and auction design
Often an auction designer has the option of selling, or purchasing, those lots available in one auction or a sequence of auctions. In addition, bidder opportunities will not be static, in part due to arrival of information, but also because bidders can face deadlines for making decisions. This paper examines the optimal decision about how to divide what is available over time.sequential auctions
Quantum Cost Optimization for Reversible Sequential Circuit
Reversible sequential circuits are going to be the significant memory blocks
for the forthcoming computing devices for their ultra low power consumption.
Therefore design of various types of latches has been considered a major
objective for the researchers quite a long time. In this paper we proposed
efficient design of reversible sequential circuits that are optimized in terms
of quantum cost, delay and garbage outputs. For this we proposed a new 3*3
reversible gate called SAM gate and we then design efficient sequential
circuits using SAM gate along with some of the basic reversible logic gates.Comment: Quantum 4.12 (2013). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
Design of Sequential Circuit Using Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA)
Quantum dot cellular autometa presents a promissing nanoscale technology for replacement of conventional cmos based circuits.In this paper we introduce qca logic gates such has qca inverter and qca majority gate.This paper design the sequential logic gates.such as D latch,SR latch,JK latch,T flipflop,D flipflop,2 bit counter,4 bit shift register.These designs are captured and simulated using a design calld QCA designer
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