1,091,425 research outputs found

    National Honor Society of Secondary Schools Charter, June 20, 1944

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    Standards for secondary school libraries : a preliminary statement

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    The Commonwealth Secondary Schools Libraries Committee was appointed by the Minister for Education and Science to advise him on the conditions and standards necessary for the effective development of the new program in relation to the independent schools. This involves recommending desirable standards for library buildings. furniture and equipment. books and materials and also establishing methods by which existing deficiencies in library facilities and services in particular schools may be determined. Committee members will visit independent schools to report to the Minister on their library needs and to assist the schools in developing plans for building adequate library facilities and in selecting materials and equipment. The Committee will thus be concerned with defining suitable standards for a modern secondary school library and with recommending means by which these standards may be attained in particular situations

    Secondary schools

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    Attendance in secondary schools

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    Families of Schools 2011: Black Country secondary schools

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    This is the 2011 edition of Families of Schools for the Black Country which is based on final 2010 data. The data presented allows users to compare the performance of their school against the performance of other Black Country schools with statistically similar pupil intakes. Head teachers can interrogate this data in different ways and use it as the basis for working collaboratively with other schools to narrow gaps and secure better outcomes for pupils. The first three editions of Families of Schools for Black Country secondary schools were published in 2008, 2009 and 2010. As with previous years, this edition includes GCSE results with and without English and maths, a Contextual Value Added (CVA) measure and contextual families focusing on English as an Additional Language (EAL) and mobility. When developing the 2011 families an overall aim was to retain existing families where possible although some families have changed to accommodate new schools and to allow schools to move families if they had become outliers within their existing family

    Absenteeism from Secondary Schools, 2016/17

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    A study of current practice in liaison between primary and secondary schools in physical education

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate current practice in liaison between primary and secondary schools to promote continuity and progression in physical education during the transfer of pupils from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 and to identify constraints to engaging in liaison activities. A questionnaire was completed by the head of the physical education department in secondary schools in five local education authorities in England that received pupils from primary schools in year 7 (n = 80) and by the physical education coordinator of the primary feeder schools of those secondary schools that responded to the questionnaire (n = 299). Results showed that 32 (43.8%) secondary teachers and 157 (53.4%) primary teachers identified that they had established contacts with their primary feeder schools or associated secondary schools respectively; and 49 (64.5%) secondary teachers but 114 (39.6%) primary teachers identified that currently they were engaged in liaison activities. There was a discrepancy between the percentages of teachers who indicated they had contacts with their primary feeder schools or associated secondary schools respectively, and who indicated they were engaged in liaison activities with them. These results suggested that contacts with and/or engagement in liaison activities between primary and secondary schools were not consistent across schools. A range of constraints for developing effective contacts/liaison activities were identified, with time being identified as the major constraint by both primary and secondary teachers. A range of suggestions for overcoming the constraints were also identified. These results are discussed in relation to findings from studies looking at liaison in other subjects and also in relation to the implications for schools

    Teaching PSHE in secondary schools

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    This Spotlight article looks at teaching PSHE in secondary school

    Economics, business and enterprise education: a summary of inspection evidence; April 2007 to March 2010

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    This report evaluates the strengths and weaknesses in economics, business and enterprise education in primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. It covers two separate aspects of the curriculum: •formally assessed economics and business courses taken by students aged 14 to 18 in secondary schools and colleges •whole-school enterprise education; that is provision to promote economic and business understanding and enterprise and financial capability for all pupils in primary schools and students in secondary schools
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